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Everything posted by 7531Leonidas

  1. There is a Nexus modding.wiki page for SKSE compatibility for older versions ( https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins ), I hope that it will be brought up to date for the newest SE/SKSE soon. EDIT - Just went to the page, some updates have been noted already.
  2. Does anyone know if the modding.wiki page for SKSE compatibility ( https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins ) will be updated for the newest Skyrim? It was very useful to me twice - first when upgrading from 1.5xx to 1.6.353, then the next upgrade to 1.6.640. FYI - it is tracking updated mods for the newest version, just not many available yet.
  3. I have only had problems with SKSE-based mods. I use the basic AE upgrade w/o any CC content past the four free ones. For SKSE-based mods, the Skyrim SE version is very important. There is a page here on the Nexus to help determine compatibility ( https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins ). You will probably also need the Address Library for many of these mods.
  4. I think that maybe something you installed overwrote or removed the Address Library for SKSE Plugins ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/32444 ), or changed the SKSE version you really needed - can be found at ( https://skse.silverlock.org/ ). Look for the version of Skyrim SE you are running, and d/l, then install that SKSE version, if installing the Address Library doesn't work. Follow the instructions for SKSE installation exactly... FYI - the SKSE version you have could be for the Steam version 1.6.640 OR a version that works with the GOG version 1.6.659 - they are different files, even though they have the same SKSE version number. You might want to go to the comments on the ESO youtube channel to ask there, as well.
  5. Or, when you instruct them to 'wait', you also write down their refID (can see when clicking on the NPC, or anything else, when in the console). Get to the other side, re-open the console and use the moveto player command. Look up the console commands via a search for help. There is also a teleport followers function available in Nether's Follower Framework, and some few others.
  6. I have not used either of these, but you can look at them and decide for yourself: Whiterun Without Main Quest ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/87903 ) and Skyrim Unbound Reborn ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/27962 ) - I hope that you find what you are looking for.
  7. You are very welcome, I don't like the sun flare anyway, it seems to me that unaided eyes are not cameras, and should not exhibit flare. I wear glasses IRL, so the flare is an unwanted addition for me.
  8. Sorry, been away from the site for awhile, have you verified your game files (if you are not using a downgraded set)? Sometimes a corrupted set can cause really weird bugs.
  9. Sometimes, if you have already completed one of the radiant quests for one of the leaders, that quest does not get updated as completed, so no more jobs. Very often, you have to go into the console to properly mark the quest as completed. The console commands are, if I remember correctly, getstage and setstage. The first is to check to see if the last Companions quest is still active, the second is used to actually change the stage of the quest to the completed version. A useful reference is on ( https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Category:Skyrim-Quests-Companions ), where you can get the quest IDs for the various missions. An internet search for Skyrim Console Commands should also lead to a list of all commands, that could be useful in other situations, like when you kill a dragon, but do not get a soul to absorb. Other times, bugs like a quest target being eliminated from the game world by some glitch will cause the same problem, but there is not an easy remedy, except to re-load a save from before that quest was assigned. You might also want to think about verifying your game files, if you are not using a downgraded version of the game.
  10. You could also disable the sunsprite (sun flare) in the settings for the ENB.
  11. Just a guess - your PC may be hitting some activators of some sort added by one of your mods, and the activators make the game think you are doing something like crafting station or sitting actions. You could go to the spots you have found, and use More Informative Console ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/19250 ) to check which mod last affected that area.
  12. If the opposite side became a criminal faction, then the townspeople would attack as well. Instead, I like to have my helpers hang back, and then I run up behind my CW buds and heal the one(s) getting hammered the most. That way, it helps me lvl up my restoration skill.
  13. I suggest that you get Crash Log Analyzer, it helps condense the crash log reports by combining and totaling similar events. May make it easier for others to help. Also, you should probably use the 'spoiler' tags (the third icon from the left on the top row of the reply window), to keep the thread more readable.
