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Everything posted by HeyYou
I think you need to run LOOT on your load order. You have esps loading AFTER their masters...... That doesn't work very well.
Fallout 4 Saves crash on loading them (still on loading screen)
HeyYou replied to Sakoshira's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
That *might* work..... but, don't hold your breath. -
There is a mod on Nexus, Load Accelerator, that uncaps framerate ONLY during loading screens. Cuts load times quite a bit.
With that many mods, it's gonna get REAL complicated..... I would bet dependencies will bite you in the keester. About the only mods that you can be pretty much assured you can merge without trouble, are esp ONLY mods. No bsa archives, (or ba2 for that matter) and certainly no scripts.
[Mod request/idea] Borderlands-type inventory limit
HeyYou replied to SoundWings's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
The game already kinda does that. Pick up that last item, and you can't run anymore. (or sprint....) With the right perks though, that restriction pretty much goes away. And then there are backpack mods that increase carry weight even more..... Still and all, the system is NOT realistic in any way. Walking around with 30 some odd long guns on my person, just ain't happenin' in 'real life'. Of course, FO4 is a game...... I could see an inventory system that gives you so many 'slots'. Items would take up slots, depending on what they were. For small items, may be able to put several in a single slot. Run out of slots, and that's it, you can't carry ANYTHING else. At all. No idea at all how one would implement that though, and with mod added items..... It would be REALLY hard to do...... -
No it doesn't. If I had to use a hammer to put in 300 nails, and I had to do it with my left hand due to where they were placed, I could do it. After the first 5 or so, it would be easy enough. Almost everyone can do this. Very few people are limited to right or left hands. You may be better with the one you normally use, but that's the case with anything in life, it's called practise. Just because you were taught to use your right hand to write with at school, does not mean you're right handed. All it means is you are able to use your right hand. If you lived in a country (and there are some) that write the other way, then you could probably have learned to use your left hand just as easily. You are missing the point. "Ambidextrous" does indeed infer use of either hand with EQUAL utility/ability. So, it wouldn't matter which hand you used for ANY task. (that required hands.....) Your opinion doesn't change the dictionary definition. And we are dragging this thread WAY off-topic...... So, I am done. If you wish to maintain false views, that's on you, and really isn't my problem.
War of The Commonwealth Alternative.
HeyYou replied to Deleted49413338User's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
I think how many NPC's the game can handle is REALLY dependent on hardware...... I built my main base at starlight drive-in, and had a couple scavengers lurking about...... They weren't hostile, so, I didn't worry about it. Except..... every time I left, and came back..... there were more of them. Eventually, it got to the point that it was downright crowded there, there must have been more than 30 scavengers wandering around.... the game still ran smooth, and no crashes...... I ended up killing all of them.... so I wouldn't get crowded out of my own settlement. :D -
Wow. That's interesting...... What brand drive is in there? Is it in need of a firmware update? How old?
That IS bizarre... Are you using a mod manager to install them?
Not seein' the 'attached' image. :)
If you open the resource monitor, and check disk activity, it will tell you which apps are beating up your HDD, and even what files they are playin' with. Given the regular frequency of the problem, I wonder if it isn't your antivirus causing the issue.... Could try excluding the Fallout 4 folder from it's scans/paranoia..... :D See if anything changes.
With the .ba2 version, do you have the esp file activated in your load order?
You should post in the Fallout 4 mod request forums. :D
Deleting mods mid-playthough is pretty much assured to not fix any problems you are having, and bring you even more interesting problems. You could try "cleaning" your save with FallRim tools, remove any orphaned scripts, etc, and see if anything improves.
War of The Commonwealth Alternative.
