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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. For the steam version, there is an ini edit you need to do, (moves the Photos folder), move anything you have in the my games data folder to the game data folder, then delete the data folder in my games. There is a mod for it, which is basically just instructions, there is also an SFSE plugin that will take care of it.
  2. Can't you????? I double-click on a ship part, which selects the entire ship, set my colors, poke the enter key (to accept) and so far, that has worked perfectly.
  3. Your opinion. Others disagree. I'm one of them. Try using an unmodded malestrom in late game.......
  4. Vortex still hasn't quite figgered out Starfield. Manual installation is still the best at this point.
  5. I would dearly love to be able to build stairs/ramps/walkways/platforms around my stacked resource containers...... currently, I can only stack them 2 high, as if I go three, I can't reach it, therefore, it is unusable.... Being able to build scaffolding around them (that snaps to them??) would make life MUCH easier. :D
  6. Not only night vision, but, I would also like to see someone add the scanner effect to scopes. :D
  7. There is a mod out that lets you change the 'legendary' attributes (effects) of items that are already rare/epic/legendary, however, it does NOT let you make an ordinary item into one of those three. I would love the ability to do so without resorting to console commands, but, I suspect we will have to wait for the CK to come out for that. (or maybe SFEdit??)
  8. Currently, that is about the only option we have to alter our games. They are basically just tweaks to game settings..... Best method for handling them is to simply copy/paste the text from the mod into a 'master' bat file, so you only run ONE at game start, instead of trying to convince the game to run a dozen or more of 'em. Works MUCH better, and much less clutter.
  9. I have been modding beth games since morrowind. Things have actually gotten EASIER (to an extent...) since then. In morrowind, even changing your load order mid-playthru, would cause all sorts of havoc. :D Back then, manual installation was the ONLY option. Wrye came up with Bash installers, but, the mod had to be properly packaged for those to work. Then, we had oblivion, with Oblivion Mod Manager. These were scripted installs, and worked rather well. (but, required more work on the authors part.) Then came NMM, which was essentially just an expansion on OBMM.... which was subsequently replace by Vortex. By that time, mod authors packaged their mods with that in mind, so, Vortex (and other similar programs) worked great. It opened up modding to the casual gamers, that didn't have time/motivation to learn how to mod beth games. It was all handled automagically. Starfield though, shuffled how things worked..... and Vortex hasn't quite caught up yet, that, and the modding tools haven't come out yet either. (SFEdit, CK, etc.) That will come in time though. And then modding for SF will REALLY take off. Of course, there is already methods to change how starfield handles mods, so it is more in line with the older games. (whomever thought putting the Data folder in the My Games folder, should never be allowed to work on games again......) It will be interesting to see how Vortex decides to handle the possibility of folks installing their mods to different locations. :D
  10. It would be nice if just putting a cargo pad, be it intersystem, or intrasystem, at an outpost would simply make those resources available to ANY other outpost that has a cargo link...... without the need for ships to pick and choose what they want to carry.....
  11. Yeah, the master file is just a text file. I edit mine with notepad. If you want to add or remove another mod, you just add the line to the existing file to add one, or, delete the line from the file to remove one. (though it's possible that game settings, which is what most of them change, will STAY changed, until you set it back to its default value.....)
  12. Could you assign the output to individual containers? Or will they simply overflow to other similar containers you have?
  13. A fair few of the mods are just modifying game settings, via a bat file. You modify the ini file to load the bat file. Unfortunately, there seems to be some variety of issue with loading some random number of them. The answer is to create a 'master' bat file, copy/paste the text of the mods file into it, and just load ONE file from the ini. Works great. (I have a dozen or more lumped into one file.) And yep, folks are doing it this way because we don't have any modding tools for SF as yet. Rumor has it, we won't see the CK until next year some time. God only knows how long it will be before SFEdit is out.... let alone niftools, etc. Currently, I don't think Vortex handles mod installation all that well. Beth changed the way mods get loaded.... they put the 'data' folder in the my games folder, which to me, is just a bad idea.... However, there is a 'fix' for that as well. (which I have implemented, and, it works.) So, mods go where they belong, in the data folder in the game installation directory. :D
  14. Well, you are going to be right there anyway. :D Might just as well. (here, spend some more money, it's good for the economy. :D)
  15. Being able to assign various colors to visited planets/systems, would be rather convenient....
  16. I would dearly love to be able to see what's in my various outposts inventories.... Save me time/money acquiring resources I already have MORE than enough of.
  17. If there is more than one enemy you are hiding from, does that accelerate the process? :D
  18. You can "tag for search" in some of the building menues...... I haven't found the 'untag' yet though. :)
  19. Correct. If you delete a part, you get back a bit of money, but, nowhere near the parts actual value. You might get some "ship parts" in your hold (for repairs) as well, but, not 100% sure on that.
  20. Oooo, a Favorites list? That would be STELLAR! I have a hard time remembering which major settlements are in what system. :D Being able to 'bookmark' them would be awesome. :D
  21. I have also noticed that there are a selection of items that continually reappear in my cargo hold if I edit my ship...... Probably a dozen or so useless items that I have sold more times than I can count. That, and the fact that anything in the captains locker simply vanishes when you edit your ship...... Can't believe Beth let that one slide...... They can track all the crap in my massive cargo hold, but, not the stuff in the tiny captains locker??
  22. I would love something like this. A 'catalog' of visited system. Even if it only shows the settlements to be found there. Making it searchable would be even better. :D
  23. It would be nice, indeed. But the problem is (for my own game enjoyement): i'm playing some kind of engineer. Weapons/suits/outpost I would gladly spend a few hours to build a massive outpost interlink to gather almost all the ressource needed to build or craft high tier ressources but the game manage that aspect quite... not very well (for me, anyone enjoying te way it is, cool for them :D) If some post/guides are correct, that's something like 40+ ressources (including plant and animals "farming") Let say yo find a planet with... 6 of thoses ressources, yo might need to build 2 to 4 outpost on that planet. You build some crappy outposts that send everything to a "main" outpost etc... I'd rather build one nice outpost, with robot, defenses, etc (one i like to visit, one i enjoy building/decorating rather than a usefull one) And, as gtouch0817 said, the resssources scan is kind of messy. each pixel is like 2km and you can't really trust it. It's no fun for me to land and spend +1hour jectpacking around hopping to see the ressources that is supposed to be there pop on the scan. Or a mod that make the planet ressources scan effective and trustable (and more precise, more zoom maybe?) and ensure you can have spots with all ressources. Spending 10 or 20 min to find the sweet spot is ok, but right now, it's not fun to me :D Agreed. For some resources, they simply don't show up at all on the planetary scan..... (this mostly applies to the rarer resources....) So, finding them on the surface is pure luck. There are mods out that expand the number of 'saved' landing sites, and also the number of outpost links you can have per outpost.... Which I suppose would make things easier..... This playthru, I have been buying a lot of resources that I need, as that is about the only way I can find them..... Being able to zoom in tighter on the planet, and higher resolution scans would certainly help, but, that assumes that what you see from orbit, is what you will actually find on the surface....
  24. I still have my stack of 2nd Edition books. I used to DM with a group, and the same happened to us. We got older, got married, had kids, jobs, moved away, etc. Haven't played in years.... I still have the Dieties and Demigods book that had the legal issues with some of the included mythos. :D They have all been in a box, in storage, for years......
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