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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. I'd have skipped the whole teleport thing. It would be a way more interesting game if you had to locate the secret surface entrance, fight your way through the beasties inhabiting the sewers under CIT, get sidetracked into other tunnels and caves, and finally get to the old Institute robotics labs where they created the robots and early synths needed to build the actual institute. That would be a huge amount of content that would be freakin' easy to make because they already have all the parts. And you'd feel like you actually accomplished something more than killing one courser. I keep hearing rumors about a hidden physical entrance........ but, have never encountered one myself. Even when I did an institute play-thru...... I like the idea. :) A labyrinth of tunnels/rooms, with one pretty safe path, and a whole bunch of rather dangerous ones. :D
  2. Problem becomes, there is no standard for versioning of mods, and a great many that are already here don't have version info at all. I think what would work though, is mod lists should indeed list the game version they were designed/built on. For some games, that is critical information, for others, not so much. I don't see a real good way to retroactively implement any kind of versioning standard either...... Many of the mods here, the authors are long gone. The older the game, the more likely the author isn't around. So, I think for collections, it will be up to the tool/list curator, to track that information. Keeping it current will be another kettle of fish. Games update quite a bit in the first year or so after release...... Are curators going to test their collection on new game versions as they come out? Such fun we have for the programmers. :D
  3. Wait, what? You aren't psychic? You can't just sniff the wind, or read the clouds, and tell what the problem is???? :D
  4. Before Skyrim SE, only a tiny percentage of buyers actually modded their game. Now, with console mods, it has opened up the field some, and yes, some folks did indeed buy the game, because MODS!! Is it a significant bump in sales? Only beth really knows. That said, Mods certainly contribute to the longevity of the game..... Folks are still playing/modding morrowind, some 20 years after its release.
  5. The intention is to support anything Vortex works with currently, so that's around 170 games :smile: Of course as (to avoid the misinformation train) we'll be releasing an open API for other applications to use the system too. Ouch, that's a lotta code. :) Are you folks gonna try and have all that ready to rock on first 'public' release?
  6. Shouldn't it be able to differentiate by upload date?
  7. As I understand it, Vortex should already be able to tell you what mods any particular save game depends on. If you downloaded your mods via vortex, it would also know where to find them. I think this particular method should be eminently doable. :)
  8. Mod authors aren't leaving because of collections. Mod authors are leaving because Nexus took away their ability to delete their mods. Also, the WAY that was implemented caused some hard feelings as well.
  9. Does it crash on exit as well? How many mods are you running? (don't count any esl files) Maybe Damage Threshold...... but, not sure on that.
  10. The institute may have been there before the war...... At least, that's what I figure, seeing the advanced level of tech there. Sending out synths as scavengers would likely work fairly well too.... if they think they are going to get in trouble, they can just teleport back to their base. Most of the folk of the commonwealth would see that as them being destroyed in some fashion, as teleportation is just WAY out of their league.
  11. Is the water cooler ONLY for the CPU? If so, I went with one of these, Even with only one fan, (wasn't room for the second in my case....) temps are simply not a problem.
  12. Beth games are notorious for beating up on the CPU. Your temps are not out of line. :D That said, how old is your water cooling system? Contrary to popular belief, even the sealed system seem to lose coolant over time, which makes them less efficient. When is the last time you blew the dust out of the radiator and fans? Pumps also wear..... and while it may appear to be running, the real question becomes: How much coolant is it moving? If you aren't overclocking, then air coolers are perfectly acceptable, and a lot less potential trouble. I can look down at my fans and see they are spinning. My heatsink/fan for my CPU is pretty much overkill, and I have NEVER had the fans hit 100%.... Usually under 60%.
  13. Well, lets see. Skyrim: 66,200 mods. Skyrim SE: 37,800 mods. Fallout 4: 37,800 mods... Etc. The games, listed in order, the first seven are beth games. So, who is collections going to be aimed at? Looks like primarily beth games to me. How many games does Nexus collections want to support on initial release? Sure, there are a boatload of games here, but, most of them Have fewer than 200 mods. Maybe the place should be renamed "BethNexus". :D
  14. Well, you have experienced settlers, no? That should explain why the world still looks pretty much the same, even 200 plus years after the war. It seems no one in the commonwealth understands how to use a broom, or shovel, or hammer. :) They just whine a lot, and expect the SS to do everything for them. :)
  15. For beth games, version isn't really overmuch of an issue. Most of the time, they are backward compatible in any event. For changes that DO break things, and the games like to auto-update...... Just not much you can do about that. If a game update breaks a collection, the collection author will need to fix it. Just like it works today. Now, for collections that may use script extenders, things get more interesting, as a game update, breaks the script extender.... which breaks the collection. (though I would expect that in such cases, the end-user would be required in install the script extender.....) Trying to use a collection on beta software is just a bad idea, and anyone that tries it, should try not to act surprised when it doesn't work. I don't know of any game company that forces beta updates though. That is generally left to the end user to decide.
  16. And you can still download mods, even if you aren't paying. It's just slower. Maybe. :)
  17. Beth is already doing something like this, but leaving nexus out of it, and pocketing all the proceeds themselves. (Creation Club.) Beth tried "Paid mods", which essentially allowed mod authors to 'sell' their mods. The hue and cry was heard very loudly, and the torch and pitchfork crowd was immediately in evidence. Valve got scared, and Gabe pulled the plug. Even as Beth was announcing it..... (which got pulled right quick.) Besides, for beth games, if beth likes a mod, they can do whatever they want with it, without even saying a single word to the author. A fair few ideas from modders, were implemented in the next Beth game. They have even hired modders on occasion.
  18. Nexus became the site for mods because there was a need, and Robin was around at the right time, and when Nexus first started, it was put in place FOR modders to showcase their work, and share it with others. Modders rights had priority. Very few mod authors have an issue with collections, they take issue with the way things did a 180 turn here when it comes to modders rights, essentially overnight. A LOT changed in the background, without any input from the majority of content creators. (I don't know anyone that was even asked their opinion before the changes became fact.) Mod authors found out by accident. THEN Nexus made a news post, etc. With their new direction, Nexus has opened the door for some serious competition. If given a choice between essentially giving up your rights to Nexus, or uploading to another, author friendly site, which do you think folks are going to choose?
  19. You may have a mod in there that you need to load AFTER you have started a new game, and saved once. Crashing before the main menu is a missing master crash. A mod one of your installed mods requires, isn't there, or, loads after the mod that is dependent upon it.
  20. Keep in mind, the AppData folder is a hidden folder, Need to tell windows to show hidden folder in order to see it in explorer. Also, you need to launch the game at least once in order for a bunch of those files to be generated/placed. Don't have to actually PLAY, but, do need to fire off the game.
  21. It seems that most folks already know the consequences of Nexus decision, just seems that Nexus isn't all that concerned about it. Main reason being.... Money. Collections that don't break will generate income. That is what it is all about. Seems that profit is more important than modders rights.
  22. Nexus changed prices. First time they have done so in a decade or so. Yep. All the prices went up, and what once got your lifetime, now gets you a year.
  23. So, just out of idle curiosity, what was happen for the previous decade and change, when an author deleted a mod file? Was it just archived then as well? Are there 15 old versions of Advanced Magecraft (for Oblivion) existing in some 'archive' somewhere? If they really were actually deleted, what changed that they can't delete them now, and have to archive first? Why is it, a dynamic database can't handle deletions? That seems really bizarre to me. It's a database. The data changes. It's the nature of the beast. Deleting a file should be a trivial matter. Why isn't it?
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