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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Are those mods tagged as Spanish? Not everyone is as diligent as they could be on tagging. :D
  2. HeyYou


    In your opinion. Not everyone agrees with that assessment. I am one of them that does not. I like NMM much better.
  3. Actually, it would be Ephebophilia, pedos are attracted to per-pubescent children.
  4. The whole 'onedrive' thing is indeed a feature of windows 10. If you sign in with your microsoft account, onedrive is signed in as well, and it looks to put most of your profile folders out in the cloud. They are still also on the local machine, consider it an 'automatic' backup.
  5. The game engine ain't the best when it comes to memory management in any event. One of the reasons I use F4SE, is because of some of the memory enhancements it does. I *think* ENB will do the same thing, if set up properly in its ini file. I run ENB JUST for the memory fix. Duplication of effort? Maybe, but I can play for hours without a crash.
  6. Uninstall sim settlements, start a new game. Get far enough that you actually have some settlers to order around, see if you can. That will tell you if it is sim settlements, or not.
  7. Because we simply can't resist. It's like watching a train wreck, or plane crash. :D
  8. Modern Firearms has 20mm anti-tank guns, once you get to the appropriate level. :D Them fellers put the smackdown on just about anything...... :D And you can even use a scope with it. :D
  9. I agree. A Realism Mod would be neat. Now I can just make ammo whenever I want, you'd think access to ammo by NPC's even Hermits would be less troublesome for them. You would likely need a combination of mods.... (there's an interesting thought experiment. :) ) I could see using something like better locational damage, along with other mods that make guns more deadly. I run modern firearms in my game, so, ammo isn't too much of an issue, and weapon damage is MUCH better than vanilla. (I have a mod that balances vanilla weapons with MF as well.....) I also tend to use a 'stealth' playstyle, so, even my lowly pistols can one-shot most unarmored enemies, and even some that are heavily armored, if I can get in a head shot.
  10. The game will run better from an SSD regardless. :) The only thing I use mechanical drives for these days, is my NAS. Everything else here runs on some form of SSD. As for MO2, I have no experience with that.
  11. Your hardware should run the vanilla game just fine. Especially if you are running it from the NVME drive. I would take a look at background processes, and see what all starts with windows. The big name manufacturers are famous for installing a boatload of bloatware.....
  12. Not really true, or rather you are explaining it poorly. You are not giving up any rights away, you still have all your own rights to your own work. What you are doing is giving them permission to use your work, for the purpose of use on this site, that's it. It's not as if they can just take your work and do anything they want with it. The ToS is strictly for usage on this site and you already know what they want to use it for, in this case collections. Claiming your rights are being taken away, is overly dramatic and total nonsense. We get it, you don't like it. But if you want to discuss these things, then discuss them in a way that doesn't over exaggerate the reality of what is actually occuring. Giving up all rights to your work, would suggest you no longer have the ability to distribute your own work. Like as if it's no longer owned by you. Like as if you gave away the copyright. When in reality, all that is happening is you are granting them permission to use the content you willingly chose to upload. Don't want to give them permission? Then don't upload it. And if someone doesn't read the ToS, they only have themselves to blame. If you care about your work that much, then you SHOULD be reading the ToS of where you upload that work. Yeah, I suppose. The upshot is, if you upload here, that's it. It's here, and it will stay here. You, as an author, no longer have the right to REVOKE nexus right to distribute your work.
  13. Oh there are, but most of them left, plus threads like these are quickly locked and shut down, taking away the ability to talk about the subject any more. Plus "unfavorable" comments are deleted etc. So the concerns are still there, we're just not allowed to talk about them anymore. Plus there was a bunch of people who suddenly appeared on the forums during that time to shout down any mod authors that had concerns, much like the Pinkertons did with Unions at one time in history.| Even while it was an ongoing thing, just where it could be discussed was heavily restricted. I think the most I saw was two threads.... any others were shut down, or pointed at the discussions on the new article. (even though those discussions had been locked already.....) But, Nexus is still here, folks are still uploading their mods here, whether they are aware of just what it is they are doing, is another question though. Very few folks actually READ the stuff they 'agree' to...... Most just pencil-whip it, and call it a day. (my brother did an interesting study on just that willingness to sign anything put in front of you..... but, this ain't the place for that.)
