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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Why are you guys so far up your own butt that you think that Nexus will ignore advice from mod authors even when it is beneficial to the Nexus? You think the staff are entirely driven by spite now? the bold/italics part. It would be wise, and beneficial to nexus, to reconsider their position on file deletions. Just in case you haven't noticed, there is a pretty large pushback against that particular move. I don't see Nexus listening to mod authors on this one, even though it WOULD be beneficial to Nexus. Well, maybe not so much any more. Nexus has pretty much tanked any trust that once existed.
  2. It's not a delusion at all as we are literally working with mod authors on the new system as part of the internal testing going on right now (which is also referenced in the news post even). As we're making progress, we'll be adding more mod authors to the testing group and their input is and will be shaping the collections feature. We do not claim ownership of any mods you upload to our site. Anything alluding to the contrary is completely false. Please stop making such claims or we'll have to moderate against it. Right. You will have to excuse me if I take anything you say with a grain or three of salt. My question would be, where were these mod authors when you told them you were going to take away their ability to delete their mods? Or did you carefully screen for folks that wouldn't care? And no, you don't "Claim" ownership, at least, not outright, but, that is effectively what you have. Upload it here, and here it stays, and you folks can do pretty much whatever you want with it. The original author, (legal owner of the IP) can't delete it. If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, waddles like a duck, chances are REALLY good its a duck.
  3. Showler is the only one operating under the delusion that Nexus will work with mod authors on the new system. The rest of us are well aware that we don't get a voice in this. I also believe that you are indeed correct. After the deadline, nothing will change. Nexus will proceed along their path, exactly as they have already defined. If you upload here, you are essentially handing ownership of your mod to Nexus. No one is going to take this to court, so, the ToS will stand. Nexus has all the power here. Mod Authors have no influence over any decisions here. Of course, this means that the "mod author friendly site" claims, are all false. Nexus will become a mod author hostile site, but, folks will still upload here, simply because Nexus is the dominate mod site. Unless/until another site can provide some meaningful competition, that is going to remain the case.
  4. You mean like we had input on this part of the system? So we get voice our genuine concerns and then get completely ignored on them or dismissed. We are being asked to trust them, after they shattered our trust. No, I mean mod authors who stay and participate. It's patently obvious that mod authors don't get a say in how the system works. If you can't see that, maybe you should lay off the koolaid for a while. Yes, collections will be downloaded by folks that don't have a clue, and install something their machine simply can't handle. We will also have users that install a collection, then add 'a couple more' mods to it, and break it. If it's *just* the collection, the user isn't going to have the faintest idea which mods is killing his machine. Is he just going to pick a random mod out of his list, and go whine to the author? Or will he go to the lists page, and whine there? Likely both, but, more often than not, likely the latter. The users that add mods to a list, and break, are highly likely to blame the author of the last mod they installed. (yes, we have seen that before too.) None of this is new. There is a thread in GMAD about just such things. It ran to hundreds of pages......
  5. A working collection vs a non-working collection is likely all about complexity. What mods it includes. If they are all pretty straightforward, then a collection that works on one machine, *should* work on all machines. As the installation process gets more complicated, the higher the likelihood that something is going to break. is this sarcastic or a joke ? you think a mod cooection works the same on a gaming desktop with win emulation on linux, a win 10 pc and an optimus laptop or a pc even without a seperated gpu ? and believe me, many users don't even know the differrence of these setups and the different porblems. and these are just a few examples. Perhaps I should have specified "Windows-based". As the folk with the esoteric operating systems, and emulators, are unlikely to be using collections. That is not the demographic collections are aimed at. Edit: And let me add: Capable hardware. Yeah, if some guy running the game on his laptop with integrated graphics, downloads a 4K texture collection, then no, that simply isn't going to work. Need to apply at least a little bit of logic here.
