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What to do with cycles ? Can anyone help ?


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I followed ESO and Ultimate Immersion guide to install what he shows in videos, but on the way i noticed that i cant follow his steps cause the video presents older version of mods.


So i tried to follow his steps but with the new updated mods, and ended up having red arrows next to mods cause of what dependencies he said to put.

Then i started to put in suggested dependency for each mod, and in the end i got them all green. Some have rules some have no rules. but all are green.

But now it says :


Mod rules contain cycles (and it shows the pic i uploaded when i check them)


Missing Masters


Plugin Dependencies not fufilled


I have absolutly no idee what to do after following a stept by step guide.

Can anyone help pls?

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To clarify: A cycle means you told Vortex something like: load A after B, load B after C, load C after A - which in turn means A would have to be after and before C at the same time.


In the graph there are almost certainly multiple cycles that are connected, like "a->b->c->a and c->d->e->c"


To fix this:

Start at any mod, right-click the mod, select "Highlight Cycle". Now it should have highlighted only a single cycle involving that mod and it should be easier to see how they form a cycle.

You can right-click on any connecting line and select the option to flip its direction.


So if you have "a after b after c after a" you can flip literally any of those connections and it won't be a cycle any more:

a after b after c before a - works, not a cycle, valid order is c, b, a

a after b before c after a - works, not a cycle, valid order is b, a, c

a before b after c after a - works, not a cycle, valid order is a, c, b


Once you have solved one cycle it will disappear from the graph, making it gradually simpler.

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+1 to what Tannin said and add me to DoctorKaizeld's list of shame. (and thanks for the tip. It's not often I run into cycles, but I wasn't aware of the cycle isolation trick.)


PS> Hey Doc, why'd you put a pink mustachio over that pretty face? tsk tsk.

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