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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. I remember that movie, but it's been a while since I last saw it. I suppose when it's an "end-of-the-world" scenario then morals, ethics and principles all go out the window, and it's all about survival. Thankfully though I don't think we as a civilization will ever experience something close to world ending, but it's interesting even with events going on around the world the lengths some people are willing to go. Always nice to see an optimist here. :) I have a bit darker view of the future. We are going to do ourselves in, either via war, or, we will 'roman empire' ourselves into obscurity. We are headed in the latter direction fairly quickly.
  2. can also look for uninstall.msi..... Revo Uninstaller portable might be able to nuke it for you. Use Hunter mode....
  3. Also, only use ONE mod manager. :) Otherwise, you can get yourself in trouble. :D
  4. Granted, it is indeed Robins right to host, or not... whatever he wants. I just don't see a gaming site as an appropriate place to make a political statement. As I see it, that's all it is.But a gaming site is what Robin owns. If he owned a political site then his rules would be enforced there. If he owned a "funny pictures of dogs" site then it would be the same. If this was a political site, than yeah, it would make perfect sense. However.... it's not. At least, it wasn't..... That, and... silencing a segment of the community is 'promoting inclusivity, and diversity'?? Really? Seems to me, it's quite the opposite. It's a modding site, there should be room here for opposing opinions.
  5. Granted, it is indeed Robins right to host, or not... whatever he wants. I just don't see a gaming site as an appropriate place to make a political statement. As I see it, that's all it is.
  6. Or, from Robin's perspective "Don't like it? Don't host it." Considering some of the other stuff that is hosted here, that seems a tad bit hypocritical to me.
  7. If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.
  8. Personally, I don't think denying folks an option to NOT have something in their game, is something to be applauded. It's a mod. Don't like it? Don't use it. Isn't that easy??
  9. Well, being owned by MS, funding becomes a non-issue..... Not that they were hurting for cash as an independent developer. New Vegas was done by Obsidian, published by Beth. :) How does Microsoft Define an "Upgrade"? Replacing software that doesn't work, with software that doesn't work, in a different way...... I kinda liked the gameplay trailer..... but then, when it comes to games, I am not overly hard to please. Morrowind is still my favorite game though, graphics/models aside, the STORY was good. I liked the game mechanics far more than subsequent games as well. Morrowind was a 'real' RPG.
  10. Bethesda sure learned that one the hard way. :)
  11. Yup, yup. As in most things, more performance means spending more money. At least the pricing on video cards has gotten MUCH more reasonable of late. :D
  12. I would like to think that most folks won't do 'bad' stuff, just because...... But then, I have always been a bit naive. :D There ARE good people out there, that would require some pretty extreme motivation to do something 'bad'..... So, there might yet be hope for this world. Not holding my breath though. :D
  13. I think its circumstantial. Normally good people may do bad things, given the right conditions. Will normally bad people do good things? Likely only if they get some direct benefit from it.
  14. Oooo, interesting. :) Wonder if that would work with Modern Firearms.......
  15. Yep. I have tried just launching F4SE directly, which then launches steam, but, that simply does not work. Launch Steam, let it do its thing, THEN launch the game from my shortcut, and it works perfectly. Same for Skyrim. Good points there Stuck. :D
  16. What's ECO? I don't generally use energy weapons, so, not a lot of exposure to them... except on the receiving end, of course. :D
  17. I think he is more concerned about the speed of the projectile, not how many of them it cranks out per minute. I *think* it should be a simple tweak with FO4Edit though.....
