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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. But doesn't the engine NOT render stuff you can't see?? Or is the performance problem due to the engine choking on deciding just what you can't see?
  2. CPU: i9-9900k 5.0GHz Water cooled. 5ghz? I really don't think that is stock.
  3. I think there was some other CC content included as well...... but, no idea just what it is.
  4. It's actually Archive invalidation, and it needs to happen so the game will actually use newer files. For the most part, mod managers handle that particular trick. In Vortex, I don't know if it just does it automagically when you install mods, or if you have to tell it to actually do so.
  5. Isn't there a separate image share for 'adult' images??
  6. And that is why Trump is still a thing.
  7. How many mods are you running? Load order set properly? Do either of those mods want you to wait till you exit the vault to activate them?
  8. Wonder if that is the game loading additional areas as you cross a cell boundary. Using any texture mods? You have a long list, and I don't know what a lot of them actually do. Also, I don't think it's the cause, but, beth games are notorious for not liking overclocking.....
  9. I don't disagree, but at least if we'd left like we should have, like we said we would I don't think the Taliban would have acted with such...impunity. We could also have pointed to us having done all correctly and would not have so much attention on us and more on them. I think the taliban would have done exactly the same thing. Wait till we are gone, then make their move. They knew this was coming. They have been waiting for it for years.
  10. The idea was, that we would at least let the afghani's know that we were leaving. Not just disappear overnight....... What possessed them to do that is a mystery to me. Although, it's not like they didn't know this was coming, we had announced it on national TV here...... But then, as I said before, I don't think who was in the oval office, or how the pull-out was managed, would have made one bit of difference in the end result. The taliban were going to take over again right after we left anyway. Didn't matter how long we stayed there. It seems the army we spent 20 years training, were only in it for the paycheck. If they actually wanted a better country, they would have fought for it. Not ran away when the first guy carrying an AK showed up.
  11. 60 3c Live Dismemberment - Brutal.esp 61 3d Live Dismemberment - Insane-o.esp 62 3e Live Dismemberment - Liebermode.esp 63 3f Live Dismemberment - Mental.esp 64 40 Live Dismemberment - Mind-Blowing.esp 65 41 Live Dismemberment - POSTAL.esp 66 42 Live Dismemberment - Regular.esp Are you supposed to have all of these enabled? Or just one??
  12. Get Better Console. (requires F4SE) Drop one of your grenades, open the console, click on the grenade. It will tell you which mod it came from.
  13. :) I suppose, you could consider every individuals game a "cathedral" as it is made up of the efforts of many others. :D Everyone builds their own personal cathedral with their personalized game. Yeah, not really what Wrye was talking about, but hey, I liked the idea. :D
  14. Gotta be something in your load list the modifies the HUD. Don't know which one that would be though.
  15. Depends who you ask, there are several " public servants" who made millions nation building. Yeah, and there are a whole lotta folks that made huge piles of cash building/selling weapons to the US, and also those we were fighting against. MONEY is the reason the republicans didn't really want out of afghanistan. Too many folks in the military/industrial complex were making too much money to want to stop.
  16. Biden made the decision to pull out of Afghanistan, WITHOUT letting the afghanis know we were leaving. (though it likely didn't take them long to figure out what was happening.) Therefore, HE is responsible for the consequences of that decision. Though, in all reality, it wouldn't really matter who made the decision, the results would have been exactly the same. The war in afghanistan was a lost cause right from the beginning. And I agree, the US should get out of the business of nation building. We obviously suck at it.
  17. And now we have everyone blaming biden for the collapse of the Afghan government. My take on it? This was gonna happen regardless of how/when we pulled out. Didn't matter who was in office. Trump tried to negotiate with the taliban, he should have known that was a bad idea. Biden, on the other hand, just surprised everyone, and pulled out our troops. Now, he is sending troops back in... Lost cause. Afghanistan simply doesn't want democracy. They have been a nation of feudal lords for centuries. That obviously hasn't changed.
  18. Yep, mine too. I get the notification that it takes a few for it to load, but, it never does. Edit: Correction, just takes a while to load.
  19. Erm, weak processor, integrated graphics (albeit, radeon integrated graphics) and only 64gb of storage. Windows will take up 20 to 30 of that... Also, it's windows "S", which means you can't install anything on it. Though, you can turn off the "S Mode". 11.6" screen???? Hhhmmm..... Personally, I would not recommend that machine for Skyrim.
  20. I'm confused about this comment: 1 - I'm a Premium. I don't see annoying banners and ads. 2 - What in the world does uBlock, or the whole comment you made, have to to with the topic? I suspect if you actually saw the ad, it might make more sense, but, don't know for sure, I don't see ads either. :D
  21. For me, the only part of the elevator that is missing, is the big gear you ride down on. Everything else is there. It doesn't reappear until after I exit the cryochamber.
  22. I am not seeing anything obvious in your load order..... Do you get the crosshair while wearing power armor?
  23. Is it enabled in the in-game settings menu?
  24. No. Aren't those sections in brackets only for my own understanding rather that being involved in gameplay? Not sure, but, combining them into one, sure isn't gonna hurt.
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