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I quite like the clean, uncluttered look. Somewhat ironically, given how long we're talking, it also reminds me of the old VBulletin format from forums I was involved with years ago. I mean that in a good way. I also had no trouble signing in, and considering how these sorts of things can go sometimes, I'm happily surprised.

However, I do have a concern. It appears as though it's no longer possible to search specific mod comment page threads via the forum side of things. Unless I'm missing something? I guess, given you've completely separated the two, that does make sense from a technical standpoint. I do hope, though, that you'll eventually add the ability to search within comments... In part, for the sake of people like me, who usually just ask questions as a last resort (either for trouble-shooting, or out of curiosity), and, more importantly, for the sake of mod authors who are already deluged with the same questions over and over.

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Great work on the update everything works flawless. Concerning UI its horrible now, much less intuitive and harder to find things compared to before. Message management, e.g. delete specific messages in PM is not possible anymore. Much is hidden behind buttons. Again respect for the flawless integration and migration. The UI however is a step backwards.

This is my first impression and it will probably change after time, but not be able to delete specific PM notes and alot more buttons over buttons will probably not change my FoV. Regards.

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Hey! Not sure if anyone else has experienced this but I hid my files for the moment and when I came back to the forums I lost access to GMAD. It's nowhere to be seen in my categories list anymore, even after unhiding my files. I did not press anything forum side either.ย 



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Not bad... I can't be affirmative because I only open the new forums right now, but the first contact seems promising. I di like the new theme too.

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Congratulations, now it's just another flashy junkyard like Reddit and Discord, bleh. Well, at least not an infinite scroll, bit of good. Either way, where are settings for changing appearance back? It was stylish, compact and laconical. ps. Font sizes seem somewhat unbalanced.

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Joined 2011, over 6000 posts and I just got the one year badge.ย  What's up?ย 

What happened to the signatures?ย 

A points based system, how to you get points?

I take it you have to scroll through all the previous posts to get to the latest post instead of having the latest post shown first.ย 

What happened to the link to the Nexus Mods?

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24 minutes ago, JimboUK said:

This is a huge improvement, despite losing 20,000 posts from my count and being downgraded to a noob who has only been here a year, maybe the other 14 years were only a dream?ย ย ๐Ÿ˜„

Look at it this way.... Nexus has suddenly shaved years away from the ageing process... At least, that's what I'm trying to tell myself. ๐Ÿ˜„

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