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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. I don't expect academia to have the slightest clue how the real world works. They live in their insulated campuses, do their studies, publish their papers, reach their conclusions, and make recommendations, none of which, will actually work in the real world. Just like you, they have a rather simplistic view of the world. You can legislate all you want, but, it won't change anything at all. I think the biggest problem with them, and you, is you simply don't understand the culture. In my view, you simply cannot understand, you grew up with different values, and your views were well established before you ever came here. I also suspect you weren't here long either. It's a lot like our politicians thinking that overthrowing dictatorships, and installing democratic governments, will solve all of some societies problems, even though they have been proven wrong on that time, and time again. You think guns are a problem? Fine, then don't buy one. Don't own one, don't pick one up. That is your choice to make. Well, at least, HERE it is your choice..... Most countries don't even give you that choice.
  2. Erm, we don't have the highest crime rates, nor even homicide rates (regardless of weapon) in the world. We don't even make it into the top ten. Not even the top 50..... Up until recently, (last 18 months or so) our violent crime rate was on a downward trend, even though gun laws were getting looser. (it's all available on the FBI crime statistics website.) The pandemic seems to have had a rather bad effect on our population. really ? the conclusion of the scientific research for the lazy reader: CONCLUSIONS Overall, our results show that the United States, which has the most firearms per capita in the world, suffers disproportionately from firearms compared with other highincome countries. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that our firearms are killing us rather than protecting us. LOLOLOLOL. Oh gee, the country with the most guns, has the highest gun crime rate? Really? THAT is your argument??? Seriously? You must have missed where I talked about violent crime in a previous post. Guns are not the only method of committing violent crime. And yeah, our statistics on that are rather high, because of FIVE DEMOCRAT CONTROLLED CITIES, that have the highest murder rates in the country. Remove those five cities from the statistics, and the US is SAFER than most of the rest of the world. (crime-wise, at least....) Gang violence accounts for most of the gun crime here. Generally, gang members killing other gang members. I would point out, that the folks doin' the shootin' there, are using weapons obtained illegally, and a fair few of them are barred from owning/purchasing/possessing firearms in any event. So, your answer is to pass another law, that they will also ignore? That is as idiotic as our democrat politicians. In case you haven't noticed, a "ban" does not magically remove anything from society. It simply makes it illegal. We tried that with alcohol, didn't work. Tried it with drugs, didn't work. Now you think we should try it with guns? Why in the world would you ever think it would work 'this time'? You are familiar with the definition of insanity, are you not?
  3. Any mods that alter menues?
  4. Wow. Yeah, that's missing meshes. The game isn't loading some assets. Are you sure they are wearing vanilla stuff in that shot? Or at least, supposed to be? I might be tempted to use the console to inspect their inventory, and see what they are supposedly wearing.
  5. Erm, we don't have the highest crime rates, nor even homicide rates (regardless of weapon) in the world. We don't even make it into the top ten. Not even the top 50..... Up until recently, (last 18 months or so) our violent crime rate was on a downward trend, even though gun laws were getting looser. (it's all available on the FBI crime statistics website.) The pandemic seems to have had a rather bad effect on our population. Something else to consider, if you exclude a mere five cities from the statistics (all democrat controlled, I might add) the US is actually safer than a significant percentage of the world. (including the EU.) I don't trust anyone, that hasn't proven trustworthy. The fact is, there IS crime here. Even where I live. I am far enough out from any help, that even if I called them, by the time they got here, it would already be way too late. They would get here in time to clean up the mess. So, it is not just my RIGHT to defend my home/family, it is my RESPONSIBILITY to do so. I am unwilling to allow criminals free reign to do as they will until the cops decide to finally show up. I am also unwilling to entrust my safety to the government, or it's agencies. The courts here have already made it clear that it is NOT the cops duty to protect me. (even though that is part of their motto...... something I don't quite get.....) So, the cops will still get here in time to clean up the mess, but it will be a dramatically different mess than if I were unable to defend myself, my home, and my family.
  6. And that is why I don't do social media, at all. But this was a problem even before social media. Some folks are so dedicated to whatever party views they subscribe to, that even when it is factually demonstrated that they are wrong, they still stick with the same old stuff, simply because 'this is what my party says.'
  7. WTF are you talking about? Comparing the frequency of mass shootings between a country loaded with guns, and countries with very few, and you are surprised when there aren't that many in the countries with very few? Wow. See, one of the biggest problems you have is, you don't understand the culture here at all. You are making the same type of assumptions that our government made thinking that middle eastern countries wanted democracy..... They project their values onto people they don't even remotely understand, and then are surprised when things go to pot, at a rapid pace.
  8. That's what ugrids is all about. For the most part. That is how far out the actual assets are loaded. Beyond that, you get the LOD versions, npc's aren't active, (if they are loaded at all) etc. Increasing ugrids means more stuff in the world is actually loaded. That does not include interiors though. The problem becomes, twofold. First, you would have to move all those interior cells to the real world, which can be a problem, as the interior dimensions do not always match up to the exterior dimensions.... and second, how do you convince the game to only load those resources within X distance? If you just have the game load everything based on your ugrids setting, even at the stock 5, that is going to tank performance in some areas. Consider the mechanists lair, that place is HUGE, with a LOT of assets. Not having load doors for it, would absolutely kill performance. The game would be unplayable. Unfortunately, this is a limitation of the game engine, and there really ain't a lot you can do about it.
