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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Load your mods in xEdit, and then search for SMB_FlySwarmScript, see where it comes from.
  2. Homemaker adds its own menu item at the end of the build menu. If you aren't seeing that, had you dealt with archive invalidation in your fallout4.ini?
  3. You're on PC now. You want to kill all enemies in the area. Use the console and type kah or Killall. Good to familiarize yourself with https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout_4_console_commands Breaking a pre combine isn't a bad thing. You're on PC now. Unless you use a potato PC you're good to go. I've never had issues with Scrap Everything and pre combines. On PC, the 'normal' installation of Scrap Everything only breaks down precombines within settlement areas. It doesn't affect the rest of the world. There is an option to do so though.... I generally don't, as it seriously beats up performance in downtown Boston.
  4. Ooooo..... Now that sounds promising. Being able to move spawn points OUTSIDE my fortifications would make them far more useful..... :D
  5. Modern Firearms has a variety of light machine guns to choose from. :D
  6. I usually build at starlight drive-in. I will set up some stuff at Sanctuary for Preston and the gang, but then I only show up there to turn in quests..... I tend to build large, walled, compounds, and then plant my house in the middle of it. In one playthru, I had secret passages, elevators, and the whole nine yards. And everything was lighted, and powered, and controlled by switches. That one took some time. :D Think I spent more time searching out more resources to continue building, than I did anything else. :D
  7. A fair bit of the stuff is available in the modern firearms mod. I think..... The bdu's and the vest certainly are.
  8. Can't view the video.
  9. It's a missing mesh. One of your mods didn't install properly, and simply disabling your mods may not fix it.
  10. You see the ghosts of things you have already scrapped? I get that one rather frequently...... they only show up building a few items, and then only if I look at things the wrong angle...... change which direction I am looking, and they disappear again. I do believe that one is an engine bug, and nothing to be done about it.
  11. I believe win 10 home will let you set "active hours", and the system won't prompt for a restart during those hours.
  12. May wanna try in the xbox section over at the official bethesda forums. I know there are quite few guys there that support xbox/ps4 players.
  13. Maybe they used neutron bombs? They don't do a lot of damage, outside the immediate blast radius, but, they will kill most living organisms in pretty short order...... :D
  14. And if you haven't played Morrowind, I HIGHLY recommend it. :D
  15. I love this idea. "Themed" packs would be awesome as well. Actors, Politicians, heads of state, (both past and present) That would be way cool. After all, who wouldn't just LOVE putting a couple rounds into Hilary, or Donald? :D
  16. Is this just an appearance thing? Do the bullets actually hit where you want them to? Or are you hitting below where you are aiming?
  17. I thought Piper was also listed as Essential? Or at the very least, Protected... (and only the player can kill her.) Maybe I will test that theory in my current playthru.... I haven't been to diamond city yet. :D
  18. Is there any consistency to the crash? Location, what you are doing, what NPC's are about, and what they are doing?
  19. Nah, it won't warn us. The game will either just start crashing at boot up, or if somebody is trying to add a new mod, they'll get an error that there's not enough memory space available, and they have to remove some mods first. Now, here's something that I'm not entirely sure of. But I'm kinda of the impression that vortex will bypass that, and still install the mods anyway. Even tho the game can't handle them. Again, I'm not entirely sure of that. I don't think Vortex has any way of knowing if there is any address space left....... My guess would be "no". Or, at least, if it does, it would be a fairly drawn out process to check. (equivalent to loading all your esl files in xedit.)
  20. Try reinstalling visual c++, that seems to be the last suggested fix you haven't already tried.
  21. FO4SE won't crash your game, won't corrupt your saves, or any of the other things folks like to pin on it. It's a script extender. That's it. You have a missing master, or your load order needs adjusting. If you use a mod manager, it should tell you if a master is missing......
  22. It doesn't. Unfortunately. I tried it, in hopes of getting rid of the messages that I have grown tired of. "Press V to open the workshop".... Well after several thousand hours in game, I think I have that one figgered out. Unfortunately, I think the only way to get rid of those messages, gets rid of ALL of them. Including the ones you WANT to see.
  23. That definition is not fool-proof as a failed or corrupt registration can be taking up a WorkshopParent slot, but unable to move settlers or create a provisioner. Learn even more here. Well, it assumes (yeah, I know....) that things are working as they should. As a 'general' rule of thumb, it should work though, shouldn't it?
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