  6. Thanks to your reply we got the motivation to approach the issue again and managed to get the account recovered. The way we did it was through getting Blizzard to look at the IP addresses used to access the account (which changed massively once it was hacked) to prove that the account was stolen. So if anyone experiences an issue like this and doesn't have ID/other proof of ownership, then I suggest writing to support and saying that. Should do the trick. Cheers pal. Interesting approach. Thank you for sharing. The IS useful info.
  7. A working collection vs a non-working collection is likely all about complexity. What mods it includes. If they are all pretty straightforward, then a collection that works on one machine, *should* work on all machines. As the installation process gets more complicated, the higher the likelihood that something is going to break.
  8. Nexus has no way of knowing if any particular downloader has a data cap or not. That is something the user needs to be aware of.
  9. I disagree here. Lets take oblivion for example. MOST of the mods for the game haven't been updated in nearly a decade. Should we avoid them as well? Fair few mods for fallout 4 haven't been update since shortly after the game was released, the majority of them still work perfectly fine. Sure, there are some that are going to have issues, but, I believe (for beth games, in any event) they are in the minority. As for other publishers? Don't know. I don't play those games. This site is predominately for Beth games. Collections is aimed mostly at beth games. Version control is a minor issue at best.
  10. HeyYou


    If you properly read my response and the quotation I included, nowhere does it imply that Bin Laden started planning 9/11 as a result of the Al-Shifa attack. In fact, quite the opposite. Way to downplay a despicable decision that resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands of civilians, not just one person. You falsely accused me in the GMAD thread of misrepresenting your statements, then you casually whitewash an atrocity. You're objectively a colossal hypocrite. Your 'Sudan had to do something else about medicines for a while' comment is so asinine and dismissive it's like framing 9/11 by saying that New York had to make do without two of its tallest buildings for a while. Except that lack of medicine causes suffering as well as loss of life. Maybe the fact that Sudan is a poor African country and that life was so good for you under the Clinton administration have rendered you incapable of sympathy and incapable of acknowledging that Clinton, under the same criteria that you provided for Bush, should also be considered a war criminal. Show me any proof of the impact of the attack. Aside from the immediate results of a building disappearing. 9/11 killed somewhere around 3000 people. That's just a bit more than 1. And that doesn't even touch on those that died later, as a result of that attack. A quote from you: 9/11 was gonna happen even without that particular attack. Love the insults and character disparagement. That's an awesome argument. Really gets your point across.
  11. HeyYou


    I am old, crotchety, cynical, and cranky. :) I post, because this is the DEBATES section. It isn't the 'everyone agrees on everything' section. Are my opinions not valid? Does discussing things from my perspective offend you? It IS my perspective after all. I've been around for quite some time, have experienced the best, and the worst... of humanity, (well, maybe not the absolute worst, but, some pretty nasty individuals.....) and I just don't have a real high opinion of the human race as a whole. Nor do I see a 'bright future' for us. Not at the rate we are going. Shall I add 'pessimist' to my self-description?
  12. Yes I was daft enough to mod Rimworld while it was in early access. Also after release game patches exist. Rimworld is on 1.3 right now. So that means mods made for 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2 are not usable or in a best case scenario not stable causing your game to crash. But on Steam you can filter mods by game version. Fallout 4 came out in what 2015? It's last patch 1.34 was in December of 2019. On the most endorsed page of fallout 4 more than half of mods are last updated way before the last patch, in some cases by more than several years. Steam may have a filter by game version(for Rimworld at least) but in absence of that a Last Update date time filter is a great alternative. Just because a mod hasn't been updated along with the game version, does not imply it isn't going to work, or, it will cause trouble. That's not how beth games work.