  9. You can have a maximum of 255 active esp/esm files. esl files, or esp's flagged as esl don't count toward that limit. That number includes the base game files. Having mod files in your data directory, that are NOT active, can be problematic, but, with more recent versions of NMM, that shouldn't be an issue, due to the way NMM 'installs' mods.
  10. Europeans don't have the second amendment. In fact, most of them are flat out banned from owning firearms altogether, so, that really isn't a relevant comparison. "Mass Shootings" seem to be, for the most part, an "American" thing. There have been similar incidents in other countries, and some with pretty high body counts, but, those were singular incidents, not something that happens on a regular basis. I also find it amusing (in a sad sort of way) that California is the capitol of mass shootings..... The state that has some of the most restrictive gun laws on the books. Yet they still seem to think that passing more laws is the answer. All evidence to the contrary.
  11. Get Better Console. (requires SKSE) Not sure if there are different versions for LE, or SE.... Click on the problematic object, and it will tell you what mod it is from.
  12. I think that is a missing mesh...... Find out what mod it is from, reinstall that mod.
  13. There is sim settlements 2 out now. :) Check it out!
  14. uGridsToLoad limit 11. After that my game becomes unstable. It loads for an infinitely long time, then crashes. Regardless of fps. I generally run 7 in FO4, I tried 9, but, got screen tearing and such. I have upgraded my vid card since then, but, haven't tried bumping it up any more. :D Skyrim runs 9 perfectly.
  15. 326 mods, 153 flagged as 'light', which is the same as 'esl'. My math says 173 esp/esms then?? Which should be just fine. I suspect that there IS a limit to the number of esl files you can run though, as they are using 'leftover' form ID's from FO4.esm. At least, that's my understanding..... There is a finite limit of unused ID's though, no clue on just how many, so, the number of esl files you can get away with likely varies greatly, depending on just which mods they are. Is that your problem though? Don't know..... :) It *may* be load order related...... I am unsure of the impact of changing load order of esl files mid-playthru..... I would think it wouldn't matter, but, I am not an expert. :D I am curious what would happen if you changed the four problematic mods to esp files....... (note: Might make things worse..... I don't know.)
  16. Open world: Not practical. The game would choke on it, framerates in downtown boston would be a frame per minutes number. Even an absolute beast of a machine would be brought to its knees, and screaming for mercy. Crafting: I would love to see that too. Item condition: For a lot of stuff, this would be doable, for some stuff, it's already been done. Some stuff should be repairable in the field as well. Robots: I would LOVE to be able to salvage parts off the bots I find in game, both those I destroy, and those that I find already destroyed.
  17. Why does everyone still think NMM installs mods to the data directory? It hasn't been that way since version 60 something, and it's on 80 something now. NMM works pretty much the same way as MO2, minus the ini changes. And it isn't simply removing mods from your game that is the issue, it's the detritus left behind in your save file that is the problem. Things like scripts, and such. Remove a script-heavy mod from your game, and it simply doesn't matter which mod manager you are using, the game is still likely borked. You can try using fallrim tools to clean out script fragments, but, there is still a great deal of potential for the save becoming unusable. Thus, removing mods mid-game is just a bad idea. If they don't have ANY scripts, then you are likely safe. Otherwise, probably save yourself a lot of hate and discontent by adjusting your load order, and starting a new game.
  18. 326 Subtract any that are flagged as esl, if that is more than 255, then you just found your problem. 255 is a HARD limit. Go over that, weird and strange things start happening.
  19. Windows 11 requires TPM 2.0, or some such. For most folks that are UEFI boot capable, fixing that is just a firmware flash away. I'm with you though. I don't have any desire to upgrade. If that's what you want to call it..... and I think my machine already is compatible...... I just hope MS doesn't try and stuff it down our throats like they did to Win7 going to win 10. That was farkin' annoying.
  20. I have seen some folks having trouble getting their GAMES to run under 11....... I tend to wait for at LEAST a year after MS releases a new O/S to take it for a test drive..... After all, MS is famous for using their customers as beta testers.
  21. I have never been able to contact him, for 4 years my blueprint files have been using his mod, I have earned him almost two thousand downloads, with this account and another 1500-2000 with another closed account, he has never replied to anything, I also doubt that exists, even today I wrote to him on the twitter account, no answer: "@sirbalinmodsJesus Christ, thank goodness I found you, we hope you answer: my mod blueprint is blocked without your files, can I download them with a google drive link from page of blueprint file?" :D Don't expect a reply there either. Doesn't look like he has been active since 2017.....
  22. Likely when the cell they are in resets, they do too. Though, in reality, I would expect that when the cell resets, they would simply go away......
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