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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. You can also find one of the magazines at Walden Pond, in the shop, on one of shelves in the counter. I had issues with the magazines not being where they were supposed to be either, starting a new game fixed it. No idea why it wouldn't work in an existing save file.
  2. I am not familiar with MO2, however, the 'other' mod managers allow you to point the 'game start' button at the f4se_loader.exe, instead of the normal Fallout4.exe. Still have to install it manually though. (so far as I know.)
  3. Maybe they want to go shopping? :) After all, there are quite a few good shops in DC. :D
  4. As to point e)..... Clearing a jam should cost you one round, not whatever is left in the magazine. :)
  5. Yes, I "red" what you wrote. And having the 'adult' tag ON by default, would simply ensure that non-adult content was tagged as adult. The onus here, is on the uploader. If they upload adult content, they should tag it as such. If they don't, there are consequences. Maybe not immediate, but, if YOU report content you consider 'adult', that isn't already tagged as such, you are contributing to the solution. Not complicating matters for the majority of folks that are NOT the ones causing the problem. So far as I am concerned, that is as it should be. If you upload adult content, tag it as such, if you don't, action should be taken against your account. (and it frequently is, just have a read thru the rules and warnings forum.) They system IS working, just not as fast as you perhaps think it should be.
  6. If you were under the impression it was a paying job, maybe you should have asked that FIRST then. I don't know of ANYONE that collects wages from working on any particular project. Maybe some of the larger projects, (such as the one mentioned below) have some sort of 'profit sharing' agreement, but, this is a HOBBY site. If you are expecting compensation for your time/effort, that should be one of the FIRST topics covered. I have had many 'jobs', that I did not get paid for. Of course, I didn't expect to get paid for them either. It was still a 'job'. Skyrim Together team was at one point making $35k per month via Patreon, IIRC. Yeah, and there was another guy working on a 'mod pack' that was getting nearly 10K per month. Still and all, I am flat out stunned that Beth never made a move against them, they were, after all, in DIRECT violation of the EULA, and various other agreements. Apparently, beth simply stopped caring about such things. Try and sell a mod though, and I bet the lawyers fall like rain in a hurricane.
  7. does anyone need a "don quixote attitude" if things are so obvious on nexusmods ? i hope not! if you think so you do not get the problem. if children surf pornsites and parents and sites do not hinder them - they do. it is so simple, yes. if nexusmods like to act like a pornsite it should do. why any restrictions then at all? but i don't think nexusmods has any ambitions to be compared with a pornsite. and as far as i know any porn site has a clear 18+ restriction (or at least should have). we all know that some 13 year old children may creatively circumvent some restrictions. but it should not work without violating restrictions or due to headless adults not tagging their clearly for adults adressed images. so any little effort or idea to make nexusmods better should be allowed to discuss with an at least constructive adult attitude. I am still not seeing how anything you have suggested so far makes anything 'better'. Most 'adult' sites simply ask your birthday, or 'are you over 18', and that's it. Hardly an obstacle to anyone that can use a mouse.
  8. Modders don't/can't get paid for their projects either. Donations are few and far between. No one on here gets anywhere near 75 bucks an hour for modding. I highly doubt they even get the equivalent of 1 dollar an hour...... A fair few don't even accept donations. (me being one of them) This is a hobby site. Beth FORBIDS mod authors from selling their mods. In all reality, I am surprised they don't take offense at donations, and certainly with folks having Patreons to support their work..... Not sure where you would ever get the idea that someone would pay you 100's of dollars for your work, when they aren't going to make anything from the project themselves.... That's on you.
  9. GRIM is a script intensive mod Removing that mid-game is just a really bad idea. As for why F4SE breaks when you remove it, that is a problem caused by your mod manager. Reinstalling thru your mod manager *should* fix it.......
  10. How many images get posted every day? How many of those are mis-labeled? If you see an image that should be considered 'adult', report it, state why, then don't worry about it any more. The whole 'think of the children' thing gets old in a hurry. In all reality, children should not even be viewing mods for games that are rated beyond their age bracket. There is nothing Nexus can do about that. You already need to be 13 even to join this site. If you don't think 13 year olds can find porn on the internet, if they really want it, you are deluding yourself. Just out of idle curiosity, are you by any chance related to Don Quixote?
  11. There are power armor jumpsuits in-game??? I don't think I have ever seen one.
  12. Yeah, we got the 'armor' mechanic from skyrim...... So far as I am concerned, Power Armor should make you pretty much immune to most firearms in the game. The aforementioned .22 wouldn't even scratch the paint, let alone do any damage to the guy in the armor. Same could be said for anything short of armor piercing rounds, of a significant caliber. Even .308 might have some trouble with it. (depending on the armor) The Damage Threshold system in New Vegas was better, but, even so, I think some damage leaked thru, regardless of how good your armor was.
  13. Fallout New Vegas had a 'weapon condition' system. Condition would degrade with use, and you would need to 'repair' it occasionally, to keep it in good working order. Drop below a certain threshold, and problems would appear, the worse the weapon condition, the more problems you would have, until it simply wouldn't function at all. Not a perfect imitation of 'real world' dynamics, but, kept things interesting. :D
  14. Is O&R loading after your scrapping mods? Or after any mods like expanded settlements, etc?
  15. The game assumes you are 'naked' in your power armor. Any buffs you have from worn equipment go away when you step into it. Even stuff on your patrolman sunglasses..... In reality, you should be wearing *something* in your power armor. Even if it is just a vault suit/jumpsuit.
  16. I would love to see a holotape that would let you rearrange things in the menus. Run a script once, at the beginning of the game, to 'catalog' all the items in your various build menus, then let you re-order things as you see fit. At one time, there was a 'proof of concept' mod, that would let you 'favorite' items (categories...) in the build menu. But, that came out years ago, and I don't think anyone ever expanded on it.
  17. Inventory is loosening up, and prices are coming down, albeit, rather slowly. :) I don't expect things to be back to something resembling "normal" until some time next year though. :D
  18. That's kinda weird. So far as I know, one should not preclude the other....... I couldn't tell ya if that's a mod problem, or a game engine problem.
  19. Solar Powered perk will heal you during the daytime. At higher levels of the perk, it will also reduce your radiation level.
  20. Try putting your FOV settings in the fallout4custom.ini. You could also try setting your field of view, and they entering "saveini" without the quotes in the console.
  21. I thought one track mind meant thinking about sex all the time. Well, that would distract you from reloading as well, especially if you were in combat with a bunch of women. :D (or, whatever sex you happen to be attracted to. :) )
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