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Everything posted by 7531Leonidas

  1. There is also the Knowledge Base selectable on the left side of the Vortex window, I found the following discussion of how to move the Vortex mod folder to a different drive ( ). If this is not enough, also search in the Knowlege Base proper through Vortex. That might save you some time and link blizzard/bloat...
  2. Did either of you try verifying your game files? Make sure that you clean the game masters (if you do anyways) and any roll back after you verify.
  3. Since I do not use either TK Dodge or 1.6.1130, I can't be of much help to you, but I would guess that it has something to do with being unable to take advantage of the newer SKSE scripts, or not knowing "where" to look for information because of the other changes in 1.6.1130.
  4. I made a late jump to 1.6.353, just in time for 1.6.640 to come on scene about 2 months later, now that I have had 1.6.640 running well for awhile, here comes 1.6.1130! Will just wait (using my 1.6.640 install) until more of the skse-based stuff (and SkyUI) get newer versions/updates/fixes.
  5. I thought that TK Dodge was not yet compatible with SE 1.6.1130? There are comments under the script-free version of the mod ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/56956 ) that suggest that a patch/fix is needed.
  6. You can try adding this to your game, if it is b4 v.1.6.1130 - Backported Extended ESL Support ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/106441 ).
  7. @Ardolon - you have FSMP - HDT 2.1.0 installed? That is the latest available. It is possible that either/both of you have SKSE - based mods that are not updated for SE v 1.6.1130 and SKSE 2.2.5 yet. This could also cause a version mismatch. Check the SKSE logs to see if you can find the problem mod(s). There is also a forum 'Appreciation' thread on the Faster HDT-SMP mod page on the Nexus. Some have had success with an uninstall/reinstall of the mod. Go look, see if I understood correctly. (I am still on 1.6.640.)
  8. Just to be clear - SE/AE v. 1.6.1130, SKSE64 2.2.5, and Racemenu You also uninstalled, cleaned out, and reinstalled each in turn? I have no ideas otherwise, except to go post on whatever Racemenu discussion boards there are.
  9. Are you using Racemenu? It is supposed to be updated for 1.6.1130, but it may still need a tweak, or you need to verify your game files.
  10. I suspect that Wrye Bash is alerting on the new HEDR change in the mod headers? That change helps allow for twice as many esp-fe mods in the load order. WB may not recognize it (too old). Hopefully someone else will come along with more help/information.
  11. You can have 1.6.1130 and the latest SKSE 2.2.5, but if you have any SKSE-based mods that are not updated to work with the latest version, the game will crash as you describe. Go to the modding.wiki on the Nexus ( https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins ) to see a summary of mod compatibilities and update information. It does lag a bit, so keep checking for yourself. There is also a mod - Backported Extended ESL Support ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/106441 ) that addresses the new header modifications in CK-generated mods that would prevent them running in older versions of Skyrim SE.
  12. FYI - almost all of the SKSE-based mods were broken by the update to SSE 1.6.1130. Check (and keep checking) the modding.wiki https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins for information on updated versions of those mods. Only a half-dozen or so are updated so far.
  13. The loader is telling you that you need the newest SKSE64, v 2.2.5 from silverlock.org, to work with SSE 1.6.1130. Go get it and install it, and be prepared for almost every SKSE mod to break.
  14. You may indeed have the latest version of all of the SKSE mods, however, not all of these mods are themselves updated to work with 1.6.1130. Take a look at ( https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins ). It is a tabular listing of compatibility of SKSE-based mods with the various versions of Skyrim SE/AE. Not many mods were listed as working with the latest AE version yet.
  15. @caddy009 - looks to me like your skse-based mods are not matching your SKSE and/or the game version any more. @dale5351 - if you know how to use SSEEdit, you 'might' be able to load up the cc mods in it, and take a peek at the header values in the HEDR section. 1.71000 means that it will only run on AE version 1.6.1130, I believe. I had to change a newer mod version changed in the newest Creation Kit (NOT a CC mod) so that it had the value 1.700000 instead, and could be run in v. 1.6.640. I do not think that I would make any changes yet, even if I could get the CC stuff to load in SSEEdit, b/c it might invalidate your mods, or be considered cheating.
  16. If you are using Fuz Ro Dah, make sure to get the latest version for your game version, try reinstalling that mod after rolling back. Otherwise, I have no idea, someone else will need to chip in.
  17. I think that the Beth CC mods have been updated to run on the 1.6.1130 version only. There is a change in a header under the HEDR section (was 1.700000, now 1.710000 for the newest CK and AE).
  18. I think that those kinds of error statements (mov rcx, mov rbx) refer to problems with body physics (FSMP-HDT), or possibly animation mods. How many of those do you use? You may need to update/reinstall one or more, what with all of the changes that have taken place in the last couple of weeks.
  19. There is a newer version of FSMP-HDT up now, 2.1.0 beta. Hope that it works better for you (I am still on SE 1.6.640 for now).
  20. It is my understanding that there is a HEDR record in the file header that shows it is made in the newer CK. The "Version" is 1.710000 under the new CK. I believe that will not allow it to be run under versions of the game lower than the newest 1.6.11xxx, even if there is no SKSE dependency. The fix made on one mod was to change this HEDR version number to 1.700000 in SSEEdit. Please shout out if you KNOW this is wrong, so I won't be causing problems for people.
  21. @Moksha - There is a new SKSE64 on the Nexus, v 2.2.5 for the newest 1.6.11xx from Steam. Also one for GOG, but different version number.
  22. There is a place for info on updated SKSE mods on the Nexus ( https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins ). There are already two or three mods updated, but I am sure that more will come in the next month. Just keep looking.
  23. Is there any way to roll back to the previous version of CK on Steam (which updated w/o warning), and prevent it from auto-updating afterwords? I really don't like being 'stranded' by not being able to check out a mod in CK while still on 1.6.640. Thanks!
  24. At the risk of seeming like a spammer, for individual SKSE-based mod updates, keep an eye on ( https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins ). Information seems to be posted there as it becomes available.
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