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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. I can find items in xEdit, but, I don't think it actually loads scripts..... would probably be able to use windows search in the 'source' folder, assuming the source files are actually there..... (under the data\scripts folder somewhere) Have to tell windows to search within archives.... No idea if that will actually work though.
  2. Fair few folks recommend using the .05 version.......
  3. Yep. Par for the course. It's HUGE download..... Trick is, get the base game installed, and running properly, then back up the entire folder somewhere. :D
  4. I use build high, and don't have that issue......
  5. I wonder if since he is 'protected' character, if it simply won't allow the FC to blow?
  6. SSD technology has come a LONG way since then.... And yes, they are indeed limited, but, those limits are pretty darn high. ALL of the drives in my machine are SSDs. My NAS runs mechanical drives. Been that way for several years, and my SSD STILL reports better than 90% of life remaining. And that's on the drive the O/S is installed on.
  7. Anything change on your system?? Add/Remove anything? What speakers are you running? What does windows think your speaker setup is?
  8. What happens if you shoot his fusion core? :D
  9. Well, ya gotta consider Beths motivations. They want a game that will have a wide appeal, so it can't be real complicated. And 'realism' doesn't even register on their scale of what it important. It needs to look pretty, and sell well. That is ALL they care about.
  10. I would dearly love to have a constructable elevator in build mode, that would serve multiple floors..... It would like have to be along the lines the 'other' elevator, I think from one of the dlcs, that has a different version for two, three, or four floors. Making something that would add additional floors on the fly....... not sure if that is doable.....
  11. Depends on what you hit 'em with. :D There is a raider on the waterfront, with a transit station there as well. (subway) He is a great opportunity for testing just what happens, as he walks up and down the waterfront in his power armor. If you come in from the opposite end (south, I think) you can get a really good firing position on him, and you can target his FC in vats, with a good chance of hitting it. I REALLY enjoyed watching him get blow to bits. :D I reloaded several times, just so I could see it again. :D Think I was using a .50 caliber sniper rifle....... so, one shot, one kill, in any event.
  12. What version do you have? I see it was last updated in 2018.... checking the comments, I don't see anyone else with a similar issue as yours. I suspect it is a mod interaction problem, and not necessarily a problem with the mod itself.
  13. If you target the Fusion core, and actually hit it, it blows up, killing the guy in the PA, and blowing him out of it. :D Fun to watch.
  14. Beth consistently plays fast and loose with their own lore. None of this should really come as a surprise. :D
  15. This is where we go off on the tangent of 'what represents 'life''.... and quite frankly, modern day philosophers are even now debating this, and they are no closer to a definition than the dems are of defining an 'assault rifle'. :) So, the question becomes, What represents 'being alive'? For my part, I would have no idea how to define that. Synths ARE living tissue, yes, they are self-aware (maybe....), they may, or may not, be able to naturally reproduce. (I just don't know on that one.) Does that make them "alive"???? They are still constructs, made by man. Is man capable of creating "life"???? I don't have an answer for that one either..... Now, lets consider synths... Coursers in particular. They are faster, stronger, more resilient, than a 'natural' human. Should we even consider permitting them to breed? (assuming its even possible for them to do so...) How long do you think the human race would last, if synths could reproduce without benefit of the institute labs? My guess would be: Not long at all. I think what we see in Battlestar Galactica is a pretty accurate rendition of the end result...... and we don't have the benefit of FTL travel to find someplace else to hide. I.E. Synths would simply wipe us out, and that would be the end of it. Now, in Shauns specific case..... He is always going to be a ten year old boy. Everyone in the world is always going to see him as a ten year old boy. He may live another thousand years, barring unforeseen circumstances, and the river don't rise..... Will he be able to care for himself? Will his mind mature as he ages? Or will he always need a caretaker? I suppose, it would be a simple matter to just turn him off, and call it a day. Would that be the same as killing him? After all, it IS possible to turn him back on..... So, is he really "dead"??
  16. Wish I had your confidence........ :D
  17. I would suspect that they do it at either the beginning of the game, or, when the player 'takes ownership', and is actually able to use the workshop. (more likely the latter, would be my guess.)