  13. There is a random element involved as well... though, I don't know exactly how the equations work.
  14. HeyYou


    Personally, I think it is already too late. Which is also typical. Why do today, what we can put off indefinitely? Just like climate change. It isn't even going to take a century for whites to be outnumbered here in the states, I think that is going to happen within a few decades..... Teaching critical race theory isn't necessarily a solution either. We may be doing more harm than good. (teaching future politicians just how to marginalize certain segments of their population.) We won't know that for quite some time either though. Doing something, JUST to be 'doing something', rarely turns out well in the end. Of course, all of this assumes that teaching people that something is happening, will change their minds about it. From what I have seen from the human race, prejudice and discrimination aren't really the exception, more like the rule. In just about any country, the majority will take advantage of/look down upon, the minority, in some way, shape, form, or manner. I don't see education changing that. Ever. I fully expect that discrimination, and marginalizing minorities, will continue to be a thing, until enough time has passed, and we have intermixed our bloodlines enough, that we are all essentially 'one race'. Yeah, that is LONG way off in the future, assuming we last that long..... Which I seriously doubt. We are already doing a very fine job of making our planet uninhabitable. And I am not just talking climate change either.....
  15. HeyYou


    Even so, in order for that tactic to have any effect at all, it is going to be generations before you see anything really change. In the meantime, things are going downhill at an ever increasing pace. I don't think we have the time for education to be the sole tactic we employ to combat racism. And then we have those that have been discriminated against for generations, with their own attitudes, and prejudices. In the typically american way, politicians think the problem can be solved by throwing money at it. They call it 'targeted economic development'. The problem with that though, is that the areas most in need of it, are the areas business is least interested in expanding in to. No one wants to open a business in a high crime area, and folks don't want to go to work there either. Insurance rates are higher, which tends to make the cost of doing business in those areas prohibitively expensive. Hire the locals? Great idea, trouble is, they are making more money doing somewhat less than legal things already. So, no real motivation to get a 'real' job. Sure, some would actually go for it, but their peers would make it challenging..... It's been tried before, and has failed miserably. Sets a bad precedent. So, what's the solution? I sure don't have one. You can change the laws, but, it isn't as easy to change peoples attitudes, and THAT is where we really need to begin. But, once again, that would be a process that would take generations to have any positive effect. But then, America isn't the only country to have these problems either. Seems our neighbor to the north has gone down some of the same roads that we have.... maybe not quite to the same extent, but, still..... There are other examples as well. And it ain't just white people doing the exploiting. The problem is far more widespread than is currently admitted. Which doesn't bode well for any kind of change.
  16. I think you have to do them all individually. :)
  17. HeyYou


    I will agree with you that it isn't just Trump and his supporters, but it sure seems like a majority of people who continue to spread dangerous misinformation and conspiracy theories are mostly coming from the extreme right wing of the Republican Party. But maybe that's just my perspective. I miss the days when everyone who invested in conspiracies were all about aliens and illuminati. Maybe you don't really care for the direction the country is headed now but I kind of felt this way when Trump was President too. The only reason why the two party system seems like it's failing is because one of the parties has pretty much been completely hi-jacked by one narcissistic man who struggles to regain power no matter the cost. Even if it means to disrupt our current democracy and even destroy it if it means he can get his way. Lets face it, the Republican Party is too easy to influence and practically easy to subjugate a overwhelming amount of misinformed supporters to blindly believe and follow one man. The Republican party as a whole at this point has too much of a base that would support Trump as a complete dictator and believe anything he says no matter how baseless the claims are. Something that too many Republicans don't understand, there is no mechanism to ever reinstate a President no matter how rational you can make an argument or even if there is some type of "proof" of foul play. Once a President is certified it's over and everyone has to move on. The Problem is a majority of the Republican Party won't move on... We have over 90% of elected Republican leaders in Congress who won't even admit Biden is President even though they know better. This is something you can't blame on anyone other then those who refuse to believe that the election is over. The same could