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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. This one has a few folks talking about disappearing borders. However, I didn't see anyone with a fix for it.
  2. HeyYou

    Ps4 mods

    You can't. Due to Sony's restrictions, you can't have any 'external assets'. That means PS4 can only have mods that are ESP file only. The only source for PS4 mods is the Official Bethnet site. (I believe there is 'Mods" link in the game launcher, but, as I don't have a PS4, can't see for sure.)
  3. He was acquitted by jury of his peers. Essentially, he fired in self defense. You don't like it? Too bad. Try watching the video, and then consider what you might have done. I woudn't bother HeyYou, They have shown their complete ignorance of the actual facts of the case, and shown once again that they only read delusional left wing media propaganda. They can't even get the most basic of facts about the case correct, and the left wing machine is still sprouting outright lies and falsehoods (even after the case is finished and the truth is right there for people to see), because they know their peons will believe anything they tell them without thought or question. Oh, and I wouldn't be surprised to read or hear someone suggest forgiving the kkk for past crimes, considering that it's membership was almost exclusively drawn from the Democrat Party. Yeah, I suspect if he leaned any further left, he would be horizontal. :D
  4. Look in the magic menu under active effects. See if anything interesting presents itself.
  5. He was acquitted by jury of his peers. Essentially, he fired in self defense. You don't like it? Too bad. Try watching the video, and then consider what you might have done.
  6. You can still get it from github.
  7. Vortex. There are download links scattered about the forums, and mod sites.
  8. They have. One change in the ini, and you can hit distant targets..... Been playin' the game since it came out, did the fix once, and never a problem since. If I can see it, I can hit it. Sometimes need to aim a bit high, if they are REALLY far away though. I can hit the guy standing on the rocks, on the opposite bank of the river, at Valtheim Tower. He is TINY at that distance, but, I can still one-shot him.
  9. I know there is a reasonable process for converting LE mods to SE/Anniversary Edition, not sure how that would work going the other way. There are a LOT of mods for LE though... I haven't switched to SE, as a number of mods that I consider 'essential', simply aren't available for SE.
  10. I have occasionally found him wandering around in various places.
  11. I don't see prices coming down for several months yet. Chip shortages, supply chain issues, port backups, etc, are all conspiring to make a lot of products hard to come by. Vid cards have been in short supply for more than a year now. I don't see that ending soon. Currently, where I work, NONE of our vendors have any vid cards at all. Yea, the one I bought was kinda on impulse but also kindof dumb luck to find, of course it came from China.... not too crazy about that part but it is what it is I got lucky. :) My boss owed me a favor for bailing him out, when we ran out of employees. :D So when we got some 3070's in, he sold me one for 400 bucks. Going from a 1060 to a 3070 was a MAJOR performance improvement. :D
  12. Mods that make breasts larger (and that's all they do) tend to be rather popular. You will likely have enough DP to purchase lifetime in a month or two. :D
  13. Use a mod manager. :D Vortex is actually pretty good for those that are relatively new to modding.
  14. Adding items to existing categories doesn't always work. Especially if you have more than one mod adding stuff. Mods like Homemaker, Snap-n-build, and Snappy Housekit add their own categories, and have a HUGE amount of additional options for settlement building. They don't have any additional requirements either. :D
  15. I don't see prices coming down for several months yet. Chip shortages, supply chain issues, port backups, etc, are all conspiring to make a lot of products hard to come by. Vid cards have been in short supply for more than a year now. I don't see that ending soon. Currently, where I work, NONE of our vendors have any vid cards at all.
  16. some variety of rich merchants mod.
  17. Clone the drive. :) Macrium Reflect offers a 'free' version that will do what you need. You can even clone a "live" windows install, including everything on the drive. :D Or, if you have another machine to use, install macrium on that, and clone the drive there. I do this a LOT at work. :D
  18. See if you can find a 2060 then. Should go pretty well with the rest of your hardware. Upgrading to a solid state drive wouldn't hurt you either. :D They've gotten pretty cheap of late.
  19. When I see "FCOM", I instantly think "Oblivion"..... Link to the mod?
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