HeyYou replied to Deleted49413338User's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
PANPC (Pack Attack NPC Edition.) Allows you to configure all sorts of stuff, including random spawns. Gotta be REAL careful with that though.... I bumped the odds a bit for random spawns outside normal territory for ALL enemies, bumped the number that spawned, and it became impossible to do any building, as I was constantly being invaded by raiders, gunners, ghouls, and whatever else walks upright..... :D GREAT for experience points, lousy for getting anything done. :D It is REAL easy to become radically outnumbered..... Run into a group that is stronger than you, so, you run away, only to find another group, and while you are trying to evade them, the first group finds you.... then EVERYONE knows where you are, then you are dead...... :D -
I don't think radiation, or drowning, is a problem for NPC's......
To be fair to other people, it sounds like you're ambidextrous, which is extremely rare. Actually, most people are ambidextrous. 10% are left handed, 10% are right handed, and 80% are ambidextrous, but since we write with our right hands, ambidextrous people think they're right handed. Nope. Only about 1% of the population is ambidextrous..... Where did you get your stats from? Real life experience. Virtually anyone who's right handed can do things easily with their left hand. The lefties get confused when they use their right hand, and I know one who actually experiences pain when writing with the right hand. Anyway, we only become right handed because we're taught to write with our right hands. Some people might get so used to it that their left hand is no longer very dextrous. Most keep the ability, even if not for writing, but things like using a mouse is easy with either hand. I actually prefer using my left for some things, because it's slightly stronger. I tend to do the intricate thing with my right and the heavy thing with my left - eg I'll carry a heavy bag in my left hand so I can use my right hand for opening the doors, so the left hand has become stronger. Sure, folks can use their 'off' hand to do some things, but, 99% of them are NOT equally adept with both hands. (and definition of ambidextrous) I am left handed, but, there are a LOT of things I do right handed, simply because that is how the tools required were designed. You REALLY don't wanna seem my right-handed hand writing though...... chickenscratch would be an improvement.
There is a "clean" warehouse set available, and I think Homemaker has some pre-war buildings available as well. :) And I agree with you. It seems that no one in the commonwealth has the faintest idea how to properly build ANYTHING....... and they also need to be told what to do.... where to sleep, etc..... Seem post-war americans are idiots. :D
Yep. Because the spell is added in the first loop, so the second loop is always going to be true.
It's probably opposite like that to accommodate the Console Crowd. Just like Camera Controls for Game Controllers are always ass-backwards to me, because I use a mouse Same reason the Left mouse button casts right hand spells, and the right mouse button casts left hand spells in Skyrim I think in general people have a problem with left and right. I don't. If I sit at the desk of someone who's left handed, and has their mouse on the left of the keyboard, I just use it there instead of moving it, which often amazes them. Some left handed folk swap the buttons over, but I don't see the point. It's the "left" mouse button, not the "first finger" mouse button. I just click once to see which way it's set up, then use it that way. No sense in moving all their stuff all over the desk. Same applies to people who don't know which way a trailer will go when they reverse a car. To be fair to other people, it sounds like you're ambidextrous, which is extremely rare. Actually, most people are ambidextrous. 10% are left handed, 10% are right handed, and 80% are ambidextrous, but since we write with our right hands, ambidextrous people think they're right handed. Nope. Only about 1% of the population is ambidextrous..... Where did you get your stats from?
REPLACE NPCs (Settlers, factions, enemies...)
HeyYou replied to DanixameAkai's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Better Settlers? I don't think it replaces them, just adds variety. -
All mods removed/reset upon loading saves
HeyYou replied to 0Anesthetic4u's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
The game only supports 255 esm/esp files, and an unknown number of esl files. Go beyond that limit, and odd and strange things start to happen. -
That works really well too. :D
Skyrim has Slaughterfish. They don't seem to have any trouble attacking me while I am swimming, but, I can't do squat to them, unless my feet are on solid ground. That's annoying. Generally, I try and find someplace where the water is shallow enough that I can stand in it, and wait for them to come to me. Fireballs work pretty good too. :D Of course, in Fallout, you don't have that option. Still, I find that if I simply wait for them, they will eventually come close enough to kill, and you can indeed shoot them while they are still in the water. (if you can see them..... shotguns work pretty good in that situation. :) )