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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. I am 163..... and not done with this universe yet. Still, give it a shot, see what happens.
  2. Three folders you wanna nuke. The one in My Games, (back up your saves, if you want to keep them) the install folder, which you appear to have already gotten, and the one in C:\Users\YourUserName\Appdata\Fallout4.... (nuke the folder, or just the contents, I don't think it matters.) Restart, then reinstall the game. Fire it off at least one, to make sure the game will start and run. (and properly detects your hardware.)
  3. No, it won't. That's one of the reasons the CK isn't out yet. Now, lets see if beth actually FIXES a bunch of their goofs.
  4. I had a wireless mouse/keyboard at one point, but, the mouse had a healthy appetite for batteries.... keyboard lasted longer, but, it would tend to crap out when I was actually playing a game.... about the fourth it happened, and got me killed.... I went back to corded mouse/keyboard. For me, the left mouse button fails first. It either stops working altogether, or, gives me a double-click when I click once.... that gets annoying fast. :D
  5. This is one of those things that in-house play testing likely would never find...... the devs probably figgered that no one would ever need more than 4 MILLION..... Then the game gets released into the wild, and the hoarders start playing.
  6. And I think you just nailed the largest part of the problem. Beth really doesn't have any real competition in this segment..... Hence, they can get away with things, that other companies can't. (as they actually HAVE real competitors....) But, I don't see any indie game studio being able to come up with something similar... at least, not without writing their own game engine, and creating their own development tools... And that is a HUGE investment, that you can't afford, UNLESS you have some major corporation backing you. And that would defeat the entire purpose of having an indie studio doing it. (not chained to ESG scores, and being politically correct.)
  7. The trouble is, for ever one gamer that takes a stand, there are a thousand that don't, and even the crappiest of games sell "well". So, basically, we're screwed.
  8. Search function? What is this mythical beast you speak of?
  9. There are minor bugs in previous beth games they never bothered to fix as well. Starfield isn't any better, or worse, than any of those. Now, the fact that they took an additional year to 'polish' the game, yet we still see bugs of this nature? Yeah, I really don't think much of their QC..... I am sure the one guy trying to play the game on his windows 98 machine genuinely tried to document bugs.... but, Word crashed, and he lost that document. Physics issues in a beth game... Yep. That one has been there forever. But, that is Havoc.... and I am not entirely sure Beth even has the ABILITY to fix that..... Some of the issues that folks are having are self-inflicted. (note: SOME of them, yes, the game does seem to choke on some hardware combinations.) Trying to play the game on below spec machines, running it off a mechanical HDD, tons of Windows startup programs, etc. A frequent complaint I see at work is "The machine is slow." on hardware that shouldn't be..... only to find three different A/V programs running, along with a selection of 'driver updater' apps, etc etc. One customer had no less than SIX instances of "One Launch" starting with windows...... Some of the stuff I see at work, just makes me shake my head... And some of the "free" A/V packages? (and some of the subscription fellers too....) They have more processes starting with windows, than HP does with their bloatware. It's insane. How often do drivers need updated? (a lot of 'em check every 15 friggin minutes) How often do drives need to be cleaned/defragged? Etc. Software updated. And a whole host of other crap, that "looks" like a good idea, but, in actual practice, does more harm than good. A fair bit of the time, users are their own worst enemy. But, that's the problem with PC gaming. No two systems, even with the EXACT same hardware, will have the same configuration. (one of the reasons I have a minimalist approach to what's running on my machine.) I tend to take what folks are saying on forums, Especially Steam forums.... with bit (lot) of salt. Steam forums for Starfield are downright toxic. the trolls outnumber the gamers by a good margin..... and the sentiment there is reflected in the reviews the game is getting. Most of what they whine about are things that didn't meet their own (unrealistic) expectations. There are some folks with genuine issues, but, on Steam forums, they are the tiny minority, amongst the huge crowds of 'haters' for lack of a better term. Look at the forums here.... Nexus has almost as many members as steam at this point, yet you rarely see a thread he seeking help with the game. (aside from installing mods, and making them work..... ) I don't go to beth forums anymore, as they don't exist..... and I also do not visit the beth discord, as that just isn't my scene. I like forums. Not chat. So I have no idea what all is going on over there..... But anyway... Yep, beth released what is widely viewed as a real stinker of a game..... and so far, they really don't seem to be doing much about it. And folks are pissed. Its too late to change course on Starfield, but, are folks going to be as willing to fork out money for their NEXT game? Their strategy there is likely something to the effect of "It'll be several years before we come out with another game, and this will all be forgotten, and the sheep will still flock to us with their pre-orders." And THAT is why I don't really expect anything to change.
  10. Usando un traductor para esto, si es difícil de leer, échele la culpa a Google. :) Necesito publicar esto en el foro de problemas del sitio. El personal generalmente no lee estos foros en busca de problemas.
  11. You can't. One will overwrite the other. You would have to merge them with some tool or other.
  12. It really shouldn't do that. Mine has a tendency to reset, if I modify the ship in any way.... but, that's the only time I have seen it.
