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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Possible conflict between Spring Cleaning, and immersive scrapping? (I don't use either, so, not exactly sure what they do.) If you crash when folks die..... look at mods that change NPC's.
  2. Maybe. Changing mods/load order during a playthru is generally not suggested. However, sometimes you get lucky, and it works fine. Only way to know for sure, is to taste and see. :)
  3. LOLOL. Thank you for perfectly illustrating my point. You are so far off the mark, it's downright hilarious. None of your research you have presented is conclusive. It's filled with 'dodge words' like 'could', 'might', 'implies', etc. It's like politicians talking. They speak a lot of words, but, lack any meaningful content. (a lot like you.... interesting.) So far, you haven't shown ANYTHING that is 'proven'. It's all supposition and innuendo. One of the main reasons for that is, the US government actually BANNED research of that nature. (at least, federally funded research) From everything I have found, (and yes, I perused a variety of sources) there is absolutely ZERO conclusive proof that guns influence crime rate one way or the other. You are oh so concerned about gun deaths, yet you ignore the millions of babies that are killed every year legally. (abortion) Or how about the 250,000 to 450,000 people killed by their DOCTORS every year? Or the 30K + people killed by cars every year? (and that's just here in the states) Lots of ways to get dead here. Guns are only one of them, and are a tiny fraction of the overall picture. Not to mention, if it weren't guns, it would be something else. Knives, clubs, baseball bats, etc. Humans are a violent species. THAT is a FACT. One of our favorite passtimes is coming up with new and better ways to kill our fellow man. Trillions of dollars have been spent on the endeavor. Billions more are spent every year. That is unlikely to change, so long as human are around. Want to eliminate crime? Murder? Etc?? Get rid of the humans. That is the ONLY sure solution.
  4. "Government" and "Transparency" are mutually exclusive terms. :)
  5. Wow. Just..... wow. Your bias is showing. (in spades....) You make a lot of assumptions based on your views, that are completely inaccurate. You don't have any idea who i am, or what I am about. You just lump me into your 'gun nut' category, and proceed from there. Which, of course, makes just about everything you said there... Wrong. You also make assumptions about american society, that aren't exactly accurate either. But then, I expect nothing less from you. Just another liberal, that doesn't live here, has no clue about us, and lets his bias and emotions dictate his views. You would fit in well with the democrats here. (and that is NOT a compliment.)
  6. Filter for conflicts/overwrites. See if it comes up with anything.
  7. NMM uses hard links to install mods. It doesn't put anything directly into the data folder.
  8. ... One key piece is, the use of a weapon in self-defense is severely under-reported. And the whole "guns make crimes more violent" thing? Not a surprise, I would much rather see a dead attempted rapist, than another rape victim. ... it seems more that you should wake up from your "i am the saviour" dream. seems you watched to many movies. the overly high death rate in america is obvious compared with civilized countries. wake up and turn on your brain. you can shoot only one weapon at a time regardless how many you own. and in case the rapists take hostages you can do only one thing: deliver your weapon arsenal or risk the life of the hostages. at least i would know what i would do... so let us talk about reality ( the criminals commonly surprise you and your family and not vice versa): the more you own the more weapons the criminals will collect before they rape you and your family including your weapons - in case you are lucky and still alive. the more bullets they collect the higher the chance they kill you all and maybe other people in the next rape. We obviously have VERY different views on gun ownership, which doesn't come as a surprise, considering where we live...... Tell ya what, you do whatever you want in YOUR country, and we will do what we want in OUR country. Sound fair? You have a very biased view of gun ownership, and the information you present is also rather one-sided. You can cite as many studies as you care to, telling us that 'guns are bad', and it won't make one whit of difference to us. We like our constitutional rights, and take a dim view of someone that doesn't live here, telling us how we should live. That is the very epitome of arrogance. I am not a fan. Also, I have dogs. No one is going to get in here without me having a fair bit of advanced warning. All part of the plan. Anyone that comes here with evil intent is quite likely to be taken away in a body bag. I will be sitting at my table, cleaning my guns.
  9. If the mods you are merging have BSA, or BA2 files associated with them, they likely are not loading, if you aren't loading the original esp files. You would also need to combine the various archives, and name them appropriately, so your merged plugin would load them.
  10. I don't think LOOT comes with NMM...... Not sure on that though. Might try re-downloading loot, and installing it again?
  11. You have some mod conflicts there.... FO4Edit should help you find them.
  12. Interesting. Of course, he leaves out a lot of information. One key piece is, the use of a weapon in self-defense is severely under-reported. And the whole "guns make crimes more violent" thing? Not a surprise, I would much rather see a dead attempted rapist, than another rape victim.
  13. I've been thru that before as well. Unfortunately, I can't find a lot of my 'must have' equivalents for SE..... So, I still play LE. :D Runs good on my machine.
  14. The version linked is supposedly a 'fixed' version of the original for Skyrim SE. Seems it has an error that will randomly cause it to not work, until you restart the game. The author of the linked version takes no responsibility for it though, so, use at your own risk. The original version, (linked to from the one you linked to.....) appears to be a port of the Elys Uncapper for Skyrim LE. It should just work pretty much the same way. Install it, start the game once, exit, configure its ini file however you care to, and down the road you go. Just need to make sure that it actually loads, and is working properly EACH TIME you start the game.
  15. OOooo, ouch. That does not bode well.......
  16. Very true, and that is something you won't know, until the time comes, that the decision presents itself. I was a cop in the US Air Force though, so, I already know what the answer is for me. :D
  17. You could get into a 1660TI, or even a decent RTX 2060 6gb within your budget. Or, a similar AMD card...... What country you are in might make a difference as well. :D I generally go to Newegg, to see what's out there, find what I like, and then see if I can find a better price elsewhere. (which sometimes happens.) I'm in the US. I think either would be a nice bump in performance for ya. 2060 has a slight advantage over the 1660. You want a 6gb card though. (or more, if you can swing it.) Of course, that will likely make the CPU the bottleneck. :D But, you can upgrade that later, and use the video card in the next build as well. :D
  18. That is a truly old card, and things have improved quite a bit since they came out. Trouble is, GPU prices are absolutely stupid at the moment, and that seems like it is going to remain the case for some time. (months, if not years....) With the chip shortage, and other pandemic problems still impacting production and transportation, even FINDING a decent card can be a real exercise. So, the biggest question becomes, how much are you willing to spend? Also, what is the rest of your hardware? CPU? RAM? HDDs?
  19. If it's skyrim SE, maybe.... but, don't hold your breath. If it's skyrim LE, then I would say quite likely not.
  20. Good question. :) It seems the NMM Wiki hasn't been updated in quite some time..... even though that's where the help link goes. Both numbers are less than 255 though, so, you *should* be OK.
  21. Using any mods that change the menus?
  22. Are you running any mods? If so, that's where I would start looking first.
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