  14. While I appreciate the sentiment, it is pretty much a useless gesture. There was a pretty significant hue and cry when this all first came out..... And it essentially amounted to a tempest in a teapot. Sure, some authors have left, and the pain of that has been felt, but, not painful enough for staff to even remotely consider changing their minds. I expect that to remain the prevailing condition. Not that I agree with what Nexus is doing. Quite the contrary. I think it was handled extremely poorly. To the point that any trust that used to exist between mod authors, and nexus, is now gone. This used to be an author friendly site. Not so much any more. Upload here, and you are essentially giving up all rights to your work. As for collections..... Authors already agree to grant nexus a license to distribute their mods. That's the whole point of this site, after all. No where in that agreement does it specify, or restrict just HOW nexus distributes though. That, and having an 'opt out' option for collections, which essentially kill them before they even got started. At the very least, it would seriously gimp the whole program....... So, in the end, don't expect anything to change. It is what it is, and 'the people' have zero power to change things. There isn't enough folks even interested in this topic any more, for them to rally behind mod authors, (whom most of them think authors are prima-donnas anyway.....) and influence any decision making on the part of staff.
  15. They will still burn thru their ammo before you get there. :) Especially those with automatic weapons..... I agree though, if you are going to have NPC's actually use ammo, then they should be carrying an 'adequate' amount. Say 120 rounds for long guns, and the equivalent of three magazines for pistols, and such. Those 'out in the wild' will, of course, have less, as they are quite likely to have been required to use some. :D Trouble is though, guns aren't nearly as effective in the fallout universe, as they are in real life. In the 'real' world, you would be able to kill most humans, with one or two shots from the average long gun, probably the same for most pistols, but, in the FO universe..... some folks are friggin' bullet sponges...... and can take a couple full magazines to knock down. Gotta be a happy medium in there somewhere. :D
  16. Rank 2 of the explosives perk is supposed to give you a throwing arc for grenades... but, I have found it rather hit or miss whether it shows up or not. Interior cells seem the worst, and it rarely shows. Of course, it only shows where your grenade is going to land, not where it is going to bounce around to. (maybe less of an issue for molotovs.....) I find that perk quite handy for tossing grenades thru windows/doorways and such. :D
  17. Is he set to essential, or is he just not taking any damage at all? Even essential characters will have their health reduced, and when low enough, will go into a 'wait state', until they recover some health. I have encountered Super Mutants though, that regardless of what I hit them with, they simply don't take any damage whatsoever. For those guys, I open the console, click on 'em, and type in KILL. THAT takes care of 'em. :D
  18. My question becomes, does the Prydwen even have a 'physical' presence in the world when you are standing below it??
  19. Given the propensity for old cars to explode..... One would think that a few well-placed rockets would have the Prydwen going up in a lovely mushroom cloud. :D
  20. archives are loaded by their associated esp file. So it doesn't really matter where the bsa is, just so long as it is in the data folder. Your esp would need to be name MyEsp.esp in order for it to load that particular archive. Is that the case?
  21. I had a pretty fat Oblivion install, including FCOM, and a host of others, and the game actually ran pretty good. It would go for hours without a crash. :D Don't know if I still have the data folder from that install around yet. :D
  22. For most of the nation, violent crime was in downward trend for the last couple decades in any event. So far, I haven't seen ANY definitive study that shows gun laws have any affect on violent crime whatsoever. Chicago used to have some of the strictest gun laws in the nation, but, they were still the murder capitol of the US..... (following washington DC for a while, until the heller decision.....) Its a real mixed bag on gun laws vs crime. Of course, if there weren't any guns, there would be a LOT less GUN crime, however, crime rates would still not decline any faster than what they were. The pandemic has had a real negative affect though, and it seems violent crime is climbing in most of the country. (or, at least, in high population centers....... which shouldn't come as a surprise.) What does all that blah blah have to do with the discussion of the impact of West Virginia's changes in law and it's impact on crime in West Virginia, or the article I posted? Because just like everywhere else, the gun laws didn't make a measurable difference, either way.
  23. Ya only need a couple more mods to make FCOM play nice, and it is a DRAMATICALLY different experience from Vanilla. :D There were some really good guides out there for installing FCOM, I *think* there is a relatively recent one over on TESA. (link in my sig....) But, I haven't checked how up to date it is, or even if it's still there, as I haven't played Oblivion in years. :D
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