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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. What level are you? Done the interview with Piper?
  2. Need to find out what is spiking the GPU, I think that will be the root of your problem. Are you going thru a loading zone? (interior or exterior, don't think it matters....)
  3. The author has been recently active here, send him a PM, and see if you can find out what happened to the mod. It *used* to be here.......
  4. The problem as I see it, and I have seen it many times before, in other environments, is the management that made the stupid decisions, will NOT take the blame for those decisions. They start finger-pointing at anyone and everyone that actually did the work on the game/project/whatever, and blame them for any failings. I mean, seriously, it can't be THEIR fault, they have a college degree after all, and this should have worked, someone else screwed it up...... Corporations are the same everywhere. Blame rolls down hill. Beth has demonstrated that failing on numerous occasions in the last decade or two.
  5. Start the game launcher, and make sure it is trying to use the correct video solution on your machine. If that looks good, maybe reinstall the drivers for your vid card? You DO have an nvidia card, right? :D
  6. There is an ini setting to allow multiple master loads. Have a look at this thread.
  7. Why not PM him directly on Nexus? He was active as recently as the 12th of this month.
  8. Is it trying to use the integrated graphics? Might be some leftover mods that didn't get quite as uninstalled as they should. That will annoy the game. :D
  9. It exists, but, I don't think the map includes it......
  10. Does one of your perks automatically activate nighteye when you are sneaking??
  11. Need to verify Game Cache via steam then. If you see "SkyrimLauncher" in the game directory, then you are good. It just isn't showing the extension. (a windows thing.)
  12. Should be able to set a rule, that specifies x mod loads after y mod. (using vortex? Right??)
  13. Look in event viewer (windows utility) and see if anything in the logs presents itself. SKSE *might* have a log as well.....
  14. What game, or games... brought this on? (this is the first I have heard of it, but then, I don't play their games either... so don't really pay much attention.) That said, I believe that is the ONLY way the players can get the developers attention. Hit 'em in the wallet. If you get the shareholders attention, you will very shortly have the attention of management, and, as feces rolls downhill..... likely someone (or several someones) will get fired, and they may actually change the way they do things. They can't afford that kind of dent in their bottom line very often. I am thinkin' a second time, and the company would be pretty much done.
  15. The modding scene for LE is MUCH more developed than it is for SE...... I had considered 'upgrading' to SE, but, a fair few of the mods that I consider 'required', simply aren't there for SE. SKYUI hasn't been updated since 2017... and various other considerations...... I suspect though, that SE has a larger player-base at this point...... Don't have any stats on that though.
  16. Typically Enough (Because we're talking about Bethesda), Bethesda Games are WHY I have a two monitor setup. The monitor on my right has the Task Manager opened 24/7, along with a CMD window run as Admin (in case Steam decides to crash and take Explorer and the entire system with it, by not letting me kill the Steam.exe because it says "Access Denied"), and for recovering from other stupid things that Bethesda games are fond of doing. This was brought about because I was sick of Oblivion doing a full screen graphics lock, where I couldn't get to my desktop to shut it down, so I added a second monitor Now all the tools to stop a runaway Bethesda game sit on my right monitor while I play the game on my main monitor. I mean, Bethesda games are so bad at that, that some modders made a utility to hit three combination keys to open their systray utility to allow you to close down Oblivion, Fallout 3 etc I believe they still exist on the nexus game pages, I just can't remember the names of them. Actually, they are both good ideas. :) But, I need a bigger desk before I can set up another monitor...... May go lookin' for those tools though. That sounds doable. It is a sad state of affairs that this kind of thing is even necessary....... and its also one of the reasons I generally give beth games six months to a year, before I will buy them..... (on sale.....)
  17. Batteries for electric cars. Fuel cells for hydrogen cars, and the computer you are posting from wouldn't exist without those rare-earth minerals.
  18. Can they though? Name one stable, well executed, well paced, well WRITTEN game that Bethesda Game Studios has ever made. The entire series. Edit: HeyYou - you can set it up where The Task Manager Window always is on top of other windows. Yeah, but, that keeps it on top, even when the game is working properly...... Might interesting to see what all is going on when the game chokes though..... May have to try that. :)
  19. I think you need to run LOOT on your load order, you have patches loading before the mods they patch..... Immersive Amazing Follower Tweaks - Immersive AFT Interesting NPCs Patch for instance. :)
  20. It will be interesting to see how the MS/Beth combination works out. Money just became a LOT less of an issue..... they will certainly have the resources they need to put out a good game. Whether they will or not, remains to be seen. If they follow their latest trend of 'dumbing down' the games to 'appeal to a wider audience' though, I am not going to be a happy camper. Morrowind was a great RPG, granted, it had some interesting bugs, but, most of those were solved by the modding community. It says a lot that folks are STILL modding morrowind...... With Oblivion, they went WAY overboard with the level scaling..... and the game just wasn't fun. Leveling up was actually counter-productive. I played for maybe an hour, then set it aside for a couple years, until I found FCOM. THAT made the game FAR more interesting. Skyrim was better, as far as level scaling, but, too many of the RPG elements were removed, and it became an action/adventure game with "some rpg elements"...... They did the same to Fallout 4..... (though I still enjoy playing FO4..... with mods..... :) ) Skyrim though, In my latest playthrough, I am around level 70, and got to Solstheim, and discovered I can play for about 5 minutes, then the game locks up, and I have to restart my computer, as I can't get task manager to show up, so I can kill skyrim. (even if I leave it open in the background, I can't alt-tab to it.....) I have tried every fix I found online..... (resetting ugrids back to 5, nuking every instance of the MG07 quest scripts, turning off autosaves, etc.) and no soap. Even around Fort Frostmoth, it will freeze solid, and I am done. Really wish I could solve that one....... Didn't have those issues on the mainland.... ran great.
  21. Maybe he was a guard in a previous life? :D
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