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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. So it's vortex screwing things up...... They just are not doing well with starfield.....
  2. I think that depends on how hard it is to 'set up' a "unique" location...... It's obviously possible.... as the various cities do not change from visit to visit..... But, how much of an ordeal is it? Remains to be seen.
  3. I expect that the way it works is, you create the POI, populate it, etc, and then add it to an existing list of POI's that can be placed.
  4. And once the CK is released, you can expect an EXPLOSION of new POI's.
  5. Starting the game with SFSE_Loader? You can test if SFSE is loading.... It generates a log file in Documents\My Games\Starfield\SFSE\Logs. Have a look at SFSE.txt. See what it has to say.
  6. Have you updated SFSE? Plugins.txt enabler?
  7. Do you have the plugin enabler also? Are there any "Testfile" listed in your starfield.ini's?
  8. The city maps won't change though. That was one of the complaints. And you DO get a rudimentary "map" of your landing zone, it is just severely lacking in detail.
  9. Ah. That makes good sense. I just replace it as soon as possible. Generally by stealing someone elses ship.
  10. Pretty much anything that relies on SFSE, or Address Library is going to break when the game updates. For others, its a crap shoot. Just depends on what the patch actually does.
  11. How do you mod your guardian???? All I can do is "Inspect" and even that is pretty friggin' useless.
  12. We DON'T care. However, they like to pretend that their opinion is actually meaningful in some way. After all, doesn't "Influencer" sound more important than "entertainer"?
  13. He has a forum profile, but, hasn't been here since like september. You can try and contact him, but, don't hold your breath.
  14. Does that carry over to NG+ as well? A LOT of my other mods reset when I go thru unity. I have to wait for the game to load, then save, quit to desktop, re-load for things to get back to 'normal' for me. My answer to it though, was just get a mod that allows me to own more ships. That number if configurable.... so, want to own 10,000 ships? You can. (though I suspect that would NOT be a good idea. :D)
  15. I have no doubt the mod will accumulate a boatload of DP, which is precisely WHY it should be turned off. Divvying that out is gonna become a full-time job.
  16. I am VERY MUCH looking forward to seeing what modders do with this game. There are already some truly killer mods out, and the tools haven't even been released yet.
  17. Windows updates is a selection of background processes that are ALWAYS running. There isn't anything 'stealth' about it. Windows will download/install updates as it feels like, and then, depending on what your settings are, it will let you know you need to restart to finish installation, or, it will wait until your 'off hours' to install/restart, or, it will simply restart when it feels like it. THAT is something YOU can control. And MS only puts out *larger* updates on Tuesdays. (here in north america....) you will get little ones pretty much every day, but, those rarely require a restart. It's worked that way since Win 10 came out. Win 11 is the same. Win 12 will also likely be the same. I turned off windows updates in win 7, as MS had a nasty habit of putting out updates that would not install properly, and thus, brick my machine. Recovery was an ordeal, which I really didn't like dealing with, so, turn off updates, and MANUALLY run them when I was reasonably sure that they actually WORKED. No mystery to it at all.
  18. You can PAUSE auto-updates, you cannot turn them off completely. At least, not without additional software. Starting with windows 10, updates can be had from other computers on the same network as well. Most large corporations will have updates stored on a local server, for just such a purpose. Beats waiting on MS servers to hand out updates. Or maybe you haven't noticed that sometimes, updates download rather quickly, and other times, even the Defender database update takes forever. One thing I HAVE NOT seen though, is update interfering with the function of the machine. Unless, of course, it is being choked by the hardware it is running on. If you have an old and slow mechanical HDD, then yeah, updates can slow the machine. Same goes for insufficient ram, or weak proc.
  19. That would REALLY piss me off. Might be enough to make me stop buying their games. After all, it isn't Beth we are supporting any more, it is Microsloth.
  20. I think he is more referring to the inability to turn off auto-updates, without some third-party software........ An advent of windows 10. Win 7, you could turn off updates altogether, don't know about 8, I avoided that one like the plague. (If I wanted a tablet operating system, I would have BOUGHT a TABLET.....)
  21. Really? Cool. I may do a reinstall at some point, probably some time after Beth starts supporting mods, and releases the CK...... Right now, I have steam running offline, so the game won't update until I actually WANT to. Of course, that means it doesn't track hours played, etc.... And that strikes me as rather strange too..... Just because steam is offline, why would it stop tracking that? (not that I really want to know.... I likely spend FAR too much time playing. )
  22. You need the plugins.txt enabler mod, along with Starfield Script Extender for things to work. I also use the mod that disables the data folder in My Games\Starfield. That's just a stupid idea..... (my games are installed on a separate physical drive....) So, for me, all mods get installed to the Game install directory. Works great. Of course, I also ONLY do manual installs. Vortex doesn't seem to have figured out Starfield yet. Mod Organizer 2 seems to have it dialed in though.
  23. That capability doesn't exist yet... Unfortunately. I would love to be able to save ship designs......
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