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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Sorry I missed that, my bad. I see it now down at the end. That means what you are needing to resolve is why OBSE is not working. Are you starting the game using Steam, or by starting the game from a desktop shortcut?
  2. How many games would you like lists for? I believe there are more than 1000 games here on Nexus ... would you like lists for all 1000 or just some of them?
  3. "You rude idiot" ... do you talk to your Mom this way? Therein lies the answer to your question. Another FYI for you ... discussing moderation issues in the Forum will lead to further trouble for you (just a heads up, it is against the Terms of Service for the site).
  4. The first step for troubleshooting this is always ... determine if OBSE is working. Start the game and make a save. Exit and then look in your Users\[username]\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves folder and see if you now see two save files with the same base name but different file extensions (e.g. MySave09.ess and MySave09.obse) or do you only see one save file each time you save. One save file means that OBSE is not working. No OBSE = no Blockhead = OCO v2 error face.
  5. +[Options] ? and where I can find it +[Options] when I am starting to new game there are no keys adding inventory No Key Unofficial Oblivion Patch and Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch and of course +[Options] In your Inventory menu go to the tab on the far right (Miscellaneous Items ... where you go to equip a repair hammer). That is where you will find the +[Options] item. These are not where all of your keys are found in your Inventory menu. You can also just open your Inventory with the tab to the far left selected. That will show you every category in your menu. Scroll to the very end of the list, and then slowly work your way back up. You will see the +[Options] item and then follow my previous instructions. If you are not seeing any of that then check in your Spells menu. Do you see the Fix Follower Double-Face Bug listed in your Lesser Powers? - Edit - This is what the Options item looks like in the Inventory menu Miscellaneous tab ...
  6. No problem ... I figured you were working on saving Tamriel from Mehrunes Dagon, but now I see I was wrong. I also saw that you were working on things nearly until the sun came up (for you). Good luck with the computer repair. I take care of all that stuff myself too, and know that the breakdowns never happen at a good time. I also wanted to tell you how much I've enjoyed working with you on this Wolf. You impressed me with how much determination you bring to the table. Have a look back at the events in this topic Wolf and you will see that the challenges you face do not limit you. In my mind that makes you a better person than those of us who go through life without things that make stuff difficult. Don't be a stranger ... I'm always checking in here on the Nexus, so I'll see a post here or in a new topic. If you ever have any questions I'll be very happy to do my best to answer them.
  7. You can also hit the Report button on your post in the topic and request it be locked.
  8. You find something down in the Miscellaneous Items section of your inventiry that has a key icon and is called +[Options] that will open up a menu, and at the bottom of that menu you'll find two options that will open up the UOP or USIP menus (after you close your inventory menu). You can also find a Lesser Powers spell named Fix Follower Double-Face Bug. - Edit - At least that's how you access them when you have COBL installed.
  9. OK Paga, as usual I need to set the scene ... First, if you have a really really good fitting hat it may be a good idea to get it on ... I will not be held accountable for any explosive messes that result from what follows if you chose to not heed my advice. The of and to a in is I that it for you was with on as have but be they Yes, it may come across as a bit innocuous at first glance, in a quizzical sort of way. Probably better for you to watch than to have me ham fist my way through the 'splanation though.
  10. This next person was not aware of the events you have outlined Paga, and finds the actions you took so many years ago, both as an active member of the US Military Service member and as a discharged member of those same services to be a noble and truly needed cause. The next person to post will not be surprised that those actions were perceived as a threat to the current bodies of power (of the day unto the present day).
  11. So much will depend on the mod. A mod that adds an armor to the game at a certain merchant will require a trip to that merchant to know. A mod that changes some aspect of gameplay may or may not be so obvious right off the bat (some will be obvious and others not). Mod descriptions are the most important troubleshooting tool ever invented, when they give you an accurate, complete description that is (not all mods come with one of those).
  12. LOL ... don't forget the best part Paga! Where we tossed up a little on Mom's shoulder, so she could tell how full we were. Ah! I am so glad you could put that in the view of light. Now if I recall, she handed the baby to me when I was five because I was big enough to hold my little sister. Then she put the towel bib on my shoulder and showed me how to hold her so I could have her burp her food up upon me instead. Hm? Halloween evil smirk from Striker. Memory of all smiles from Mom's attention as I got the knack though. That'll learn ya! :laugh: Was kinda' hoping an old movie would run for you Paga ... you do that for me often enough that I consider the debt still outstanding.
  13. So it's small dr with a . ... would that be correct dr.? lol typo I meant Dr. I tend to forget capitals when I type on my phone :/ Noted ... entered into that jumbled database I call a brain (on my good days, when I can remember what it's called). You will sometimes see it referred to as "the big gray lump" ... those will either be bad days or smartass days (I do need to present a moving target or Paga will surely connect the dots and get one up on me ... that would never do now would it??).
