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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. You don't need to refuel your ship. The H3 tank automatically fills again after every jump.
  2. Now that's funny. And on that note, I am out. If all you have are insults, then I have no use for you.
  3. Non sequitur. I go to macs for a big mac, if I want a whopper, I'll go to burger king. (home of the whopper.....)
  4. No, they are decided by random emotional decisions in some cases..... Nexus has changed a LOT since the days of TESNexus.... and not all of those changes were for the better.
  5. Well, not exactly true..... McD's has added things to their menu, which the public didn't like, and they disappeared. Mcd's has removed things from their menu, which the public DID like, and lo and behold, they came back. If you don't give the customers what they want, they will go elsewhere where they CAN get it. On the flip side of that, just about everything the 'customers' want IS available here..... and the stuff that ain't, folks do indeed go elsewhere for it. (lovers lab, anyone?)
  6. Actually, yes, he can. And he is, and he won't notice it on his bottom line, which is what he REALLY cares about. Robin is in a position that he can be as draconian as he cares to be, and Nexus will still continue to be the number one Mod site on the internet.
  7. Aside from the spiderman thing, your interpretation of Robins interpretation of the data is flawed.... So, lacking as well. This ain't my first rodeo.
  8. Ah, the spiderman incident. Yes, I recall that. I would be real curious if that made any difference at all. Userbase has been growing steadily in any event. I remember when hitting the 1 million members milestone was a big thing.... now, there are what? Well north of 20 million. (that stat isn't on the front page any more.)
  9. Erm, as Robin doesn't host those mods, he won't have any stats on userbase having those mods here, so, your premise is patently false.
  10. I don't see any staff in here at the moment.... Think there was an admin here earlier though. I am SURE they are paying attention, as threads of this nature DO tend to get rather heated. And, of course, no one is going to change anyone elses opinions/views here, so, it's kinda a pointless exercise anyway.
  11. I don't see Reddit as a good source for anything. I don't have an account there, nor do I want one. So far as I am concerned, Reddit is the Mos Isley of the internet.
  12. What's your point? How is hosting a mod, or not, going to change that in any way?? And you need to remember, that not everyone agrees 'diversity' is a 'good thing'..... Folks in Europe are begging to discover that it may not have been all it was advertised to be.
  13. Well it seems that some other business owner stating 'I will bake a cake for this event, but, not that one." was considered 'evil'. Isn't pretty much the same thing happening here?
  14. What does voting have to do with anything here? You claim that this thread is debating your right to exist. it isn't. You are reading more into it than what is here.
  15. Another question: How is a business owner declining to bake a cake for an event he doesn't agree with, any different than Robin NOT hosting mods he doesn't agree with?
  16. No, they aren't. Mods of that nature are simply removing something from a GAME, that some folks don't particularly care for. It doesn't affect you in any way, shape, form, or manner. No one is holding a gun to your head, forcing you to download it and install it, or even so much as visit that particular page. Yet here we are, discriminating against a segment of the mod author/user population. THIS is why some folks have such a problem with the whole 'diversity' thing. Its only discrimination if it is against one of their pet groups. The double standard here is what annoys folks.
  17. What is it you believe I am 'making up'? Please point out to me where anyone here has denied your right to exist.
  18. They DO deserve equal treatment. However, there are circumstances that put that at odds with other folks rights. And therein lies the sticking point. The 'minority' groups want THEIR 'rights' to trump those of others. Like forcing a highly religious person to bake a cake to celebrate an event that they highly disagree with. It is when there is a conflict of that nature, that we start running into trouble.
  19. So Robin is being EXCLUSIVE, in the name of diversity/inclusion. Where is the logic in that? It's HIS site though, so yeah, HE makes the rules. If he doesn't want to host it, that is his decision to make. So, those mod authors are discriminated against, and their mods are banned, and sometimes the author as well. To me, that stinks of being the exact OPPOSITE of 'inclusive'.
  20. And you can pass any law you want, and that won't change.
  21. Am I? Pray tell, how does that manifest? Do I get paid more? Do I have access to things others don't? What? From where I am sitting, I don't have any special privileges. If I break the law, I go to jail.
  22. I don't. I earn folks respect. I don't demand it because I am a member of some minority group.
  23. I don't see respect mentioned anywhere in the bill of rights. Nor is 'being repected' a RIGHT. Respect is EARNED.
  24. How are they not equal now? They have the exact same rights that I do.
  25. In the vanilla game, you do not need to refuel your ship.
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