be said for the dems. The whole "woke" culture is poisonous. Look what's happening in our schools today. The whole "critical race theory" thing, blaming all of our problems on white folks..... Yeah, that's certainly productive.... In any event, it isn't "just" the two-party system, it is what has been happening between them since roughly Obama got elected. It isn't about 'doing the business of the country' any more. It's making sure the 'other guys' can't get their pet legislation passed. The fight over the filibuster. Etc. Used to be, the word "compromise" held some meaning for both parties. Not today. It's a nasty word, and if you utter it, your political career is over. You might not like "woke" culture or many progressive ideas. I don't fully understand it completely either. But without the youth objectively taking a course that dives deep into the understanding of our countries history and just reject it because of personal opinion, how is any future generation suppose to over come social injustice and racism? For "Critical race theory" the purpose is to expose how racism has become a part of everyday life whether we know it or not. People end up making racist decisions that aren't meant to be racist but it ends up perpetually driving existing racism. It might seem very lopsided since a lot of it focuses on how policies in our history have shaped the way generations have grown up to understand how America is today. So it would be easy for a lot of white Americans to feel like it's all about blaming white people for everything. But to turn things around on how conservatives think, how is this any different then blaming immigrants for everything? At least "Critical race theory" has been conceived through the study of analyzing historical legal framework instead of just baselessly blaming things on immigrants. To me this whole attitude is more poisonous then having the youth of today have a better understanding of racism. Also going back to Obama, if I remember correctly it was the Republicans who suddenly decided to make it their main goal to not work with Obama and his administration no matter what, even when conservative policies were purposed. So it's no wonder why we are here today in this political environment. I object to the notion that only white people can be racist, and that every ill that has befallen minorities in this country is white folks fault. Takes two to tango.
  18. HeyYou


    I will agree with you that it isn't just Trump and his supporters, but it sure seems like a majority of people who continue to spread dangerous misinformation and conspiracy theories are mostly coming from the extreme right wing of the Republican Party. But maybe that's just my perspective. I miss the days when everyone who invested in conspiracies were all about aliens and illuminati. Maybe you don't really care for the direction the country is headed now but I kind of felt this way when Trump was President too. The only reason why the two party system seems like it's failing is because one of the parties has pretty much been completely hi-jacked by one narcissistic man who struggles to regain power no matter the cost. Even if it means to disrupt our current democracy and even destroy it if it means he can get his way. Lets face it, the Republican Party is too easy to influence and practically easy to subjugate a overwhelming amount of misinformed supporters to blindly believe and follow one man. The Republican party as a whole at this point has too much of a base that would support Trump as a complete dictator and believe anything he says no matter how baseless the claims are. Something that too many Republicans don't understand, there is no mechanism to ever reinstate a President no matter how rational you can make an argument or even if there is some type of "proof" of foul play. Once a President is certified it's over and everyone has to move on. The Problem is a majority of the Republican Party won't move on... We have over 90% of elected Republican leaders in Congress who won't even admit Biden is President even though they know better. This is something you can't blame on anyone other then those who refuse to believe that the election is over. The same could be said for the dems. The whole "woke" culture is poisonous. Look what's happening in our schools today. The whole "critical race theory" thing, blaming all of our problems on white folks..... Yeah, that's certainly productive.... In any event, it isn't "just" the two-party system, it is what has been happening between them since roughly Obama got elected. It isn't about 'doing the business of the country' any more. It's making sure the 'other guys' can't get their pet legislation passed. The fight over the filibuster. Etc. Used to be, the word "compromise" held some meaning for both parties. Not today. It's a nasty word, and if you utter it, your political career is over.
  19. HeyYou


    It isn't just Trump, and his supporters though. Society as a whole has been in a downward spiral for some time now. Recent events (Trump, pandemic, etc) have only accelerated that. We are far more divided, and sub-divided... now, than since the civil war. I really don't care for the direction this country is headed.... trouble is, I don't really see a way to change course. The two-party system is going to be the death of america.