  14. While I'm having an after lunch coffee I may as well give you what I use for the sun (I don't use any ENB or other graphics overhaul type stuff) ... Subtle Sunshine - alternative sunglare fx ... it's a pure replacer, so another one with no extra steps after the copy/paste. Download and and extract as usual. You will see the usual readme and a Textures folder. Copy the Textures folder and paste it into your game's Oblivion\Data folder. That's it for the install. You won't see a huge difference when the sun is high in the sky, but when it gets low and is coming through the trees and stuff you should see some difference. If you don't like it just find the Oblivion\Data\Textures\Sky folder and remove the three files sun.dds, sunglare.dds and sunglarenonhdr.dds (and if that leaves the folder empty you can just delete the Sky folder instead).
  15. Anything that comes to mind is easy to add to a game in progress (really it's just my sun glare replacer that I can think of). Have a look at my load order from yesterday, and if something there catches your eye we can discuss it. The epoxy is on, and of course sagging more than I'd like, and it's cool so it will take more time than usual to kick and harden ... and I see dark clouds passing by. Just another day in the life of Striker.
  16. LOL ... don't forget the best part Paga! Where we tossed up a little on Mom's shoulder, so she could tell how full we were.
  17. So it's small dr with a . ... would that be correct dr.?
  18. EngineBugFixes is an OBSE plugin, so it is another one that does not need any extra steps after installing it. Download EngineBugFixes v2.22 (top listed download) to a folder and extract to that same folder. You will now see a readme and a folder named Data. Copy the Data folder and paste it into your game's Oblivion folder. It will be difficult to tell that EngineBugFixes is working, as much of what it does is stopping things that cause crashes or problems with different things in the game. You have other OBSE plugins that are working fine, and so that install method will also ensure that EBF will work too.
  19. Now for Gorier Blood, download to a folder and extract to that same folder. You will now find two folders (one named Gorier blood older extras and one named textures) and two files (a readme and a comparison picture). Copy the textures folder and paste it in your game's Oblivion\Data folder. Gorier Blood is a pure replacer so it does not have an ESP, so no BOSS or Wrye Bash is required. Check in the game and see if the blood looks different.
  20. Good stuff ... here's the first one. OK, for Heroic Stance download it to a folder and extract. You will now find a readme and a folder named Heroic Female Idle Replacer-43567-1-0 and inside that a folder named Data. Copy the Data folder and paste into your game's Oblivion folder. Run BOSS and then start Wrye Bash, left click on nu_female_player_idle.esp in the Mods tab list (it will be fairly close to the top) and activate it. Next right click on Bashed Patch, 0.esp and select Rebuild Patch. When WB is done close it and check in-game for a change with how female NPCs stand.
  21. And a good afternoon to you Wolf. You noticed I've been up and at 'em ... actually even did some laundry already. The reason I have hit the ground running (not a normal state for me) is the weather forecast. I have today and then Monday, and then we are into the uncertainty of the long range forecast (which isn't great thus far). So I'm going to propse I put together a step by step for Gorier Blood, Heroic Stance and EngineBugFixes while I have my coffee, and I'll post each in a separate post. Then I can get out and do some more epoxy work on the dingy (it's not very warm, so it will need time before I can cover it before the rains come ... working in the backyard, outdoors does bring it own set of challenges). The last thing on my day's agenda is a trip to the lumber store for some things. I'll have a chance to pop in here and check on your progress between tasks. Does that sound like a plan to you?
  22. I think from here on out I will just do my regular troubleshooting methods and if I find out any information I will post it here. Since the game is "working" per say, I will make a backup of the working game configuration, then make a new instalation systematically installing and testing this 1 issue over and over as I do. Unless you have any easier methods of finding out that you could suggest? I wish I could. I so very rarely run into anything at all after I have finished establishing a load order that most of my "troubleshooting foo" comes from working other people's problems, and the starting point then is beginning from the tangled mess state. I have seen the various permutations of the disable half etc method put forth, but I don't have any hands on insights to offer there. What you are suggesting is really just a variation on my tried and true Install one mod and then test thoroughly methodology. The "test thoroughly" part is hard to define as it depends so much on the particulars of the mod that was just installed, and implications of what options it may offer for customisation. When installing BPN + BPA + RF for instance, the test thoroughly stage lasted nearly a week (granted to many outside observers the testing would have appeared to be playing, but there was careful assessment going on at all times, sometimes with notes taken ... and none of those saves files have even been anything beyond testing devices in the years since). On the upside you know what exact situation to test for in this case, so you will have no need for long involved test sessions.
  23. I need to switch browsers or something Paga ... mine must be broken, I get nothing but a Garfield comic. Now I'm feeling left out, ostracized and outcast. But at least the sheets won't be stuck to me come morning!! Nothing worse than having the sheets follow you to the bathroom first thing in the AM.
  24. Striker's interest is piqued by the offer of a drink, but the undefined toll gives pause. A drink after a long journey can be as dangerous as a dart from a dark corner. "Would one of drinks be named after a young lady ... I believe her name was Shirley something? Charming little lass, smile brighter than a noon day's sun on a cloudless day." After the briefest pause he said "A single roll, and then some bed after a long long day, filled with tangles and treading and more than a little stroking". How have you been MK ... I was beginning to think a strong wind had carried you away or you had been swept out to sea!
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