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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. I use Scrap Everything, and don't really have any problems with it... at least, not that I can relate directly to it..... Just don't use the 'ultimate' version, or whatever it's called in the installer, as that breaks previs/precombines throughout the world.
  2. ya know... ... that, and the convo about LL's just gave me an idea. I wonder how hard it would be to make a modified weapon that explodes when you try to use it? Hmmmm. :huh: Throw that on some raiders, and watch the fun! :laugh: HAHA I agree. But it would definitely make a great gift for "that particular someone" in your life :laugh: :laugh: How about grenades with NO delay? :D Leave a bunch on the ground near some raiders, then hit 'em from a distance with a silenced weapon, and watch the fun begin. :D
  3. When I go to Nuka World, it's party time for raider kills. I always make sure I am well armed, have plenty of ammo, and stims...... Then it's "open season"...... Nothing more fun than a battle royale with a bunch of raiders. :D
  4. You need armorer Rank 1 perk for that one.
  5. I would assume..... (yeah, I know....) that when you re-chamber the rifle, you also change out the barrel, etc. If making a change to a weapon causes it to kill ME, I don't view that as an 'upgrade'. :D
  6. In what context? Are you talking about on a map?
  7. Nope. You are not. :smile: I just read an article this morning, about various propagandists on Russian television clarifying Putins position on the use of nukes. It appears they believe that the west assumes nukes will be used IN Ukraine, which they are saying is NOT the case. If Russia decides to start tossing nukes, it is Ukraines western allies that will be the target. I.E. US....... and other NATO countries that are providing support..... So, WWIII in one easy step. I would like to think Putin isn't that crazy...... but, given past behavior, I am not so sure of that any more..... NOW STOP THAT!!! Every time you agree with me, I have to go back and review my data, check my facts, and verify my sources. I know that if you agree with me, I obviously must be wrong or have made an error in my logic somewhere. NO! You are WRONG!!!! :D Just like even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in while, there ARE topics that we agree on. Shocking as that may seem, it is true.....
  8. Nope. You are not. :) I just read an article this morning, about various propagandists on Russian television clarifying Putins position on the use of nukes. It appears they believe that the west assumes nukes will be used IN Ukraine, which they are saying is NOT the case. If Russia decides to start tossing nukes, it is Ukraines western allies that will be the target. I.E. US....... and other NATO countries that are providing support..... So, WWIII in one easy step. I would like to think Putin isn't that crazy...... but, given past behavior, I am not so sure of that any more.....
  9. Gotta be one of the UI mods.... Which one, becomes the question.....
  10. Nope. Don't do chat clients. :) WAY to large of a time-absorption cross section. If you run F4SE, might try also using load accelerator..... and see if that helps at all.
  11. True. :) In reality..... after 200 plus years, I doubt ANY guns from pre-war times would even be useful any more. Not to mention, where is all the ammo coming from? Sure, over in vegas, they are making more..... but, is it being shipped in? Somehow, I doubt it. But then, the BoS airship, and vertibirds would be highly unusual as well.... Unless at some point, they figgered out how to make new parts for them..... but even then..... the airframes all those parts attach to would be WAY past their 'use by' date...... Maybe that's why vanilla vertibirds are so fragile? :D
  12. Well, F4SE definitely. Get it from silverlock.org. (I think that's spelled right....) Load accelerator, from right here on Nexus, and PANPC from here. (think ya have to join to download.) Use the mod config tool to set up PANPC is mean as ya like. Careful with the roving patrols though, it is possible to make the game impossible with them enabled. :) Trying to build anything at a settlement will continually get interrupted by bad guys if set to high. :)
  13. And about two weeks later.... Russia is getting seriously spanked in Ukraine, Putin is calling up 300K reserves, and folks are fleeing Russia like fleas off a dying dog. (which is pretty accurate.....) It will be weeks, if not months, before Putin's reserves can be put someplace where they might do some good.... but, little to no training, equipment from the Soviet Era, losing the support of the people, world opinion rising against him, more folks supporting Ukraine....... The writing is on the wall. When/if the reserves actually make it to Ukraine, and find themselves hopelessly outmatched and outgunned.... Then what? Will Putin take a page out of China's old book, and just throw soldiers at the line, whether they are armed or not? (you don't get a gun, pick one up from one of the corpses in front of you on your way to die needlessly.....) I fully expect that the next couple months won't go any better for the Russian army, than the last couple months..... Will Putin start tossing nukes in a fit of rage?
  14. Gotta love the easy fixes. :)
  15. Starting with a clean install may not be a bad idea. :D
  16. Why would you take out the leveled lists?? I have another mod that makes ALL weapons available at level 1. Makes for a really interesting start to the game. I still see pipe weapons, and vanilla weapons as well. Combine this with PANPC mod, and the wasteland just got a LOT more dangerous. :D
  17. Yeah, there is a button on your mods tab for the game, Purge. That should remove all mods from the game.
  18. Vortex I *think* has the ability to 'export' your load list to a text file, something that opens in notepad. Its just a text list of your loaded mods, in the order they load. But, at the moment, I simply can not figure out how that is done, and I use Vortex as well.... It's puzzling..... :)
  19. Need to purge all mods. Otherwise, it leaves stuff behind that can cause issues.
  20. I use vortex as well, and for the life of me, I can't figger out how to export the load list.
  21. What mod manager are you using? Most of 'em have the ability to export your load list as a text file... which you can then just copy and paste. It's easier. :) (for me....)
  22. Community Uncapper. Very configurable. Make it do only what you want.
  23. That's not nearly 100...... Not really seein' anything in there that should be causing problems though. Maybe vivid weather??
  24. That's weird...... It really shouldn't do that. Might be an interaction between mods, but, one would think not EVERY mod would give you the same result.... Post your current load list that works?
  25. Make sure you don't have anything blocking java script. Are you in China? That seems to be a problem at the moment as well. (china blocking cloudflare website)
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