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Favourite "old" game?


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  • 2 weeks later...

The first game I ever played on a computer was on the university's computer and it was backgammon. But the first game on my own machine - a ZX81 - was The Warlock of Firetop Mountain. I wouldn't describe it as my favourite though. I think Morrowind  has to be 'up there' along with Baldur's Gate I &2. I recently tried playing Ultima IX: Ascension  but I struggled with it. The first time through though - in 1999 - I thought it was amazing. 🙂

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  • 1 month later...

SimPark, from 1996. That game was soooo much fun. My brother and I spent who knows how many hours playing it.

Our favourite thing to do, one that is not supposed to be done, was trapping park visitors in areas of varying sizes. They'd slide down a slide and never be able to leave. 😈

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SimCity 2000 is one I always come back to from time to time.  It (along with SimEarth) was my first Maxis Sim game, and got me into building/simulation games in the first place. 

And of course Tetris is a classic in any decent version, from early computer ports, to the Game Boy version, to good knock-offs/clones like a couple in my Linux distro's repository.

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Not my absolute favourite old game (that's BG1 and 2) but I'm currently playing 7kaa. It used to be bundled with Synaptic on Linux - I'm not sure if it still is as I'm using the latest version which I downloaded (it's free and community maintained). It's still my favourite strategy game... 

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