  13. Look in ALL the ini files in your My Games\Starfield folder, and also check the ini files in the game install folder. (where Starfield.exe is.) Gotta be in one of 'em.
  14. MCM requires Skyrim Script Extender. (SKSE) Do you have it installed? Are you starting the game with SKSE_Loader?
  15. I just use a corsair optical mouse. Four button. The software finally caught up with the times, and it doesn't crash my computer any more. But, I can set sensitivity for movement, and various other things. Basically, its just a slightly better 'generic' mouse. Works fine for me.
  16. Ok. MO2 seems to have mods dialed in pretty well..... I have no experience with it personally. (been using Vortex for the older games) Can you access the misc tab if you DON'T start the game with SFSE?
  17. Does the game run if you DON'T launch with SFSE? Can you use miscellaneous objects then? If that's the case, then one of your SFSE plugins is causing the issue. Which mod manager are you using? Vortex doesn't seem to have Starfield mod installation dialed in yet..... At this point, I am just installing everything manually... When Vortex has things sorted out, and mods are officially supported, I may do a reinstall... or, I may not.
  18. Well, it seems the public beta testers were able to discern what was a bug, and what was a feature..... A ship tech that is kilometers away from his post, (swimming in the ocean, or floating in the sky....) is most certainly a 'bug'. One that folks would encounter in even a casual playthru. And that is just ONE example of the patently obvious bugs that made it thru QC...... What bugs are carried over from FO3?? Beth apologist? Hardly. Would I like to see beth fix ALL the bugs that are found? You bet. Do I think that is gonna happen? Nope. They don't exactly have a stellar reputation for bug fixing.... even when they are well documented, and the cause for them is published on various sites. We already see this happening with Starfield. There are NUMEROUS bug fixes on Nexus, script errors, math errors, etc, that modders have solved, even WITHOUT the dev tools. Beth has released a couple patches, and fixed SOME bugs.... but they still have a long list they haven't even mentioned. We have seen several patches come out, but only ONE with significant bug fixes. (and I am not sure that their fixes actually FIXED them, the Akila ship tech still goes missing regularly in my game.) And yes, modders WILL fix a fair bit of it, that beth neglects. History shows that is the case. Should they be 'expected' to? Nope. In an ideal world, Beth would fix the bugs. But, got news for ya, we don't live in an ideal world. Name the modders that have 'washed their hands' of this game. I am only aware of one, and he was on the team working on co-op mods for various beth games. Not a project I care about at all. I keep seeing people bringing this up, yet, when pressed, they can't name a single mod author that has flatly stated they won't mod for starfield, due to the problems with the game. Sure, some of them won't, because it isn't their style of game. Imagine that. At this point, I don't think anything productive will come from this convo. All I see from you are the same arguments that have been hashed, re-hashed, re-re-hashed, etc, over on the steam forums, by folks that freely admit they haven't even played the game. They bring up a lot of the same points you do, neglecting to mention that Beth is not the first game company (nor will it be the last) to release buggy games. And the claim that starfield is buggier than their last game? Really? What evidence do you have for that? Can you show me a list of bugs for both games for comparison? And don't start with the 'well x company actually FIXED their game' nonsense. Starfield has been out for less than four months. Patches are a process, and now that MS owns Beth, that process likely got a lot more complicated..... Does the game have issues? You bet. But, in it's current state, it is eminently playable, I can run the game for hours with zero crashes. I have yet to encounter a bug that I couldn't overcome, and yes, I use mods. It's a beth game, beth games and mod go together like eggs and bacon. Would I like to see beth fix the issues? Yep. How effective they are at that remains to be seen though. I am willing to give them the benefit of the doubt at this point. If they disappoint me, they will be a LOT less likely to get my money when ESVI comes out.
  19. As this site is not hosted in the US, nor based there, NC law doesn't mean squat. Their law would be unenforceable.
  20. I expect that once the CK drops, shuttles, and surface vehicles will become a thing.
  21. I used a mod to adjust some of the detection variables. Made a big difference in my stealth play. (reducing the sound detection when you are NOT in LOS was the most important one.) My first playthru was just to get an idea of how things worked... I think I made it to like level 30 or so. Then I restarted, and am currently level 163 or so.... and am having a BLAST. One of the problems I have encountered though, is the Vanguard Piloting test. Even with turning on all the cheats, (which they actually encourage/reward you for....) the ships you go up against are level scaled, the ship you fly against them is NOT. I used to be able to make tier 4 easy. The last time, (level 160 or so) it was a real struggle to take out Tier 4..... I really don't wanna think about what its gonna be like next time thru. Initially, I concentrated on Tech, and Science skills. (and persuasion... VERY useful in this game.) Then moved to physical/combat skills. I find that most of the social skills, I have no use for.....
  22. Even MS QC seems to leave a LOT to be desired..... Just like every previous beth game, this one too will get mostly fixed, if not by official patches, then by modders.
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