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Introducing the new Video Share section


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Gave 'er a test run by adding a video and it seems to be working just fine. Suggestion: add a "tuturial" or similar category. Thanks so much for adding this feature! Will we receive notification of comments on our videos like we do on our mods?
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So you guys are awesome? Is that the point of this? To demonstrate how awesome you are? :P


Seriously, great feature. And a huge time sink, I might add. I already spend enough time browsing videos on the Internet. :D

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Hmmmmm...interesting. I was thinking of turning my YT channel from Let's Play to reviewing mods...this might just be a reason to do so. HOWEVER...like someone already mentioned, the hunt for copyright abuse is on and in full force at YT and even the smallest mention of copyrighted music (even background music, from what I understand) can get a channel and a user in serious issues.


What's the Nexus' take on all that?

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Where do we stand on copyrighted music? if I understand your post correctly the videos are embedded, if so then I assume licencing is Youtubes problem, if not then it's yours. Many people add music to their videos and a lot of games have licensed music in them, Saints Row, GTA ect.


@AncientGamer65 You don't get into trouble if you don't wrongly dispute the copyright holders claim, the copyright holders want to get paid and as long as you don't interfere with that they're generally cool. I have a load of videos that have been captured by the ContentID system, they're all still up and my account is in good standing because I accept the stuff belongs to them and they have the right to the ad money.

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In response to post #13902788.

The current stance I'm taking is that it's YouTube's problem, not ours. YouTube are getting more and more strict, one might even say "Nexus strict", so typically if it's OK for YouTube, it's OK for us in this regard.
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So far so good, I added a couple of tutorial vids and they work just fine. A question about the Categories: Some I understand just fine (i.e. "Funny", "Tutorial", etc.) What is the general intent with others, such as "General" vs. "Individual Showcase". I have some home mod reviews I want to add, but am unsure of the right Category in which to put them.


Good addition, allows us to separate the "wheat from the chaff", so to speak, that we find browsing Youtube.


-Cal, Dirty Weasel Media

Edited by CalTexRN
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In response to post #13902788. #13920733 is also a reply to the same post.

Thank you, I just wanted to be sure. I have noticed an issue, when forcing HD by adding &vq=hd720 or &vq=hd1080 to the URL there is no thumbnail generated for the video here, I don't know if the problem is with the code here or with Youtube. Edited by jim_uk
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In response to post #13902788. #13920733, #13923213 are all replies on the same post.

It's good to hear you say that. :) There are putzes on YT who think that music makers are " Double Dipping" (*coughDSPGamingcough*) by wanting their cut of the revenue, which IS rightfully theirs, and it's good to see folks around here are on the ball and know what's what. I may be using this in the future...thanks! :) Edited by AncientGamer65
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Guest deleted6448750
Looks promising, i would love to post my gameplays on youtube for the world watch it, but with my slow conection (only 512kbps of upload) it will take forever to uploada video of 15g .
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