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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Name one country that maintained a successful communist government, and the people were happy about it. I am thinkin' that you can't, because it doesn't exist. Nor will it ever.
  2. Not seeing MCM???? Isn't that a separate mod? Ignore that. It's part of SkyUI..... Weird.... It *should* work.
  3. I *think* you need to do an ini edit for the CK ini file, to allow multiple masters.
  4. Make sure adult content is turned on in your site preferences. There are a LOT of nude mods, and various skimpy armors around. Bear in mind though, that your armor mods have to be compatible with whatever body/skeleton mod you use.
  5. Try and contact them first. See what happens. If that doesn't work, I *think* that making a patch for the mod, is allowed...... just needs to be dependent on the original. I think......
  6. Do you have all the requirements listed on the mod page? I note that MCM Helper is required for the menu to work.
  7. Do the spells have requirements that you don't meet? A link to the mod wouldn't hurt either.
  8. I am not seeing any reason those mods should not work. There aren't any additional requirements, and it seems the ones added to leveled lists, are added via script. (which is a good thing.) Might try reinstalling those mods... and see if anything improves. Might also try running MO as admin for that exercise.....
  9. That IS bizarre. I haven't seen that one before.... Are you using any ENB, or Reshade? Packing the files into archives should actually HELP performance, not screw it up.
  10. Usually, when I see that kind of behavior, it is because folks are loading more than the 255 mod hard limit of the game. Any ESM, or ESP file counts toward that limit. ESL files (or, files flagged as ESL...) do not. There is also a limit on how many ESL files you can have, but, that is REALLY variable, depending on just which mods you are using.
  11. Messages in the console are at the discretion of whomever is writing the mod. Some folks have 'debugging code' embedded in their mods, and you see those messages in the console. Others do not. Still others have a switch you can set, to enable/disable the debug messages. Usually, that is documented in the mods readme, but, not always. :D
  12. Autosaves and quicksaves have a bad reputation. Earlier games were notorious for corrupting them, and hosing your game. Beth *seems* to have fixed that.... I occasionally use autosaves in Skyrim, and FO4, and I haven't had a problem..... Yet.....
  13. I wholeheartedly concur. This 'full dark' by 5:30 is really a drag. It's dark when I get up to go to work, it's dark when I get out of work, to come home.......
  14. Ok, better late than never I suppose..... But, disabling Harvest Overhaul solved the issue. I can wander around solstheim with no trouble at all with it turned off.
  15. Uninstalling the game doesn't clean up after itself very well. There are leftover files in the My Games/Skyrim folder, and also a fold in appdata... (a hidden folder) You could try just deleting all the ini files in your My Games\Skyrim, and see if the game will start.
  16. Trying to use Skyrim Legendary Edition mods, in Skyrim Special Edition, or, Anniversary edition, as the case may be, doesn't always work as advertised. This forum here is for the older version of skyrim, further down in the list of "Games beginning with S", is Skyrim SE.
  17. Mod authors make mods to suit their own tastes, thus, dependencies on other mods. Now I will grant you, some of them really go overboard on the dependencies...... I have seen some that have more than a dozen other files required, and I agree with you on that topic, I am just not going to go there.
  18. Another vote for Extended Dialog interface, and also Scrap Everything. For my third choice, that would be Modern Firearms/Modern Sidearms. VASTLY improved selection of weapons available. :D
  19. Maybe try posting on that specific games mod troubleshooting forum. This forum is for issues with the site, not mods, or game problems.
  20. Nexus mod manager would likely work just fine for you. Back in the day, I actually used OBMM to install FCOM, but, at the time, that was the only option available. :D
  21. Well, it's fixed, and that is really all that matters. :D
  22. Can you switch between 1st, and 3rd person? Still the same problem?
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