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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Texture issue maybe?? Though why they would show up when you build them, and disappear later, is a mystery to me.....
  2. Which mod manager are you you using? MO2 has it's own ini files stashed somewhere, and I don't think it actually uses the one in the My Games\Fallout 4 folder.
  3. Be Exceptional - Uninstall.esp <- Is that one supposed to be in there?? 24 18 TrueStormsFO4-FarHarbor.esp 25 19 TrueStormsFO4-NukaWorld-FH-Compat.esp 26 1a TrueStormsFO4-GlowingSeaExtraRads.esp 27 1b TrueStormsFO4-FarHarborExtraRads.esp 28 1c TrueStormsFO4-EarlierSunsets.esp 29 1d TrueStormsFO4-EarlierSunsetsFH.esp Do you actually need all of these? (I don't use them, so, just not sure.) Bunch of other stuff I don't recognize there either.
  4. HeyYou


    Oh dear. Doctor HeyYou, what we appear to have here is a severe case of classic confirmation bias. Would you agree with that prognosis? I sincerely hope it isn't terminal. Xrayy, I prescribe a remedy of: a thorough reading about what has actually happened between the reps/trump/fox news, rather than your usual consumption of reading only those things that confirm what you already want to believe. I do believe you are correct good sir. :) However, given the severity of the condition, I suspect it is incurable.......
  5. HeyYou


    And once again, just for posterity, and clarity.... Trump pretty much follows the republican party line, as in he supports my constitutional rights. Doesn't want to give away trillions of dollars that we don't have, for something that happened 150 years ago. Not a single person living today was around for it, and not a single person living today, was a part of it. So why take tax dollars (you know, money from THE PEOPLE around TODAY) to pay folks that they never experienced? He also doesn't believe in assigning MORE rights to some minority because it gives the appearance of being 'politically correct'. (which trump most certainly is NOT.....) From the Republican point of view, Trump is less of a 'danger' to this country, that Biden, and quite likely Harris, when Biden can no longer serve. And given some of Bidens health issues, I will be surprised if he lasts two years. But then, this is the 2020 elections, and I am REAL curious if the 'zero factor' is going to come into play....... (presidents elected in a year ending in zero, have a tendency to be assassinated while in office...... or, at least, an attempt is made. )
  6. HeyYou


    Reading comprehension doesn't seem to be a strong suit of yours. HeyYou has explained that he supports the policies, not the man, but you just carry on as if your brain is unable to parse this seemingly simple fact. Personally, I think he is just baiting me, because he is bored, or some such. :) And silly me, I take the bait.
  7. HeyYou


    less than 1% advantage ? very interesting your number. so if this is your logic and final result i understand how easy it was for a cheater like trump to collect you as a follower. is this your own result or is this from fox news or the trump administration or breitbart ? :wink: Wow. You really are off on a nut, aren't you? Can you do math? Can you look up vote tallys? Or is that beyond you? Check the numbers yourself. I did. It was easy. Hell, they are the very first result in a google search. (and they are from either google itself, or associated press.) And in case you missed it, I am not a "trump follower", I am a republican. (which surprises even me, as I have voted dem previously....... Hilary made me switch sides, and now, the dem platform makes me wanna puke, so, republican I am.) Trump was the republican candidate, so, he got my vote. Edit: Oh look! I slipped a decimal point. :D Ooops. So, actually about a 3% difference. Still, not that significant. About the same number Hilary had, and she still lost. Why you insist that anyone that votes for him is a 'follower', is beyond me. But then..... it's you. Not an american... don't live here.... no idea of what reality is on the ground, only what you read in your liberal news sources. You really should try and expand your reading. You might learn something. But then, that is likely the whole reason you DON'T expand your reading...... you might learn something.... Can't have that, now can we?
  8. Any mods that affect turrets? Is the turret still there, just invisible?
  9. HeyYou


    Yeah, 4 million votes may seem like a lot, but, when you consider around 150 million votes were cast (at current count.....) the difference amounts to less than 1% advantage for Biden. As for the rest of your post...... you go ahead and keep on thinking that. It simply does not matter.
  10. HeyYou


    You just don't get it. You have your preconceived notions of what I *should* be according to YOUR value system, and absolutely fail to see the point I have been trying to make. You are so sure you are "RIGHT!", that you can't see anything beyond what your idealism dictates you should believe. It is people like you that have put the US in the situation that it is in now. The whole 'morally superior' attitude, and outright refusing to see what the issue really is, blinds you to the reality of the situation. But then, you didn't grow up here, you don't live here, you don't have the faintest idea of what the reality is here, so, it really shouldn't come as a surprise. See, THIS is why only citizens are allowed to vote. :D You are a perfect example of why we DON'T allow non-citizens a voice in our leadership.
  11. HeyYou


