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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. The images I linked break more or less every single part of that warning. Even though the images don't include full-on nudity they are 100% intended to be pornographic. And therein lies the problem. One persons 'porn' may be another persons 'notporn'..... and of course, there are always those that will use a VERY restrictive definition of 'porn' so that, essentially, NOTHING is porn.... or everything is..... On a site this size, if no one reports the image, there it stays....
  2. There are many lights that only emit light when powered..... is that what you are looking for?
  3. I suspect that in the copy/paste operation, some information is missing. On windows 10/11, I like to create a separate directory for games/steam, OUTSIDE of any of the program files folders. (they are protected folders, and win 11 is really anal about that..... not to mention windows defender.....) Get the base game working first, then start installing mods. Yeah, I know, it's an exercise, especially if you use a lot of mods..... but, in the end, it will likely be easier than trying to beat the current install into submission.
  4. Well, the .44 in "real life" is NOT a small pistol. And kicks like a mule. :D Weight may or may not be an issue too. Although, with the right perks, weight simply becomes a non-issue.
  5. Yeah, save game size will increase over play time, as the game tracks EVERYTHING you do..... and building settlements will increase the size dramatically. I am somewhere in the 20's range, and my saves are around 16mb. Exit saves are actually a few mb SMALLER than standard saves. No clue what that's all about. :D
  6. You should be able to...... Not sure what the problem there is.
  7. This. :D Maybe you could describe your problem a bit more?
  8. I don't recall ever being at war with the USSR...... There was the cold war.... but, no shootin'.
  9. Patches and updates don't bring in new players, that happens anyway. I would point out that Morrowind still has an active community, and it hasn't been updated in years...... And beths habit of shuffling how things work doesn't really help either.
  10. Wait, what? Codsworth did something worthwhile???? Wow. :D One would think that some of these folks would have learned some carpentry skills over the centuries.....
  11. Beth doesn't have forums any more, do they? Just discord..... I thought..
  12. Thank You. :) I think some other folks here would have some somewhat less complimentary words to describe me. :) But, can't please everyone, right?
  13. Ah, Reddit.... The Mos Isley of the internet..... Yeah, I avoid that place like the plague.
  14. I was just on Gog, and saw something that reminded me of your post. They've got Morrowind GOTY edition for like just under 5 bucks. I had a huge nostalgia moment there for a second. Then my brain kicked back into normal mode, and the voice in the back of my head starting going "NO! No, no no! Don't DO it!!!" :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: You know you want to....... :D
  15. I was playing on an 8 year old system, when it died...... Fortunately, I was in a position that I could spend the money to do some serious upgrades. So, Ninth Gen i7, 16gb RAM, and an NVidia RTX 3070.... (got that dirt cheap thru work....) I am still playin' Fallout 4, and Skyrim though, so I am not even remotely taxing my hardware.... even at 3440X1440......
  16. I think you would have to edit more than one script to prevent preston et. al. from being annoyed with you for playing nice with raiders..... I occasionally still see machines with the ps/2 ports.... some of them are so old, they won't recognize a USB keyboard, or mouse, until you actually get into windows...... A local business is STILL using windows 98 for their point of sale...... Ya know how much fun it is trying to find hardware OLD enough that it will actually run? And don't even bother with more than 512 meg of RAM..... windows 98 chokes and dies..... But then, no one will ever need more than 64K of ram, right? :D (famous words of Mr. Gates.....) I always loved doing the 'slide' thru Kilrathi hangars, and destroying everything in there. GOD that was FUN! Made a big mess of their ships too. I miss those games, would love to see them do another in that series. I WOULD go buy some flight controls for that experience.
  17. And then we have the restrictions put in place by microsoft, and sony.... Sony doesn't allow ANY external assets, so, esp only files for Playstation, can't even change scripts.... XBox has a size limitation, which prevents some of the larger mods from being practical. Now, WHY XBox has a size limitation is beyond me. After all, HDD space has gotten CHEAP. and today, even SSD's are reasonably priced......
  18. Serial port was a 9 pin, d-shaped connector, that did indeed have the screws to hold it in place. Game port was a 15 pin D-shaped connector, with slightly different spacing than the standard VGA port. They were generally found on sound cards. The color coded mouse/keyboard connectors, were PS/2 connectors. :) (and no, NOT playstation. :) ) I LOVED the wing commander series of games. I played the heck out of those. The number of hours I spent on those, would probably scare me.... Of course, at the time I was playing them, I had nothing else to do, as I had given up walking due to injuries for a couple months.... It was fun, and it wasn't.... I am kinda partial to being able to get around under my own power. :D Preston being mad at you for siding with Raiders is indeed scripted, and I seriously doubt that a console command will solve that. The first time you do another raider quest, he will be pissed again. Gotta remember, the goals of the raiders, and preston and company, are diametrically opposed. It's one or the other. Can't have both.
  19. I use TrueBy9, I had to manually edit my fallout4.ini to get 3440x1440, and it works fairly well. The game, however, doesn't really understand 21x9, and as you get further from the center, the image is more 'fisheyed'. Still and all, it looks GOOD on my 34" screen. :D I think I have FOV set at 90/90.... Experiment with those values, to get what you like. (can live with.....)
  20. Erm, I don't think that's quite right.... The frequency of patches due to CC content has INCREASED the patch frequency..... which tends to mess with any mods that us a script extender, which doesn't affect console users at all, as they can't use them. But then, of course, we also get the patches that change the way mods/load order/etc are implemented, and beth doesn't bother to document that anywhere, so EVERYONE (on pc....) mods simply stop working. I would ask you, what was the point of THAT???? It did not improve mod implementation, it was a change which the ONLY purpose seemed to be to mess with PC mod users....... I know you are a beth fan boi, and so far as you are concerned, beth can do no wrong..... so, arguing with you is completely pointless....
  21. This isn't anything new. It's the same thing they have been doing since before CC content was even a thing. You can defend beth all you want, but, we are not blind, nor stupid. Beth does what is best for Beth. (which really shouldn't come as a surprise) Modders come second, if even that high on the list. Of course, there IS the fact that consoles represent the bulk of their customers, so, you DO have a point there.... But, Beth was more modder friendly before mods became a thing on consoles as well.....
  22. The patches beth is putting out now aren't bug fixes though. They are to support CC content..... Which has been the case for some time now. Beth claims they 'support the modding community', yet here they are, cranking out patches left and right, they actually BREAK the mods...... And release Skyrim on GOG? That's nice. But, saying that beth supports modders on one hand, but, never game them a clue this was going to happen, what version it would even be, on the other hand..... doesn't really lend much credence to 'we support modders'...... They remind me of politicians, say what you think they want to hear, then do whatever you want in spite of what you have said.
  23. Been there, done that, have a drawer full of t-shirts..... :D There is a mod out there, (workshop framework? or something like that...) that allows you to 'undo' scrapping, back a couple of items. Trouble is, it seems the mod is a bit buggy. Bear in mind, that info is rather out of date though... Been some time since I last looked at it.
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