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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Who is to say the chest didn't belong to one of the skeletons, still in the Vault? :)
  2. Both of those are Arthmoor's mods, and he is pretty good about keeping them updated, and fixing bugs. If he hasn't touched them for a while, that simply means he hasn't had to, as they still work perfectly fine. Same goes for a LOT of the 'older' mods. Still work, no new bugs, so, no need to update. As for collections though, no clue on that score. :)
  3. The ONLY place you can get mods for xbox, is from the Bethesda site.
  4. I had this problem around goodneighbor... in the end, I had to start a new game, as nothing I did fixed it. On the new game, I ran the exact same load order, with zero issues.....
  5. Now that gas has gotten stupid expensive.... I only drive when I absolutely have to..... So, more often than not, my truck just sits.....
  6. You need to post in the Site Issues forum.
  7. That could be done in the middle of a town, hubworld or a dungeon, or near friendly NPCs. Why do you need empty swaths of flat map for that? Because due to some of the mods I run, random encounters can be deadly. But, I like it that way. Besides, its a post apocalyptic wasteland (Fallout 4) High population density doesn't fit.
  8. Did you ever try the pause button? or turning the game off? Then you would be able to kick back and relax much better. My toon needs to kick back and relax. Whack himself with some stimpacks, maybe have a beer..... Hitting pause, or, shutting down the game, doesn't help him.
  9. Running any mods that change menus?
  10. :) Companions, and AOE weapons, are a REALLY bad combination.
  11. Link to the mod? Or the modders profile?
  12. I severely dislike companions. They are utterly useless for my playstyle. The are either in the way, giving away my position, or rushing into combat, when I have a good snipers nest. I avoid them like the plague. I only use them when I am forced to. I dismiss them as soon as possible. They suck. They are terrible. They are more of a hindrance than a help. If I could complete quests without them, I would. Just tell me what ya want done, where I have to go to accomplish it, and keep your unhelpful idiot away from me. I am MUCH more effective by myself.
  13. Whats the point of modding then? The point of mods is to transform the negative experience of the game to a better more playable one. I suppose it's possible, but, why would you want to? Most modders ADD things to the world, not take things away. It is an open world game after all..... Open worlds have empty spaces between useful gameplay features. Empty spaces that dont serve any purpose to progress and gameplay. What I want to reduce is time wasted doing nothing. Its actually a 'skip cutscene mod'. I like some of those open spaces.... gives me a place to kick back and recover from the last firefight..... I don't want to be constantly engaged by hostiles, or even friendly NPC's....
  14. 6'2" as well. Yes, they CAN pile it that high. :D
  15. Cheating has been an issue in online games, as long as there has been online games. One of the reasons I don't play them. MMO's most of all. After watching, and capturing video.... of cheaters in one particular game, sending short clips to the folks that ran the game, and NOTHING happening..... I just stopped playing. No interest in investing time in any game, where cheaters prosper, and legit players are ignored.
  16. They quite likely have a lot of overlap, but, the conflicts are 'soft conflicts', so, the texture mod that loads last, wins. No big deal.
  17. What mods are you running? What hardware are you running it on? Does the vanilla game run fine?
  18. Generally that's a missing master crash. You are likely missing one of the requirements for one of your mods.
  19. Whats the point of modding then? The point of mods is to transform the negative experience of the game to a better more playable one. I suppose it's possible, but, why would you want to? Most modders ADD things to the world, not take things away. It is an open world game after all.....
  20. Well, it's a beth game, so, of course it will have release day bugs. :) But, I agree. I NEVER pre-order games, nor do I buy them on release day. Back in the day, pre-ordering was insurance against inadequate inventory, which, in the days of digital distribution, is a non-issue. I am hoping that Starfield will be a game in a similar vein as privateer. :) Loved that game, was actually looking forward to Star Citizen, but, lost patience with them when it became apparent that the game will NEVER be 'finished', and it's all just a money grab.
  21. .../snip (but, being a vet, that doesn't affect me overmuch, I get everything except dental care covered. Why no dental?? No idea....) ... ... Would American gun owners ( of multi 5+ guns) Donate some of their superfluous weaponry to help out ? Cuz with people only having 2 arms still ... at some point your weapon stash becomes more of a burden logistically & tactically. hahaa - this is an interesting question but i guess i know the answer if i see how logical and precise u.s. trump voting leisure time gun owners and second amendment cowboys and patriots tend to argue. in their narrative they are the u.s. life insurance since lincoln and all others are the problem and beg for being punished and slaughtered by criminals :wink: Wow, I have seen some distorted views on here before, but, I gotta admit, this one takes the cake.......
  22. Theoretically, you can block translations via tag, and it works fairly well. However, ANY mod that has that tag will be filtered, so even if it is an english mod, if the author marked it as 'translation', (indicating, they are available, or some such) that would be filtered. The mechanic is already in place, but, not everyone tags their mods properly.... so, it's kinda hit and miss.
  23. What is the price difference between the 10th gen i5, and i7?
  24. So how far on the mental health issue are you willing to go ? Will fellow soilders that will help take over the US count ? Is thinking guns are about being able to reset culture a mental health issue ? What happens when people use their threat of resorting to guns as a diplomacy chip ? Not just mental health, but, healthcare in general. The current system ain't the best.... (but, being a vet, that doesn't affect me overmuch, I get everything except dental care covered. Why no dental?? No idea....) Going to a single payer system (yeah, socialized medicine...) would be a step in the right direction. Increasing access to mental health care is most certainly a step in the right direction. Also, making sure that folks with mental issues are actually reported to the NICS system wouldn't hurt either. Granted, that won't solve ALL the problems, but, it'll go a long way towards that end. Getting rid of gun free zones also wouldn't hurt, considering most mass shootings happen in gun free zones..... (and no, that won't eliminate them either, but, will reduce the number of incidents....)
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