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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. What? Where did you get that from??? Everything I am reading, including from Bethesda..... says Creation Engine 2. Basically, and updated version of what was originally gamebryo.
  2. Never ceases to amaze me what folks will spend their money on.......
  3. Not sure.... I think they are documented somewhere though..... (fallout wiki?? maybe??)
  4. Maybe try extending the rangers that it reverts to the lower quality textures?
  5. I didn't see any evidence of gunners in concorde. Just raiders, and a deathclaw..... so, they were likely far enough away from quincy, that the gunners didn't care any more. And WAS it gunners in Lexington? Or was that raiders as well???
  6. The backlash was from the 'forever free' folks. But, when beth started selling CC content, they lined up for it, and happily spent their five bucks on horse armor, or its equivalent.
  7. Look at the sellers feedback. If it is less than 90%, don't buy from them. If they only have a few feedback, don't buy from them. If they have ANY complaints about the package not being delivered, or being delivered to the wrong address, don't buy from them. If their price seems to good to be true, it is. If they are shipping from China, don't buy from them. Etc.
  8. I put her in a dress, and set her to work farming. :)
  9. I think that at one point somebody agreed with you, bro :wink: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/7977 I dont think it would stay permanently in my LO, but yeah... that could be some hard SnG :D :laugh: Aye. Mama Murphy is the only one of them that I don't Dislike. Tho... I really... really... seriously... wish... they'd stuck to the concept art. In her case. She be damned hard on the eyes :yucky: Oh yeah. Me wants. :) I'm gonna have to check that one out. Thanks Man!!
  10. Paid mods on Steam Workshop would have been a disaster. Bethesda wanted to be "hands off" and leave it as self-regulating. The result was that five minutes after they announced it people started talking about stealing other people's free mods and releasing them as paid mods. And releasing free mods with "poison pills" in them that would screw up people's save games and then charging for the "fixed" update. And pretty much every other way they could screw over more reputable modders in an unsupervised environment. Which is why Creation Club is controlled by Bethesda directly. Not surprising. Yes, there would have been some issues, but, isn't that the case for any new venture? All of those issues would have been ironed out. Folks trying to game the system would have lost their accounts. But, Steam chickened out. Steam chickened out for a very, very good reason. Don't for a second think that any monies Steam would make from a paid modding service wouldn't have a portion of those go to Bethesda (which grants Steam/Valve exclusive distribution rights to the primary title - for no small fee). That would make Bethesda just as culpable as Steam/Valve when mods are stolen, distribution licenses are violated for a profit - and potential litigation looms on the horizon. At risk is losing exclusive distribution rights to any past, present and future Bethesda games..... Steam and Beth would have split the lions share of any money generated, and beth didn't have to put out any effort for it at all. Steam would handle the heavy lifting, mod authors would provide the content, beth just holds the legal rights to allow it. Money for nothing, essentially. (but, no chicks for free that I am aware of.) And the way it was set up, a mod had to generate a threshold income, before the author got anything from it. So, if there were ownership disputes, there would be time to resolve those before any money was distributed.... (I am sure steam and beth would get their cut in any event.....) It could have worked, had they stuck with it.
  11. Actually, that was last month. No elections today that I am aware of. I didn't even vote in the last election. Didn't see anyone there I wanted to vote FOR. Figgered I would let random chance sort it out. :D
  12. I am able to move workbenches, within the settlement zone, without issue. I think Place Everywhere does it??? I don't think I have a specific mod for that.
  13. Combine mini-nukes with missiles? A nuclear missile launcher? OoO, that could be fun. :D
  14. Happy to help. :D Hope it works.....
  15. Wonder what would happen if you set that little switch on your missiles....... :D I need to figger out how to extend the lock-on range for the missile launcher.... How about a fire-and-forget FatMan? :D
  16. As I recall, there were some restrictions on it, I.E. you couldn't just immediately slap all of your mods behind a paywall. Had to be "New" material, or some such. But, we can debate this till the cows come home, and accomplish all of nothing. Valve shut it down, and it ain't comin' back. I knew that Beth setting up their own site, part of the purpose of that was paid mods, but, CC isn't what I had envisioned.....
  17. Get the name of one of the problem characters, load up your mods in F4Edit, find that character, and see what mods are affecting it, and what they are doing. Should point you at the right one fairly quickly.
  18. One of the things I like to do, is build me a 'fire and forget' missile launcher. They are farking AWESOME against vertibirds. Need better range for lock-on though. :D Put a "never ending" legendary on it, and vertibirds don't stand a chance. :D
  19. Paid mods on Steam Workshop would have been a disaster. Bethesda wanted to be "hands off" and leave it as self-regulating. The result was that five minutes after they announced it people started talking about stealing other people's free mods and releasing them as paid mods. And releasing free mods with "poison pills" in them that would screw up people's save games and then charging for the "fixed" update. And pretty much every other way they could screw over more reputable modders in an unsupervised environment. Which is why Creation Club is controlled by Bethesda directly. Not surprising. Yes, there would have been some issues, but, isn't that the case for any new venture? All of those issues would have been ironed out. Folks trying to game the system would have lost their accounts. But, Steam chickened out.
  20. What's your budget? And where are you?
  21. That would be my guess. Of course, to significantly upgrade, you will need processor, system board, and ram. Depending on what video card you have, you might be able to re-use it.
  22. The railroad are delusional. They seem to think they are 'saving' the synths, but, what is the first thing they do to them? Mind Wipe..... which essentially kills the synth they saved. What is the point of that? I would also suggest, that a "real" human, can't be reprogrammed quite so easily.... so, are they 'alive'? Or is it just really clever programming? I don't care about synths one way or the other, but, I run missions for them anyway. BoS? That whole 'if you ain't brotherhood, you ain't nothin'' thing really turns me off, and tends to prompt me to kill them as soon as I see them. I run the mission with Danse, but, that's the end of it. I have no interest in helping them in the commonwealth. I see them as just another group trying to impose THEIR idea of 'society' on the world. Nope. Not happenin'. Institute? Well, they DO have some really cool tech... not sure they are trying to replace humanity though, as that would include them, and, their 'replacements' are viewed as essentially a bit more than a toaster, and are treated as such..... If the game allowed the player to take over, and then actually start HELPING the commonwealth..... instead of just subjugating it, that would be kinda cool.... Which leaves.... The Minutemen. I view them as the lesser of the evils. Considering YOU are (nominally) in charge, you can point them in the direction you want to go.. For the most part. I see them as the best bet for an at least semi-functional society.
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