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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. You have more faith in fallout modders, than beth. So far as I am concerned, that's a good plan. :D
  2. Like some of the kids in Skyrim...... There JUST to be annoying. :)
  3. See what version your game now thinks it is, then get the SKSE for that game version. It *should* work...
  4. They are like cockroaches..... simply can't avoid them. :smile: That reminds me of: Do your part. :cool: Ah, Starship Troopers. Loved that movie. Wasn't quite like the book.... but, it was a fun watch. :D
  5. I doubt there would be ANY cartridge firearms left. The tech to reproduce ammo would have collapsed with the war. The folks in New Vegas seem to have figgered it out though...... Raw materials might be fun to come by..... At the very least you will need old fashioned gunpowder (or blackpowder). For that you need sulfur, carbon (charcoal) & saltpeter (potassium nitrate). You can use rocks as projectile, if metals are rare. (just like the very first guns we created centuries ago.) With all the burned trees, there's enough charcoal* and with brahmin manure you can get some saltpeter & it looks like there are quite a few sulfur mines inside Massachusetts, so that would be possible in this case. You still need a chemistry lab of sorts, but not as impossible as using modern day ammunition's. There was ones a TV series which actually addressed this (in part): Revolution (2012 - 2014) * = I should add that this is actually very unrealistic, unless ALL insects and micro organisms died. Which means the planet will turn into a Mars landscape & there is no life possible for humans anymore ... Plenty of scrap metal around as well. :D So, just need a forge, and a method of drilling a hole thru a metal tube. I have no clue how they did it way back when..... Haven't dug into it that much. (no plans for producing firearms here.... :smile: ) Cockroaches would survive. They don't seem to be as adversely effected by radiation. Initially, I would expect their population to outright explode. Lots o' stuff to munch on, and no, or very few, humans spraying pesticides..... After 200 years, the bulk of the radiation would be down to 'acceptable' levels, though I would question whether ANY water sources would provide drinkable water.... That would have to be a DEEP well.... In 200 years? ALL fallout will have washed away to the bottom of the oceans. In fact, it will only take a few years for that 'problem' to be 'solved'. The worst radiation is gone in weeks, the rest in months to several years. Staying underground for 25 years is more then enough. After 200+ years ... there hardly is anything left to harm you. The water itself will not be radiated. It's the 'dust' it collects and transports which is the problem. But only for a few years. Tops. (although hotspots will probably take longer, depending on weather as well. (Without rain, the fallout doesn't wash away so easily) Cockroaches would indeed survive. (& NOT mutate) as do scorpions. However, dead trees & plants are 'decomposed' by microorganisms. This in turn, with the help of worms (amongst others) creates fertile soil. Many plants rely on insects to 'disperse' their seeds. IF most of that is gone (as the game implies) there is simply no hope for humanity. (as plants would disappear, there's no food & all land animals would die of famine, including 'us') - To stay inside the vaults, would be pretty much the only option. ...but as we can see from places like Hiroshima & Tjernobyl nature will NOT be as devastated as the game depicts. Unless there's a nuclear winter several years long (which will have the same result, the death of 99% of all land animals & plants.). But even then, many seeds will survive and grow again when the sun returns. In 200 years, earth would probably look like it did hundreds of years ago. Full of lush forests, instead of deserts. Depending on the survival of insects and micro organisms. Chernobyl, and surrounding areas, are still uninhabitable by man though..... Granted, it hasn't been 200 years, but, yeah, nature is taking over the areas that were once cities. But, that's a whole nother kettle o' fish. :D NONE of the buildings depicted in-game would still be standing. Realistically, that late in the game, you would be hard pressed to point out where a city once was..... nature would have reclaimed all of it.
