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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Erm, what??? I haven't read anything about that.
  2. Interesting. :) Wonder if too many authors wanted 'some' removed, but, were going to remove them ALL if the 'some' option wasn't offered.
  3. Money. See, that wasn't hard. :smile: No idea what margins they are operating on here, but, running this place, with 18 employees, is NOT inexpensive. So, they need to make sure collections will 'always work', to motivate people to buy premium. They change the pricing, so it makes them more money. Expect collections to roll out in the not very distant future. That is what this is all in preparation for. Which is pointless anyway when half of the most prominent mod authors have left the site and taken their mods with them. Which still leaves half. Or more. Several of the major authors are still here. Nexus knew they were going to lose some, and some would stay. It was a gamble, and it appears to be paying off. If you guys spent more of your time outside these silly threads engaging in weird defeatism, you'd know there's much more ado than the noise. I exchanged messages off-nexus with quite a few 'major' as you called it, mod authors, mostly New Vegas and 4, and I assure that almost each one of them is either planning to nuke everything on the last day (Giving Nexi a chance to get back to senses, coz many of them been here for so long and still trying to give a chance to whole this), or planning to simply never update/upload anything ever here, and use this basically as a platform for promotion and re-direction, no more (Out of those people I reached out to, there were only two who said they won't do anything coz they are one of them 'endoresements and comments history matters, please don't hurt us we'll make fishbar soup, FISHBAR!' peculiar types). I can't Personally say much about other titans like Elders Scrolls folk since I don't know almost any, but the smell carries with the wind. So while I don't agree with their 'silent approach' (Actions gotta talk), I'm happy to know that the cast is FAR bigger than the spotlight shows ; ) And that is part of the problem as well. Waiting till the last minute to request removal, doesn't send the message until the last minute...... So, unless there is an outright FLOOD of requests on Aug 2nd, it isn't going to change. Even if there IS one, I doubt it will matter. (unless the numbers are MUCH bigger than what I anticipate.)
  4. How about hosting the video somewhere that doesn't require hoop jumping to view it.
  5. This isn't based on reality. I don't think you realize how difficult it is to run a site as large as Nexus Mods. There is a lot of work that gets put into it, way more work than most mods on this site. And it's not even just the site that they have put work into, but mod managers as well. They even created a community that is probably more willing to throw some money at mod developers than most communities out there. They even created a point system to try and give back. It's not something they ever had to do, but they did. You are not going to find that pretty much anywhere else. And if you think it's strictly the mod authors that built this site. Then go ahead, build a competing site. No one is stopping you from doing so. Now as for whether or not you can scorch it all. Sorry, but that would require way more mod authors being on your side. It isn't about "fortitude" it's about a difference of opinion. No one is discounting the effort required to keep this site going, however, without mod authors, it wouldn't be here. At all. There would be no reason for it.
  6. I think most of the suggestions, and discussion thereof, happened in the General Mod Author Discussion forum, which I no longer have access to, and you certainly don't.
  7. I understand that, which is why those who disagree have the option to just use a different platform to distribute their mods, or if they feel the need to ... just keep them for themselves. The issue here is people who disagree with Nexus don't seem to want to make a decision. No one here is telling you are not allowed to disagree. What is being said is that you have to make a choice at some point. If you are only staying here because you think maybe if you hold out long enough or complain long enough ... maybe they will retract their decision ... then you are the ones who need to convince them they should do that. What you all are doing isn't in the least bit convincing though. It's just a back and forth between those who agree with one another without any offering any solutions. It's more or less just "I don't like it, don't do it". And anytime an admin goes into an explanation, no one seems to actually respond to it in a way that they can do anything with. And rather than coming up with solutions to the problems they bring up, many of you just ignore it ... some throw insults, threaten them, say they are lying. It's just a bunch of people pointing fingers without any conversation actually happening even when the other side tries. There are two things you fail to comprehend. First, it is us authors that built Nexus Mods. Not Robin Scott. Without mod authors, Robin is just a snotty nosed teenager with a dream. But we trusted him and his word that we would always have complete control over our mods. It is only lately that we found out he lied. Second, it is authors that have the gold. We have the power to turn Nexus Mods into a wasteland, leaving Robin with just the mods he has appropriated from deceased authors. The only question is whether we authors have enough fortitude to actually implement a scorched earth policy. Much as I would LOVE to see that, I really don't see it happening. Some authors have way too much invested in having their mods here, and are unlikely in the extreme to pull them. Robin likely knew this when he decided that anything uploaded here should belong to him. And that is precisely why I don't really expect anything to change. Nexus can do whatever they want, but, since mod authors aren't presenting a united front, they can get away with it.
  8. I understand that, which is why those who disagree have the option to just use a different platform to distribute their mods, or if they feel the need to ... just keep them for themselves. The issue here is people who disagree with Nexus don't seem to want to make a decision. No one here is telling you are not allowed to disagree. What is being said is that you have to make a choice at some point. If you are only staying here because you think maybe if you hold out long enough or complain long enough ... maybe they will retract their decision ... then you are the ones who need to convince them they should do that. What you all are doing isn't in the least bit convincing though. It's just a back and forth between those who agree with one another without any offering any solutions. It's more or less just "I don't like it, don't do it". And anytime an admin goes into an explanation, no one seems to actually respond to it in a way that they can do anything with. And rather than coming up with solutions to the problems they bring up, many of you just ignore it ... some throw insults, threaten them, say they are lying. It's just a bunch of people pointing fingers without any conversation actually happening even when the other side tries. Multiple options have been presented. Staff has flat out told us they aren't going to change their minds on this. These threads are essentially for folks to blow off steam. Sure, a lot of folks aren't happy about the change, but, the alternative is to nuke ALL of their mods here. Sure, they could re-upload the ones that would like to remain here, but, there goes their download count, endorsements, comments, etc. For some, that is significant. Nexus gave the ultimatum as their 'solution' to the problem. Some choice, eh?
