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Blog piece: Ads, Supporters, Endorsements and Bandwidth Throttling


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@potatochip: I think you're being a bit unfair with the 'petty' remark. While I get the idea of promoting the benefits of paying rather than reducing the benefits for those not paying, it reads as though you didn't see the part about what it would mean to Dark0ne et al if every ordinary user made that small payment - certainly the results would not be 'petty'.


It also seems a bit mean to say that the network shouldn't expand - do I detect a note of "supporting other peoples' games is making my experience worse"? Anyway, I think it's Skyrim that has really put the nexus network to the test, from what Dark0ne has written before (though you may not be here for Skyrim).


My comments above don't mean I don't support the changes being talked about here either. While I said I 'get it', I don't think there's anything wrong with what Dark0ne described.


Edited by EpF
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All you trolls who are bitching because about fees strike me as the type of bums who aren't happy unless they get something amazing for nothing. Pony up 2 bucks and help out! I'll bet you think Bethesda should release TES titles as freeware, too.


As Dark0ne said, this project dies without contributions. Me, I am on this site daily. My membership was money well spent.


Where would you moochers find incredible mods if this site died? Steam? Curse? Good luck with that.


Thank you, Dark0ne, for your initial investment in this site, and the fine work you and your team has done.


PS-- Potatochip-- some of these guys call you unfair, I call you a b&@*$. If you donate nothing, you don't have a right to comment on a financial discussion.

Edited by KensaiTonada
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I must confess to being one of the people with a poor endorsement record. I didn't join the Nexus until Skyrim arrived and it took me a long time to decide to start using NMM. Then, I still can't believe I had so much trouble figuring out the endorsement system. Just as an aside, don't forget to vote for your favorite mod, each month, for whatever game you are playing. I'll try to do better with endorsement from now on. Really, I will.
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Honestly, ads aren't so bad. So long as you don't start adding popup ads, and keep the ads to non-intrusive locations on the page so they don't interfere with the site content itself, they're fine.


Also, I must say I like the incentives that you're introducing, since it allows those of us who already do all of these things to get 1.5x our current download limit without changing our habits at all.


Just, please, for the love of all that is sacred, don't have voiced ads. They get so very, very annoying when they start auto playing and you can't tell which page they're coming from.

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I guess that it's stupid question time for me. Do you have any plans on adding a donate button / tip jar to your site?


I bought the lifetime membership, but that was a year and a half ago and I used the heck out of the site, between Oblivion, the last two Fallouts and now Skyrim. This is one of the few sites I visit where I feel the urge to throw a few bucks toward the author from time to time, if just to say keep up the good work.

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potatochip, ya get what ya pay for.


I forked out on a Premium Membership to admittedly get rid of the ads. And to get a slightly higher download speed (not that it helped because I'm on speed-capped ADSL+2!). And you know what?


It was worth it. The replay volume I've gotten out of Skyrim and Dragon Age because of Nexus is huge.


One pound isn't that much if you want to be free of ads.

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  On 2/5/2013 at 8:43 PM, KensaiTonada said:

All you trolls who are bitching because about fees strike me as the type of bums who aren't happy unless they get something amazing for nothing. Pony up 2 bucks and help out! I'll bet you think Bethesda should release TES titles as freeware, too.


As Dark0ne said, this project dies without contributions. Me, I am on this site daily. My membership was money well spent.


Where would you moochers find incredible mods if this site died? Steam? Curse? Good luck with that.


Thank you, Dark0ne, for your initial investment in this site, and the fine work you and your team has done.


PS-- Potatochip-- some of these guys call you unfair, I call you a *censored*. If you donate nothing, you don't have a right to comment on a financial discussion.


What a mature response.


I love how you suggest people don't have a right to criticize something if they haven't paid for it.


Here's the thing. A limited download speed isn't going to stop me from using the site, and it's clear stopping "moochers" is not his goal. The Nexus pages never forced people to pay for anything, and only now are they imposing limits on people who choose not to. I think that's a mistake.


Sorry if you feel you have a louder voice here because you contributed some money for extra benefits, the reality is that's not true.

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