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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Rename your ini files, and start the game from the FO4 launcher, so it can rediscover your video card. See if that helps at all.
  2. Likely not. :D Gotta be a mod conflict, or, one of your mods is doing it to you. Using any locational damage, or damage threshold type mods?
  3. It's probably a mod doing it.... as mine doesn't. If it's dark where I am, it's still dark when I sneak. There IS a perk that adds nightvision while sneaking though, and it adds it regardless of environment, or time of day. Sneaking outside, during the day, with that perk, blinds you.......
  4. Could be. :smile: All the pool balls I have ever seen were numbered. Different colors, solids and stripes. So how do you play it? I think I came across one like that once, we just said you're stripes and I'm spots. I'm assuming you're supposed to do something with the numbers. Generally, which ever you sink first, solids, or stripes, is the ones you need to clear off to win the game. The 8 ball being the exception to that rule.... it is always last, sink it while you will have some of your solids or stripes on the table, and it's an automatic loss. But, that is just ONE variation of the game. There are dozens........ sometimes the numbers play a role, other times, they do not. :D
  5. I've seen no evidence if smoothness after a long pause, and I've never seen it finish what it's doing on pause. Anyway, since nothing can change during pause, what can it be thinking about? Beth is using your video card to do bitcoin mining while the game is paused. :D
  6. Could be. :) All the pool balls I have ever seen were numbered. Different colors, solids and stripes.
  7. Grab Load Accelerator. It dramatically shortens loading times.
  8. Ghoul Slayers Radium Rifle...... 'Nuff said. :D
  9. :D I love my milk, and the oat/almond/soy milk just ain't the same. Margarine is one molecule away from plastic. :D I could never give up meat. I enjoy it far too much.
  10. So, maybe use some 'other' marker, (possible to add one??) or, maybe a unique color marker? by dropping some object in the cell, or the frame inventory.
  11. Is the equation exposed enough that it can be changed via a plugin?? Or would it need to be a F4SE plug?
  12. Are the in-game volume sliders set too low?
  13. Check and see that your PC speakers are configured properly. If you only have two speakers, but, windows thinks you have a center channel speaker...... that's where the voice will go, and if it ain't actually there, you won't hear 'em. :D
  14. Are those the only mods you are running?? I don't see anything in there that should cause that......
  15. As a collector, That may become problematic, if you have a significant number of PA in one location... all those markers may obscure the location marker, making it impossible to fast travel to the location..... I sometimes have this problem with just ONE marker, I would hate to think what it would be like if I had five, or twenty...... in one spot. :D Maybe being able to "drop" a marker? And select which one you want to drop? Choose from a list?
  16. I run scrap everything, and it doesn't generally cause me any issues. I see the same slow-downs you do, just in different areas, one of them is Vault 81, but, not all the time..... I may go in/out of there several times, and not experience any problem, but, next time I go in, when walking thru the decontamination area, if I look toward the security room, frame rate goes to essentially 1 frame per minute..... If I walk thru there sideways, it doesn't happen. Then, after I complete the 'molerate disease' questline, it never happens again.... There are other random places where I can see that sort of behavior as well, generally interior cells, and I have found no explanation for it.
  17. Check bios, see what fan control thinks. Have any utilities installed on your machine that influence the fans?
  18. Uninstall/remove the voice replacement mods.
  19. Try turning off the better locational damage stuff. See if anything changes.
  20. A fair few of the mods that aren't available any more, disappeared recently, because of Nexus policy change on file deletions. Most of them should be available though, somewhere.... Finding them is the fun part. Some of them, are indeed going to be 'just gone'. This is simply the fallout from Nexus reversing a policy that was in place for more than a decade. (supporting mod authors rights)
  21. Has to be done in creation kit, and uploaded to bethnet via the CK. You can only use vanilla resources, no external assets at all. So, esp file only.
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