  18. Ok so first and foremost, I wanna say this. And yes, it does contain hostility, but it is NOT directed at You personally, Scar. First and foremost - Bethesda's games wouldn't be anything, without the modding community. They don't fix their games, we do. They don't improve their games. We do. They don't create sustained interest in their games. We do. We, the modding community do 300 times more, for Bethesda's games.... than Bethesda. So in that, show some respect to them, that Bethesda DOES NOT. Case in point: First 3 annual quarters of Fallout 76 where the modding community was not allowed hands on. Second, some of your information is ok, but some of it is not. Particularly, where you are laying the blame. Bethesda is the one that started pooping on the modders, when they decided to start offering mods themselves. PAID mods. Can we say: Horse Armor? Can we say, PAID mods that are half-arsed attempts at pirating FREE mods, from here on Nexus? And it was Bethesda that went so far as to poop on modders, by allowing anybody who had the CK to steal mod author's creations, and post them to a separate website, without the author's consent. Which, while not "legally" stealing, is morally stealing. And THEN created a huge issue of it, when Nexus tried to get them to stop it. THERE is where your bad blood comes from. It's not that we don't support Console players, IF we can.... it's that we don't support Bethesda. Your accusation, also applies in reverse, you know. While I have a huge amount of respect for the man, I have an acquaintance on Bethesda.net that refuses to release his mods for PC. Guess what? Those mods do NOT start out in creation on a PS4. That is HIS choice, for HIS reasons. And just because a person doesn't agree with them, does not give them the right to come off with hostility towards him. AS a modder, I myself will not, and will never, upload MY creations, MY work, to bethesda.net. And you can look at any of my mods, and I specifically state that I will not. Partly because of Bethesda. Partly because I DON'T OWN A CONSOLE. I DO state, that anybody who wants to, is free to do so. As long as they agree to take the responsibility of being the person to SUPPORT that mod, on that site. Again, I cannot and will not for the above reasons. BUT some of my mods, are NOT compatible with Xbox/PS4. Some of my mods, require access to the Developer's Console. Which... Bethesda refuses to give console players access to! Or they require LooksMenu, which you cannot install on a console. Now, let's talk about pointing blame where it really belongs. You can thank SONY for so many of the mods not being ported over, because they CAN'T BE. Sony has a Very Strict limitation that they will NOT allow mods that contain anything but Vanilla Assets. That means, NO CUSTOM MADE assets in mods. Let's also talk about hardware limitations. There's quite a few mods on here that contain assets that the consoles just simply can't handle. Either because the overall size of the files is too big for MS or Sony's limitations. OR because literally, the hardware can't handle the graphics. All that said. I understand. My addiction to Fallout4 started on a friend's PS4. I agree, the mods offered for that, aren't even an appetizer compared to what are offered for pc. But, theres actual REASONS for that. You folks can't use F4se. The decks have no way to install it. So you can't use custom bodies or customized figures. You guys don't have the race mods that we do, y'all can't use looksmenu, or bodyslide. On and on and on. But, that's not OUR fault. So, in ending. Instead of buying into the horse drek that it's a bias against you folks, or paying attention to all these "Us vs Them" "victimhood" morons who thrive off of being prejudiced against.... I really think that it would be best to take a few minutes to think about it, and realize that the modders need to be THANKED, because without them, Bethesda would only have a bunch of B grade games, that people would forget about after their first few playthroughs. Just as a side note here..... Beth actually has the legal right to do whatever they want with mods for their games. Its in the EULA for the CK. As it is their game, and they are the ones the provided the tools to mod their games, I really don't have a problem with that. After all, a mod for one game, becomes a standard feature in the next. :) Beth has taken a fair few ideas from mods for a game, and implemented them in the next game. Crafting, flora changing when you harvest it, etc, all were ideas taken from mods. They even went so far as to HIRE a Morrowind Modder, as a developer for Oblivion. :) Of course, now.... MS owns Beth..... Not sure if that was a good idea or not.... remains to be seen. I AM looking forward Starfield though. It looks promising. (but, I won't pick it up until after it has been out for a few months...... give beth a chance to fix some of the release-day bugs. :) )
  19. My thoughts would be: His ONE post here, is in this thread, spreading misinformation...... To me, that indicates the desperation of Russia, attempting to sway pubic opinion. Of course, the rest of the world actually gets real news, not the propaganda passed out by the Russian government. :)
  20. Think I would generate the mesh for small areas at a time. The Oxc000005 error is a generic hardware error. It doesn't point at anything specific, and, it can also be caused by software. My guess is, the CK, which ain't the most stable to begin with, is beating the snot out of your hardware generating nav-mesh...
  21. Oh come on, you know you want it on cassette tape. Its a universal medium after all.
  22. Console player essentially did this to themselves. Folks would download mods from here, and then upload them to bethnet for consoles. (mainly xbox) Some of those folks would even claim the work as their own, even though it was easily proven to be false. Beth really didn't help the situation by basically turning a blind eye to it as well. That had the effect of truly annoying the mod author community, and yes, they had a bone to pick with the console players. (those that benefited most from mod theft) So, mod authors STOPPED supporting bethnet, since they were supporting mod theft. Some mod authors even stopped modding altogether, because of their feelings about the whole issue. So, you can understand (or, should be able to, at least) why authors aren't in a real hurry to post their mods to console, and upload them to bethnet. And then, piled on top of that, you have the list of reasons detailed by 84Cronos.... Sure, there are a fair few that *could* be ported to xbox..... but, a fair bit of time has passed, and it simply isn't possible to get permission from some authors anymore, they ain't here....
  23. Militarized Minutemen We Are The Minutemen Possible conflict here?
  24. Isn't it already in a usable format??
  25. Especially multiplayer...... That sucked in my friends and I for hours at a time. :)
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