  20. Does your tab key work outside of the game?
  21. Oh no, this was a stair I built, and I ordered my companion to go to the top to test pathing, and then back down. Up went fine, but down, along the same path, and the companion could not figure out how to do it. This was not an area navmesh, this was NPC AI. There is a serious AI problem with pathing in three dimensions. As in the AI does not take height into account when calculating the best path. So settlers will pointedly ignore stairs, walking NEXT to them and into a wall, rather than up them and through a door, or teleport off a cliff, rather than walk down them. And you can't blame mods, because I've tried it with vanilla, Bethesda created stairs and the results are the same. You know what steps work the best? The SOE Yangtze set. Steps from a submarine that no NPC ever needs to path to. Ramps work better, and any set of steps that is navmeshed as a ramp instead of actual steps (very few of them), but even then if the universe isn't totally flat NPCs get boggled. Gotta be something weird going on there, as I see NPCs regularly choose a path to some rather difficult locations. Like, standing on rocks, firing down into a canyon, NPC's, (particularly dogs....) will be able to find a way up. Of course, it rarely involves stairs. :) The ground is likely treated a lot like ramps.
  22. I'd love to see the demographics forums vs database. I feel there was way more activity in the forums in the past, at least if you take only Bethesda games forums into account. More and more I get the feeling forums are outdated, even if they are up to date with modern standards. There's a lot of other platform variants that show way better functionality. By modern I meant something like "away from forum software" in general. What other use do forums have vs f.e. Discord or Reddit, other than archiving? There's also YT and Twitch, and not to forget Steam. In terms of support Discord is superior. Hell, even Emailing is. I nowadays often feel forums are just used because of traditional reasons. Forums provide a relatively permanent record, something discord/other chat clients do not. For the purposes of a gaming forum, that offers user-based support for said games, forums are vastly superior to any chat client. Beth moving all of their support, etc, to discord is, in my opinion, a stupid move. What used to be a wealth of archived information, will soon be gone, and all that utility along with it. Maybe it seems like the 'fashionable trend' at the moment, but, that does NOT mean it's a 'good idea'. But, yeah. I am sure the mods database sees much more traffic than the forum. That does not mean the forums are not serving a useful purpose.
  23. Seems to me, that *should* work... But, since it doesn't appear to, maybe put it up in a messagebox instead?
  24. HeyYou


    No. No he wasn't. It was the Clinton administration that ordered the cruise missile strike (Operation Infinite Reach) on the Al-Shifa pharmaceutical plant in Sudan, precipitating a massive humanitarian crisis which cost the lives of several tens of thousands of Sudanese. All on the basis of fairly flimsy intelligence. Coincidentally the attack occurred only a week after the Lewinsky scandal and there was strong suspicion from various quarters that the attack was motivated, at least in part, by Clinton's need to 'look presidential'. And since you mentioned 9/11 in your comment, here's some further food for thought, taken from the link above: The implication being that if Clinton had acted differently, 9/11 might never have happened. Perhaps by 'good' you actually meant 'effective in certain areas'. Like his habitual womanising.... Bin Laden was already planning 9/11 even before operation infinite reach. He had been wanting to attack the US for quite some time previously. Granted, infinite reach was likely a mistake, but, one person died immediately, and sudan had to do something else about medicines for a while. Bush, on the other hand, started a friggin' war based on his own lies, that lasted more than a decade, and kill tens, if not hundreds of thousands. A fair bit of the world sees him as a war criminal. For slick Willy, they just kinda snicker behind their hand. :D Most people are more titillated by his mistreatment of women than anything he ever did in his purview as president. I mean the entire Whitewater investigation turned into a sex report. If there was anything actually done wrong with Whitewater (and who knows maybe) it was lost going down the rabbit hole of Clinton's inability to keep it in his pants. I always laugh when the republicans got their knickers in a twist with the Mueller report talking about it going "past its scope and authority" when they literally blew the damn door off its hinges with Starss report. And funny that they got so concerned about Bill's sex scandals when Starr ended up as Prssident of Baylor University and was ousted for hiding and ignoring campus sexual assaults and harassment. The irony is delicious. Yeah, for the most part, life was pretty calm while Willy was in office. (aside from the various scandals. :) )
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