  6. I doubt there would be ANY cartridge firearms left. The tech to reproduce ammo would have collapsed with the war. The folks in New Vegas seem to have figgered it out though...... Raw materials might be fun to come by..... At the very least you will need old fashioned gunpowder (or blackpowder). For that you need sulfur, carbon (charcoal) & saltpeter (potassium nitrate). You can use rocks as projectile, if metals are rare. (just like the very first guns we created centuries ago.) With all the burned trees, there's enough charcoal* and with brahmin manure you can get some saltpeter & it looks like there are quite a few sulfur mines inside Massachusetts, so that would be possible in this case. You still need a chemistry lab of sorts, but not as impossible as using modern day ammunition's. There was ones a TV series which actually addressed this (in part): Revolution (2012 - 2014) * = I should add that this is actually very unrealistic, unless ALL insects and micro organisms died. Which means the planet will turn into a Mars landscape & there is no life possible for humans anymore ... Plenty of scrap metal around as well. :D So, just need a forge, and a method of drilling a hole thru a metal tube. I have no clue how they did it way back when..... Haven't dug into it that much. (no plans for producing firearms here.... :) ) Cockroaches would survive. They don't seem to be as adversely effected by radiation. Initially, I would expect their population to outright explode. Lots o' stuff to munch on, and no, or very few, humans spraying pesticides..... After 200 years, the bulk of the radiation would be down to 'acceptable' levels, though I would question whether ANY water sources would provide drinkable water.... That would have to be a DEEP well....
  7. Think I would start with the save that works properly, play, and save for a bit, and see if the problem recurs....... Just in case. :D
  8. Need to find out why its crashing. Unfortunately, that isn't always possible. Try going back one save at a time, until you can travel there without a crash.....
  9. Did your game update recently? There is a mod that forces the game to skip the version check, so, older mods still work. But, the only time I have seen this particular behavior, is when the player has gone over the 255 esm/esp cap..... Things get really weird after that.
  10. I doubt there would be ANY cartridge firearms left. The tech to reproduce ammo would have collapsed with the war. The folks in New Vegas seem to have figgered it out though...... Raw materials might be fun to come by.....
  11. Just uninstalling the game really.... doesn't. In order to do a COMPLETE uninstall, remove all your mods with whatever mod manager you use, use the uninstaller for the game, the DELETE the game install folder, its corresponding folder in My Documents\My games, and the game folder in C:\Users\username\appdata\local, I think. Reboot, just for giggles. Once that is done, install JUST the game, (and whatever dlc's you may also have) verify the problem is gone.
  12. I used to play a lot of flight sims.... had the joystick, rudder pedals, throttle, etc. The games were a gas, but, I can't find any that are actually GAMES any more.... I was really looking forward to Star Citizen, but, that turned out to be just a cash grab, and I doubt there will EVER be a 'finished' game out of it. I am thinkin' Starfield is going to be worth looking at.... I LOVED playing Privateer back in the day, and Starfield is lookin pretty close. Of course, I don't have my flight controls any more. (does anyone even remember what a serial port looks like? :) Let alone a game port..... haven't see one of those in more than a decade....) Flying is fun, and I don't need *quite* as fine of control as a shooter, so, it just works! (thanks Todd, I stole your line.) But, Starfield got delayed, so, I will hold off on buying any more gaming equipment for a bit. :D
  13. Hhhmmm, that's interesting. On that, I don't know. If it was hidden, it would say so.... Might wanna post about this in the site issues forum, and see if someone on staff can shed some light on the topic. Theoretically, there IS a way to link to the archived version of a mod, but, that presumes that it actually IS archived...... Suppose the question becomes, WHY is it "not found"? If it was removed by staff, than yeah, it's gone, and I don't think you can get it. If was removed by the author, then it should still be archived..... Apparently though, it's been here for quite some time. When was the last time you downloaded it? If it was before like August of last year, then it may just be gone.