    What you perceive as a moral failing, is, in reality, the difference between being an idealist, or a realist. (Hint: I am not an idealist....)
  12. HeyYou


    LOLOLOLOL. You are really funny. If you trust ANY politician, you have already lost. If I only voted for folks that were "Trustworthy", I wouldn't be voting for any of them. Take a look back at Hilary's political career, and then explain to me what makes you think she would have been any different than Trump, aside from her political policies....... She is just as big a crook as Trump, if not even more so.
  13. My take on it was just to go thru those cells where you didn't want 'em, and nuke those entries.
  14. HeyYou


    What you don't seem to understand is, I simply do not care about that. That is a personal issue with Donny. It is is leadership on the economy, gun/free speech rights, and foreign policy that I voted for. Not the man.
  15. Reinstall those mods. Are there any other requirements that you might be missing? (I don't use either mod, so, not really a lotta help there.....)
  16. HeyYou


    Not gonna happen. Several of the Dems political positions are going to be EXTREMELY divisive. (gun control, reparations for slavery, economic policy, curbs on free speech, etc.) If they push a couple of those too hard, the are going to get a VERY rude surprise. Keep in mind, he didn't win by much of a margin, and not all the votes are in yet either. (That I am aware of....) There is still a chance, albeit, pretty slim.... that Trump will still win. crying while spreading permanent unfounded accusations is in my optinion divisive. if your biggest problems are your weapons (why no gun control?) you are really pitful. curbs on free speech ? tell me more or do you mean free speech for racists or supremacists ? i can not follow your arguments, sorry. you seem to me like someone with a hobby to permanently complain without any idea how to contribute something useful for your country and how to unite a nation. more weapons is surely not a valid option. Gun Control: Not a single proposal the dems are coming up with will make any difference whatsoever on gun crime. The dems in New York at one time attempted to make speaking out against AGW a felony..... That is only one example. If you have been following the news in the last several years, there are also many examples of folks be raked over the coals for expressing an opinion the dems don't like. You can't follow my arguments for a couple reasons. Top o' the list is because you don't want to. You don't have any clue about american history/culture, as you don't live here. You were raised in a completely different culture from us, so, naturally, your attitudes are going to be different. Also, you have been so well indoctrinated by the leftist propaganda, that you simply refuse to believe anything I say, even when the facts of the matter are readily available from numerous sources. (not all of which are right-leaning either.) I seriously don't expect to convince you of anything at all, as you have already had your mind made up for you, and anything that contradicts your beliefs, must be misinformation, or flat out lies. To be honest, I don't even know why I bother with you. You don't live here, you don't vote here, therefore, your opinions are meaningless. You have no dog in the hunt....... I must be really bored....... Think I will go out and count clouds. That would be a more productive use of my time......
  17. Rather off-topic, buy hey, it's us. :) Men and women are judged by two completely different standards. A woman takes advantage of hone of her students, regardless of age, and she gets a slap on the wrist. A man taking advantage of one of his students gets 15 to 20 years. Women keep crying out for equality, so, where is the equality there?? I wasn't aware that it is even possible to rape a man, in the standard sense of the word..... I mean, if he is being forced, would he even rise to the occasion? I am not aware of any woman that has been accused/convicted of raping an adult male. Of course, it isn't a statistic I go looking for either..... :)
  18. HeyYou


    It's quite likely that whatever measures he takes to combat the virus, will actually cost us jobs.
  19. HeyYou


    Not gonna happen. Several of the Dems political positions are going to be EXTREMELY divisive. (gun control, reparations for slavery, economic policy, curbs on free speech, etc.) If they push a couple of those too hard, the are going to get a VERY rude surprise. Keep in mind, he didn't win by much of a margin, and not all the votes are in yet either. (That I am aware of....) There is still a chance, albeit, pretty slim.... that Trump will still win.
  20. Does steam actually launch the launcher though? Or the game exe??
  21. Why though? The game is already pretty demanding on hardware, trying to play another demanding game within it likely wouldn't work well. Plus, if I wanted to play skyrim, I have that installed on my machine anyway. I also think there would be some serious legal ramifications involved. :)
  22. Change anything right before it came back? Does it affect every door?
  23. What did you do with the original launcher? Do you have the correct version of FOSE for your game version? Have you tried launching directly from FOSE loader??
  24. History of the World? That was Mel Brooks, wasn't it?
  25. But she did consider herself to be half of the president when her husband was the inhabitant of the Oval Office. Ya know why they banned short skirts in the Whitehouse? Folks were tired of seeing Hilarys balls. :D
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