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PC Gaming vs Console - they're both expensive


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It's nice that you think your Fisher-Price "My First Almost-Computer™" is great ....



Best description of consoles I've seen.

kudos to you for that remark....

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You forgot "hug every chest-high wall in sight" and "enjoy the brown panorama and the manly grunts" for a realistic console experience.

Edited by Ethreon
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Let's not descend into the usual "console plebes vs. PC master race" arguments. People play games for different reasons, and they'll choose the platform they play on for different reasons. I prefer a PC, but I've never owned a console. I started gaming on a PC, and I'll probably finish (three days before my funeral) on a PC. On the other hand, if you prefer playing on a console or feel a burning need to have games which aren't available on PC, then more power to you. Game on your console to your heart's content. Meanwhile, I'll be over here checking the Wiki for a walk through while I'm still in the game just because I can. :P

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I realise the innate and utter superiority of PCs for I am a man of Enlightenment XD.


That said, I won't disparage console users; for the longest time I was playing on an Xbox 360, some of the best gaming years of my life were spent playing the Halo series, especially the multiplayer. The Kinect always on feature of the XBone was the nail in the coffin though, that and the underpar specs compared to the PS4.

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Let's not descend into the usual "console plebes vs. PC master race" arguments. People play games for different reasons, and they'll choose the platform they play on for different reasons. I prefer a PC, but I've never owned a console. I started gaming on a PC, and I'll probably finish (three days before my funeral) on a PC. On the other hand, if you prefer playing on a console or feel a burning need to have games which aren't available on PC, then more power to you. Game on your console to your heart's content. Meanwhile, I'll be over here checking the Wiki for a walk through while I'm still in the game just because I can. :P

lol it could be read as though you are still playing 3 days before your funeral ends.


Also the biggest thing consoles had that I thought was better then PC was the ability to play co-op. Though outside Nintendo Co-op has disappeared.

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I don't see the point in the XBone, its exclusives are on Windows anyway, the PS4 is worth grabbing though, it's got some good exclusives and stuff you won't find on the PC.


Where was Fable 2?



Fable 2 was on the 360 but it also works on the XBone, I played though it the other week, it hasn't aged well. I've got an Xbone but it mostly gets used as a 4K Blu-Ray player for the bedroom and for the backwards compatible stuff, for modern gaming it's pointless if you've got a gaming PC.

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In terms of expenditure - You're more likely to spend more money on the console in the long term because all new games that come out, cost the same ($60)


PC is cheaper in that regard due to Steam -- But it's really dependent on who published the title. A high spec. build for a PC can outlast 2 console generations. I say the word "Build" as it implies that you build your own system. None of this retail garbage like AlienWare - which is only famous for it's name and the price is massively over-inflated.



EDIT: I have only ever been tempted to buy a console because of a game. But my better judgement convinced me otherwise. I have not used a console for about 9 years.

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I don't see the point in the XBone, its exclusives are on Windows anyway, the PS4 is worth grabbing though, it's got some good exclusives and stuff you won't find on the PC.


My problem with the PS4 is that I don't like Sony in the current generation. They've been very anti-consumer in recent years (be it their anti-mods bs or the Fortnite problem they created for Switch users), and personally... I don't tolerate that. It's why I have an Xbox One right now over PS4 (and yes, I know Microsoft has their own fair share. There is some stuff I can tolerate, especially when it is done by both parties, but Microsoft has backed off from their terrible original design of the Xbox One).


Also, personally, I do have both a gaming PC and an Xbox One. While my gaming PC isn't the best or anything but that is because I am poor in general. I can't really afford a newer and the best gaming PC out there. It's good enough to run ESO at max graphics, Paladins at max, and so on though. So I do just fine personally with it. Also, before someone asks... My Xbox was actually a Christmas Gift from my father (He won like 1,000 dollars), and no. I couldn't have him buy me a gaming PC because he is too stupid to understand the parts and what not when it comes to technology. It's easier to just say "I want an Xbox One".


That example is honestly why I like consoles... They're convenience and easy to use, maintain, and play. Sure, gaming PCs are too but mostly for us nerds that already uses computers a lot. However, you gotta remember that the vast majority of the audience are casual people who don't even know what RAM does and just wants a simple plug and play "computer". It's why consoles do dominate the market (as much as you may hate to admit it... The console audience I believe is larger than the PC audience right now; if we discount people like myself who owns both).


Personally though, I like having one due to the convenience of them too. It is much easier to pick up and move my console around and play it than my whole PC set. Even recently, where my room was being worked on. I couldn't easily find a new spot for my PC set, so I just move my desk into a safe spot in the room while the one wall gets worked on, and then just move my console upstairs, set it up in the kitchen, and just played w/e I have on it while my wall was being worked on. Or perhaps I am going to a friend's place or a family member's place... I can easily bring my console over but not my PC... And so on...


That and some games I do honestly enjoy more so on my Xbox than PC, and I know. I can use an Xbox controller on my PC, and I don't care honestly...




Also, quick note on Sony Exclusives... They are all like the same game. Story driven 3rd person shooter/slasher with a mixture of crafting and stealth elements.

Edited by Jusey1
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