  9. Lol I'll definitely agree to disagree with you on it paying off Yeah, that was likely a poor choice of words. :D Maybe more like "A sacrifice they knew they were going to have to make." :D Better? :D
  10. Money. See, that wasn't hard. :smile: No idea what margins they are operating on here, but, running this place, with 18 employees, is NOT inexpensive. So, they need to make sure collections will 'always work', to motivate people to buy premium. They change the pricing, so it makes them more money. Expect collections to roll out in the not very distant future. That is what this is all in preparation for. Which is pointless anyway when half of the most prominent mod authors have left the site and taken their mods with them. Which still leaves half. Or more. Several of the major authors are still here. Nexus knew they were going to lose some, and some would stay. It was a gamble, and it appears to be paying off.
  11. Side Note: I find it HIGHLY amusing that I just got a notice from amazon that the terms of use have changed. :D
  12. Money. See, that wasn't hard. :) No idea what margins they are operating on here, but, running this place, with 18 employees, is NOT inexpensive. So, they need to make sure collections will 'always work', to motivate people to buy premium. They change the pricing, so it makes them more money. Expect collections to roll out in the not very distant future. That is what this is all in preparation for.
  13. Not having content on here at the moment doesn't mean I can't have my own views on things. Plus, I plan to upload here in the future anyway. I could even upload something now if you want just to prove to you that whether or not I have a mod on here really doesn't make a lick of difference in my opinion. I have just never uploaded here in particular because most of my mods where Half-Life DM maps hosted on a site called the snarkpit. Not even sure if the site still exists. And while I have dabbled in the creation kit, I have never actually made anything I felt was worth uploading. But I do have a mod up for the sims 4, on the site modthesims. Could upload it here as well. Just never seen Nexus as much of a sims 4 mod source if you know what I mean. Ok, so YOU feel that way, and that is perfectly fine. Apparently, there is a selection of folks that don't feel the same. Imagine that, we don't all agree. Amazing. So, because YOU don't have a problem with it, you can't understand why others might? You feel free to hand over whatever you make to nexus. It would appear that others just don't want to.
  14. Well, the dog whistle has to make sure its useful. Right? :D
  15. I hope that will be the case. I totally get making more features available for premium users, but taking away privileges from regular users would be absurd. They haven't done that nor have they even mentioned the possibility of doing that. They didn't tell us they were taking control of our work beforehand either.
  16. I didn't say that in that context. You should probably read the entire thing. Just disagreeing isn't the same as derailing a thread. It's literally still on topic. As you don't have any of your work hosted here, you don't have a dog in this particular hunt, so it really doesn't come as a surprise that you are poo-pooing authors concerns. You aren't the only one though. It seems that folks with nothing vested in this decision, don't have a problem with it. Imagine that.
  17. That's the thing, how do I know if i'll want it in a year or 2 years from now? Its basically like "might as well buy it now since it's gonna cost more going forward..." Seriously BUY LIFETIME before the Deadline, I've had it since 2008 This is actually a good idea..... :D
  18. Premium gets you ad-free browsing (here...), and uncapped download speeds. I think you can also download multiple files at once...... I think they will still be doing "Supporter".... buy one month of premium, and you get supporter status once it expires. 2mb/s download speeds, and ad-free. General members are capped at 1mb/s, and are served ads. (unless you have an ad-blocker...) Prices are going up, but, benefits aren't changing, aside from lifetime no longer being an option. Personally, buying lifetime now, for less than a one year premium later.... That IS a good deal. :D
  19. 70 yearly instead of 60 for a lifetime is a steeper increase than those inflation stats. If I payed 60 dollars now and I used this site for the next 5 years, that's quite a bit less than a new member coming and paying 70 a year for the next 5 years. $350 every 5 years instead of $60 for a lifetime. So buy lifetime before august 3rd. :D
  20. Price of a new Chevy Cruise in 2013: 18,000 us dollars Price of a new Chevy Cruise in 2021: 23,700 us dollars Prices go up over time. Nexus hasn't changed prices since the system started. And the increase is actually in line with consumer price increases. The big shock is because it happened all at once, instead of little by little over the intervening 8 years.
  21. Now that sure as hades ain't a coincidence..... I suppose, if you want premium membership, now would be the time to purchase lifetime premium. :D
  22. Folks are hoping that Nexus will see the error of their ways, and change this policy. A lot like a dog sitting by the dining table, hoping someone will hand them some scraps....... :D It might work then. That's main reason my dog has gotten so fat. Those puppy eyes...... :cool: LOLOL. Yep. All to familiar with that one. Though, my dogs have learned they don't get fed from the table. They get theirs later. :D So they wait not-so-patiently. If I am sitting at my desk though, it's fair game..... and they have gotten very good at eating from a fork/spoon. :D (yes, I share. My dogs aren't spoiled... no, not at all...... stop looking at me like that.)
  23. Folks are hoping that Nexus will see the error of their ways, and change this policy. A lot like a dog sitting by the dining table, hoping someone will hand them some scraps....... :D
  24. Wonder if you are running up against the ESL limit...... there are only so many 'spare' ID's to go around...
  25. If Select arrow type is not working 1.You need have this type for arrow 2.check You can't have more than two of the same bows, Otherwise it won't work ex: Wood Bow x1 (Y), Recurve Bow x1 (Y) , Compound Bow x1 (Y) Wood Bow x2 (N), Recurve Bow x1 (Y) , Compound Bow x3 (N) 3.Please install "Fallout 4 Script Extender (F4SE)",Because of this function,Is working with script
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