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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Careful what you ask for. :) For the vast majority of folks, I REALLY DON'T want to know what they are thinkin'.
  2. I agree, that's stupid. FB has gone WAY too politically correct. But, it's situational. In your example, that's just idiotic. (on FB's part.)
  3. Pretty much. :) Though, I am thinking treat it just like alcohol, or tobacco. (don't want 10 years olds going in and buying a 'pack of marijuana'......)
  4. I agree with your points on MJ. However, the guns thing? Not so much. Yes, violent crime in general has increased in the last two years. Murders went from 4.4/100,000 people, to 5.3/100,000 people. Of course, most of those murders happen in large cities, with gang issues. Still and all, violent crime is WAY down from it's peak in the early 90's. I would also point out that most of those murders are committed by folks that are using illegal guns, (stolen, whathaveyou) and are also breaking laws simply by being in possession of a weapon. Passing more laws isn't going to make any difference. We need to ENFORCE the laws that are already on the books.
  5. I don't have a google account, and don't really want one........ Sorry.
  6. HeyYou


    Currently, the taxpayers are footing the bill for all of that, including the cleanup afterwards. I don't really have a problem with the organizers of said 'protests' footing the bill for their protest. Neither do I , we seem to have entered into a time of professional activism , where solving a problem isn't an end goal , but where engaging in the seeking of funding has become the end goal. Thing is life will always have problems and this sort of political class can make this into something that becomes endless. I've often wondered that if you put a tax condition on these type of things and said "OK you want this program , you have to pay XX more in taxes" and then said to those who don't want it "You will pay no extra taxes". How many of these so called social activist types would suddenly become very fiscally conservative. Giving folks a choice of where their tax dollars go? That would be an interesting concept, but, I think the military, and a fair few social programs would instantly be de-funded. :D
  7. Marijuana can cause addiction and also cause harm on people's health. That's why marijuana was illegal. They legalize marijuana due to that they saw huge potential profit on it... whatever it is for good or bad reasons. Using a tragedy scenarios is a just another tactic for politicians or any other leaders to convince people that their ideals/plans/agenda are good one. Whether you believe them or not, it is all up to you or maybe the majority of the population.... Why do people think Medical & Personal weed use is somewhat criminal? Bad for you has nothing to do with why pot is illegal. If that was the case, alcohol, and tobacco would also be illegal. (along with a host of other things that are FAR worse for you.)
  8. HeyYou


    Currently, the taxpayers are footing the bill for all of that, including the cleanup afterwards. I don't really have a problem with the organizers of said 'protests' footing the bill for their protest.
  9. We are already seeing the pendulum swing on the drugs front. 10 years ago, even decriminalization was pretty much unheard of. Now, several states have already legalized pot, even for recreational use. (it seems folks have discovered that it generates a fair bit of tax revenue.......) Pot was regulated, but, still pretty much legal, up until about 1937, then it was used as a club against immigrant labor..... Which, of course, didn't really work...... Personally, I think the US should legalize, and regulate ALL recreational drugs. Use the tax revenue to support rehabilitation services for those that want it. The rest will pretty much take care of themselves in fairly short order. It would deprive organized crime and gangs of a major revenue stream, thus, all reducing crime......
  10. A facepalming Robin bobblehead would be awesome. A nexus Mouse pad would be neat too. :D Maybe a picture of Robin facepalming on a mouse pad? :D
  11. I think you can get as high res as you like, so long as it will scale to the frame you are putting it in. Get to weird though, and performance will suffer. Won't break the game though, unless you have a bunch of them visible at the same time. Your framerate may tank.
  12. Which game? FO4 is working fine for me.
  13. That's bizarre. :) Did the file size shrink as well?
  14. How old is the harddrive? Any other slowness issues with the machine?
  15. Send a PM to a mod/admin, include as much information about the old account as you can.
  16. Yes, it's incredibly easy, you should go ahead and do that total conversion yourself. :D
  17. What version of NMM do you have? There is an updated version on GitHub that I am using, that works rather well. For manual installs, there are a selection of videos on youtube to get you started, at least with basic mods.
  18. Post in the vortex forums with the problems you are having. They should be able to get you going.
  19. What do your video drivers look like? Up to date?
  20. CS doesn't give any control of cell loading, unfortunately. The scripting and such would be eminently doable, but, there are a LOT of load doors in Skyrim/Fallout 4, and I suspect the sheer number of scripts that would need to be running would be prohibitive.... Now, you could just run one script, tracking the players location, and have that one trigger specific scripts based on where the player was...... or even have the doors scripted, to trigger the 'activation' of the interior, and enable the appropriate stuff. Still, that would be a LOT of work, and would be incompatible with a HOST of mods already out. (and likely a boatload more that get released while it is in the works.) My personal opinion is: Yes, you could do it, would be an interesting project, however, I don't think many folks would use it, simply because of the incompatibility issues it would generate.
  21. HeyYou


    Erm, what seems to be the problem?
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