  14. I think it was fallout 3, or maybe New Vegas... I take the Shotgun Surgeon perk, along with "And STAY Back!" perk, and a shotgun becomes DEVASTATING! Couple those with the Pancor Jackhammer...... and even deathclaws are no longer a real threat. :) Of course, on folks with ranged weapons, greater than that of a shotgun...... well, gotta use something else for them. :D Due to health issues, my coordination on my right side ain't what it used to be. (fortunately, I am left-handed.... but, still mouse with my right) So, a game controller just doesn't work for me. I don't play on consoles, because I CAN'T..... I tend to get dead right quick. It's annoying. :D
  15. Do you have a secret masochistic streak? :D I hate companions. With a passion. I don't even take dogmeat with me. They are constantly in the way, giving away my position, attacking MUCH sooner than I prefer, rushing in to do melee when they have a perfectly good ranged weapon, and ammo for it, stepping in front of me just as I have a good long-range shot on the OTHER guy with the missile launcher/fatman, etc. I got fed up with 'em, and just quit using them. I do my best to avoid quests were I am REQUIRED to take one with me..... though, Danse, in power armor.... I just let him go first. :D
  16. A fair few of the console players coming attempting to find a way to get mods from here, onto their console. It IS possible, just not precisely legal. :) (violates of HOST of terms of Use of the console.)
  17. Vortex actually works fairly well, it also has loot integrated into it, and relies on that for setting load order. The only real difference with Vortex is, you can't just drag and drop mods in your load order, to change it. Need to set a rule for doing so. (which in turn, modifies your loot master list.) For beginners, Vortex works fairly well, and doesn't have *quite* the learning curve as some other managers. But, if you try and install mods that inherently conflict, yeah, you ARE going to have issues, no matter which manager you use. your right Vortex is easy to use. but with them coming from console to PC MO2 would be a better choice for them since its more aligned to what their used to on console , and the LOOT report from MO2 is far better and easier to understand than Vortex (just my opinion). i used console for years and played both SSE and FO4 on them with thousands of hours in them both before i switched to PC and the way the mods load in Vortex is really confusing because it goes against all the rules we learned on console. but when it comes right down to it , its just a matter of personal choice is all. MO2 does some other tricks with profiles though, that can complicate matters. Placement of ini files, and such, for instance.
  18. Mods don't get deleted here any more..... They get "archived", so if they are part of a collection, they would still be available. Theoretically.
  19. Vortex actually works fairly well, it also has loot integrated into it, and relies on that for setting load order. The only real difference with Vortex is, you can't just drag and drop mods in your load order, to change it. Need to set a rule for doing so. (which in turn, modifies your loot master list.) For beginners, Vortex works fairly well, and doesn't have *quite* the learning curve as some other managers. But, if you try and install mods that inherently conflict, yeah, you ARE going to have issues, no matter which manager you use.
  20. Ooooooo, now that is EEEEeeeeviiiillllllll. I LIKE IT!!! :devil: Yeah, I learned REAL quick, NOT to give AoE weapons to companions...... I used one once.... just to have a pack mule. Gave him a rocket launcher to carry...... He killed me in our next encounter. Idiot.
  21. Gatling gun? *snicker* "For when you REALLY want to reach out and 'touch' someone." :D I usually carry a silenced pistol, Full auto combat rifle of some sort, and a semi-auto sniper rifle with REALLY good range. (duelist 'slow time' legendary is always handy as well....) With PANPC, the raiders are a *bit* smarter, but, still tend to come at me in small groups.... So, pistol to get the party started, then switch to the combat rifle when they all start runnin' at me. Sniper rifle for when the crowd is thinned out rather well, and I can take 'em out, and they have no clue where it's coming from. I LOVE crowds...... Just gotta watch out for the non-combatants.... which can be hard in the marketplace there.
  22. The workshop doesn't seem to think so...... Wonder what that's all about.....
  23. Hhhmmmm..... Are those vanilla gas masks? (come in the base game?) Have you checked them in third-person view? Are they still the stock color when you have them equipped??
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