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Fallout 4 modding already in decline?


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Well they definitely didn't do the longevity of the game a favor when they removed & dumbed down so many of the RPG elements.


And by now pretty everyone has to admit that the bethesda.aids site is a flat out kick to the nuts for the modding community.



Overall however I do admit that fallout is a good game, it's just so much of the game feels more like early Far Cry games then you know Fallout.


Hopefully Obsidian gets a hold of the franchise for another turn and shows Bethesda what it can do for future titles down the line.

Edited by zc123
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How many doom and gloom threads over modding can there be?


I seem to remember we already had several these last few weeks. I guess once the patching orgy by Bethesda is over and the last DLC published, interested modders will pick up for real because they don't have to worry anymore over an ever changing game.

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I still think, that the huge amount of really good mods already exceeded the demand for mods some time ago. There are still very nice mods released almost every day. But do i really need the next PA paint? I already got tons of perfect paints for my >60 PA, do i need more than 100 PA?

Do i need the next perfectly implemented weapon? There are already so many nice guns, it would take 2-3 more full gameplays to try them all.

Do we need even more very nice building parts for the workshop? The next DLC will give us even more.


The only thing which is still missing and what is one of the hardest things to achieve also for modders: good story RPG mods with full voice and animation support.

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Well they definitely didn't do the longevity of the game a favor when they removed & dumbed down so many of the RPG elements.




This, the lack of choices and a voiced PC mean you have to play the character that Bethesda created, all you can do is change the appearance and gender, then you're put on rails. The start of the game didn't help, I felt no attachment to this character at all, she's getting all upset about a baby I'd seen for five seconds and a husband who'd done nothing but make creepy comments behind her in chargen, I didn't care about any of it and I was given no way to express that. As for modding, let's see what happens when Skyrim Shiny Edition comes out, I think more than a few modders will be dropping Fallout for a chance to mod a Skyrim that doesn't have the memory restrictions of the original.

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Well they definitely didn't do the longevity of the game a favor when they removed & dumbed down so many of the RPG elements.




This, the lack of choices and a voiced PC mean you have to play the character that Bethesda created, all you can do is change the appearance and gender, then you're put on rails. The start of the game didn't help, I felt no attachment to this character at all, she's getting all upset about a baby I'd seen for five seconds and a husband who'd done nothing but make creepy comments behind her in chargen, I didn't care about any of it and I was given no way to express that. As for modding, let's see what happens when Skyrim Shiny Edition comes out, I think more than a few modders will be dropping Fallout for a chance to mod a Skyrim that doesn't have the memory restrictions of the original.


That was my point. It's not that Fallout 4 is such a bad game it will be abandoned, butt Skyrim's consistent popularity coupled with a new set of tweaks will revitalize an already enduring giant. I don't hate Fallout 4 for being a bad game, I loathe it for being a horrible RPG (and I spent 90 f*#@ing dollars for a first rate RPG, not a Far Cry reskin without beautiful scenery, real animals and working vehicles.) But even that pales in comparison to what Skytts was getting at: the Steam numbers. It's not the modding numbers that concern me, it's the ebb in players coming back to the game. And I suspect that that's because there's nothing to come back to. I feel like there's nothing worth coming back to.


I will respect Chucksteel's opinion of Skyrim, but without a good green mod AND a real animals mods AND more, non-player built settlements, it's not going to be a fun thing for me to explore. Certainly not like Skyrim, which was a joy to get lost in. If that means Fantasy worlds lend themselves to Bethesda's sandbox designs and (totally unrealistically dead) post-apocalyptic worlds do not then I will quote Nicholas Cage OH REALLY?!!!


For the record I don't enjoy complaining about Fallout 4. If I could get a full refund, I would delete the game off my computer and never speak of it again. But that's not going to happen, and we all know it.

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The voice PC thing is actually a traditional element in RPGs that was simply dropped for a silent protagonist over the years. I'm also finding that they are ripping ideas from mods from game to game and incorporating them into their next games. While flattering, this also removes the amount of creativity modders can have. Especially when Beth likes to lock most of the useful data behind the game engine and leaving it out of the CK. So when it comes to modding, that's where I'll be complaining the most. The game itself is fine, and I'm rather addicted to it.

I also want to urge a bit of caution with everyone's seemingly high expectations of Skyrim: SSE. Remember who is making this game. Do expect things to not be what they should be.

And IMO another big costly blow (this was true for Skyrim so much..) was taking their sweet ass time releasing the CK for Fallout 4.

Edited by TummaSuklaa
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What is all this talk about "modding dying?" Don't listen to those youtube people, they are the gaming equivalent of Mad Money, loud and sensationalist.


If there are things about the game you hate, change them yourself, don't wait for someone else to do it. That is what I am doing. Most likely, a lot of other peole are waiting too, and have want the same things as you do.


Also, why does number of players or popularity matter? It doesn't, only as much as you make it matter. You want to talk about a game with low number of players, go play Morrowind. There's your quality RPG experience, and hardly anyone plays it nowadays.


It's like people are thinking there is this river of mods that is suddenly going to dry up. Go make your own mods, if you are so worried about it. I think popularity actually makes average quality worse. Look at some of the top-rated mods, it is like thong-and-panties stuff, just more noise to sift through.


My own opinion: I think Skyrim is worse than Fallout 4 in many ways. The main problem has to do with scope of events in the game. Killing so many dragons, for one, which aren't supposed to be your garden-variety dragons. The Civil War, which has no consequences, and the entire main quest... I felt no urgency or desire to complete it until months and months of other stuff.

I don't like the clothing/armor. The steel looks like plastic. There is no layering of armor at all. Instead of a suit of plates, it's a ren-fair costume.

Random encounters are repeated endlessly.

The Remastered Edition probably won't change any of my gripes, what I believe is fundamentally wrong with the game.


Anyway just enjoy what you do, try not to listen to other people, especially youtube commentators. It's all speculation, and designed to get views.


Edit: A complaint I have about Bethesda's Fallout games is the weirdly family-driven plots. Going to find "your dad?" Going to find "your baby?" Why does any of this matter in a world where your very survival is on the line, and you can't take a piss in a bush without getting shot at?

I like the idea of a pragmatic plot much better, something relevant to survival, such as, I don't know... finding a water chip? Saving your people from extinction? Etc.

Edited by mkborgelt13
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Welcome to 2016, where every game gets it's "15 min of fame" until 15 min later when a new game comes out, and so on and so on. Add to that peoples 2 sec attention span these days and no game is going to be FOTM for very long.


Lol, I haven't seen a game stay popular for more than 6 months since World of Warcraft released. There are just too many to chose from now.


I love FO4 and will probably be playing it until FO5 comes out, doesn't matter to me if no one ever creates another mod, I'll just make my own. ;)

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I don't think its dying. In the short amount of time Fallout 4 has been around it has almost as many mods as Fallout 3 has for its lifespan. Not saying that's anyway scientific, I think in a few years we'll see a ton of stuff. That being said, is it perfect? Hell no, the voiced PC could be way better, but I don't think its any worse than 3 or New Vegas.

Honestly I just think a lot of people had far too lofty expectations, or putting 3 and New Vegas on a pedestal. Or they like to complain about things like Bethesda.net (which isn't a kick in the groin. in my opinion a very good thing) Seems like the fun thing to do is whine about some element of this game.

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