  14. I have never gotten in trouble with the Eldergleam denizens when striking the roots with Nettlebane, and I don't show it to anyone before the deed. My main gripe is that Maurice hangs back too far/too long, and I have to wait for him to catch up. Idea for your new mod, maybe Maurice stays closer, and says something when you pull/brandish Nettlebane, or the new mod enables some kind of dialog on the first set of roots to encourage/extort the Eldergleam to raise its roots and/or trigger Maurice to start his routine. Probably would take a lot of script-fu.
  15. You could use Crash Log Analyzer ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/89860 ) to help simplify your crash log. In my experience, it helps a bit to isolate problems, but not an easy, automated solution by any description.
  16. Personally, I feel that the quests in the DB story line are a bit more than campy/cringeworthy, that they (and the DB characters) should have been more hard-lined and cold blooded, and included a couple of quests where you back up one or two of the DB on a mission. There is Pentius Oculatus ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/21061 ) to help flesh out Destroy the Dark Brotherhood (still not much in the way of character development for the PO), and Dark Brotherhood Rising Revengeance ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/57157 ) that gives you a chance to get even for the initial attempts on your PC. FYI - Maven is hard to remove from the game, as she is a potential Jarl in Riften. Would take a lot of scripting rewrites and carefully altering the Civil War quest line.
  17. You can use More Informative Console to try to find the mod that makes that change, once you install it, just get close enough to the problem to be able to click on it once you have opened the console. The object's RefID will be shown (the first 2 digits will tell you which mod placed the object, first four in case of an ESP-FE mod), and an information window will open that will tell you the last mod that affected/changed that object or area.
  18. AFAIK, the Unofficial Patch team only supports the latest AE build. If you are on 1.5xx version, you will probably have to beg for a copy for the older version of it. I don't remember which version of the Unofficial Patch worked with the SE version. Also, I don't think that passing deprecated files around is appreciated by the team.
  19. @MajorFreak - try More Informative Console ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/19250 ). Get your PC close enough to the chest, open the console, click on the chest. The display should have the object's RefID, and a display window that tells you what mod last modified the chest. The first few digits in the RefID can tell you which mod in your LO is placing the chest, as well.
  20. Did you see this mod? I don't use it, but it may have what you need. ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/14338 ) This author recommends this ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/23609 ) to make the enemies outside the locations match the inside.
  21. Are you using Vortex or another mod manager? If Vortex, LOOT is built in, and using a standalone LOOT in addition to the built in can cause things to break. You should also check out Crash Logger SSE AE VR, along with a crash log interpreter, to give yourself a chance to spot the problem. If you are crashing when you try to enter the tower where Ulfric awaits, it could be anything. If you are crashing where you enter the keep by choosing which NPC to follow, it could well be a mod that alters interior meshes and textures, or NPCs.
  22. FYI - there is a modding.wiki page on the Nexus that shows which SKSE-based mods are compatible with the different versions of SKSE and Skyrim SE/AE. ( https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins )
  23. I am pretty sure that TexGen and DynDOLOD both require finalized load orders to do their respective tasks. Make sure that your character is inside a structure before you try to rework either/both. WRT the colors, I am not sure, but if you run an ENB mod, you might be able to make some adjustments in the ENB settings. To me, those shadings still look purplish, like something is still missing. BTW, you could always try the DynDOLOD forum for questions/troubleshooting. They can be very helpful, as long as you add the info they need, like the latest log files from the run you are using. If I remember correctly, there is a link on each Nexus DynDOLOD page either v 2.98 or v 3.
  24. Maybe ask for help on an MO2 forum, if no one else adds to the discussion. I only used the original MO for a short while a couple of years back, and can't help you.
  25. Looks to me like DynDOLOD does not see some texture(s) it needs, whether it/they are missing, or improperly overwritten. You might need to go back and check the logs for your TexGen and DynDOLOD generations, look for errors. Also, in MIC, the upper left panel, look at the Textures [13] entry by placing your cursor over it, and pressing the 'Shift' key. You should get another box that shows what textures are in your problem area, and that may help you narrow down the culprit(s). You might even do a text search in the above logs for each texture, that could find any error messages more quickly.
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