  18. So far as I know, synths are incapable of reproducing, either with each other, or, with anyone else. What I do NOT know is, if that was a design feature, something that was planned, or, something they haven't figured out how to overcome yet. (or if they would even want to.) Were they specifically designed to NOT be able to reproduce?? A woman, that is born, not created in a lab...... and emerges fully formed, with all her memories, has the ability to reproduce shortly after puberty sets in. Something else a synth will never experience. If she is unable to bear children, either the result of surgery, or some other failing, that doesn't make HER less human. Synths, in and of themselves, CANNOT reproduce. So, how can they be considered a 'race'? As for the whole 'real' thing.... Even today, we can build a computer that can carry on a conversation..... If you were speaking to it on the phone, or some other electronic means, (NOT in person, staring at a box....) you wouldn't be able to distinguish it from a 'real' person. Does that make it "alive"? Does it make it a 'real' person? It sure gives the appearance of being self-aware..... but, it isn't. It is simply creative programming. How do we know synths are anything different from that box? Organic vs. mechanical issues aside.
  19. There are now automated tools for importing a load list into the game. For premium members here on nexus, the tool will download, and install the mods, in a specified order. Wabbajack, Automaton etc. Nexus is also planning on coming out with their own tool for just such an occasion. The user simply downloads a file, that the tool then uses to determine which mods to grab, and what order to install them in.
  20. Do you have the latest version of the creation kit? There are some 'version checking' shenanigans going around. There is a F4SE plugin to bypass the version check, that would likely solve your problem.
  21. Other cultures/races are not produced in a laboratory. They can also reproduce naturally. Synths cannot. The seem to have the correct equipment, it simply doesn't work. (yeah, that whole "not human" thing pretty much covers it though.) Are they indeed self aware? Or is it simply creative programming? If they were purely mechanical, but, with the same creative programming, would they still be considered "Alive"?? Does "life" require organics? CAN a 'machine' BE alive?? There are a whole buncha aspects to this debate.... but, in the end, Synths are exactly that, Synthetic. I.E. Not 'real'. My biggest issue with them comes from the Institute Mission to 'reclaim some synths'. When you ask them WHY they ran away, all you get is non-answers. There is no rationale behind it, there is no expansion of motives, they are just 'afraid'. Afraid of what? Of whom? Why? There are no answers to those questions forthcoming, therefore, I treat them like the machines they are.
  22. I have seen folks wandering around in PA, that DIDN'T show a fusion core in the armor. There was a hole where it should be, and you could see the NPC inside.... That is good to know. :) That was my experience as well. I think it boils down to max damage reduction. The game will only allow up to 85% reduction, regardless of what your armor rating is. One would think with a rating of over 1000, small arms would simply bounce off. (which is the way it SHOULD work.....) But no, even a lowly .22 pistol can damage you even when you are wearing X-01 armor, upgraded to the max. That's just idiotic.
  23. I don't watch fox news. The republicans borrow and spend, the democrats tax and spend. Neither has any clue what a 'balance budget' looks like. Obama drove us further into debt than EVERY president before him, combined. I am aware that the only thing that actually 'trickles down', is NOT money. :) Yep, obstructionism is the policy of the day in washington. That started a couple decades back, and REALLY took off when Obama was elected. Not that trump is in office, that policy has continued, it's just changed sides. It seems it is more important to make sure the 'other guys' can't do anything good, than it is to make sure this country can continue. It isn't JUST a republican thing, it is BOTH parties. As for the progressives, I am referring to their social agenda. Please note it is their policies that have made our public schools the laughingstock of the world. The whole "everyone wins, everyone gets a trophy", and "no one is responsible for their own actions" thing, have made sure that the inmates are in charge of the asylum. NEITHER party is doing what's best for America. Both parties are doing what is best for THEM. I.E. what puts the most money in their pocket, RIGHT NOW. They ALL need to be chased out of D.C., and replaced. But, that isn't going to happen. So, we all get to sit back and watch as our government drives our country into the ground. Republicans aren't the only ones that see themselves as 'above the law' either. But, I am going to bet money that whomever I bring up here, you will give me some song and dance about how 'others have done it too', and 'the fbi said she didn't commit a crime', etc. So, I simply won't bother. Keep in mind, I am NOT a republican. I voted for Obama, twice. It's just since 2016 and beyond, the dems are running on platforms with positions I simply cannot support, so, I vote for the folks whom I disagree with the least. Does that mean I support EVERYTHING they do? Most certainly not. They are simply the lesser of two evils.
  24. I enjoy holding hands. :) I'll revisit this when I get back from work.
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