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New Forum Feedback


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The forums are looking really good and much more in tune with the Nexus Mod-Pages. Well done! 👏

I am rather confused though. Even though the forums and mods-pages look more alike, they seem to be two completely new entities now. Where exactly would I now find a list with the last mods I commented on? I was able to get to my "forum profile" through my "nexus-profile" but that has disappeared. In fact, I can't seem to find a forum profile at all. 

Or is this still in the making?

Edit: and as I am writing this I suddenly see the new Profile Button here in the forums, but it only shows the actual classic forums topics I started, nothing else. 

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Guest deleted34304850
10 hours ago, Qrsr said:

After several days of testing, this new looks is a total step backwards. And still so many buttons which hide basic funcationality. Why?

Some older threads can not be found anymore, especially handy onces concerning stuff about the Creation Kit.

Its all to large and bloated for nothingness, im watching (reading) the forums not because i like to see user account images all over the place. If there is only one sentence written the whole post is bloated with users image, and more buttons. This totally and senslessly bloats the whole threads after a few posting. Ultimately, and subliminally this leads to users reading less. Its just cumbersome. Please inject a minimal view UI looks which is equal to the old UI.

The old UI was so much better in comparison.

i cant say i disagree with any of this.

while the updated theme is cool, the obfuscation of basic functionality means that using the forums is now an ordeal, and an exercise in frustration. i get there's a learning curve, but there is an egregious space waste with this theme, and functionality is either no longer there, or very cleverly hidden away. i spend a lot of time scrolling, and finding anything is so much more difficult.

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Overall, I like the look of the new forums. At the moment, I like the feel (hopefully that won't change, lol). I'm still exploring and may have more comments later.

I agree that all the stuff to the right does make for a lot of wasted space and unnecessary scrolling. Some posts are long enough w/o doubling their vertical real estate w/ space for pictures to the right. In my experience, unless the topic is about posting images, then the images are going to be out of context and possibly nonsensical.

Could that info be reconfigured so it's on the top and bottom of the page? I attached a picture as an idea. Or at least give us an option to turn off the right-hand stats that would expand the actual posts horizontally?

I like the space between paragraphs. It makes longer posts a lot easier to read.

You do need more formatting options for posts. Spoiler tags, for instance. Font size and color would be nice.

I do like the post preview so you can see what your post will look like on a phone as opposed to a computer screen.

I make a distinction between following and friending. I might follow a topic that interests me, or possibly a person if I find their posts generally helpful/interesting. Friending is more interactive. IMO.

As mentioned before, now that mod comments are separate from the forums, a search function is definitely needed. Doing 'Ctrl F' on each page might be fine when there are only a handful of pages, it becomes onerous when there are 15-20, unwieldy beyond that, and when there are 1000 pages! I frequently went to the forum thread so I could do a search when I had an issue.

Nexus forum reconfig.jpg

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Lack of a search option on comments is a massive step backwards. Previously the 'view forum' thread was invaluable. Now we're expected to wade through dozens of pages to find a comment?

An 'improvement' shouldn't take away useful functionality and this will surely lead to an increase in repeated questions on mod pages because users can't check to see if their issue was already posted.

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These new rank icons are pretty swag, Check me out.

On 11/21/2023 at 9:28 PM, M48A5 said:

Joined 2011, over 6000 posts and I just got the one year badge.  What's up? 

What happened to the signatures?

Grand Master now M48A5 haha, I also want to know where the signatures are at.

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15 hours ago, wpgfurry said:

i'm not sure if anyone has mentioned it, but I'd like the ability to report user profiles/names again. Now that forums and messaging are back, the harrassment has begun again.  This time a disgusting message from a disgusting  named user that made their account 2 hours ago.  Is there also a way to add a time limit to someone's account that they can't send a pvt message or comment until their account is like older than 1min?

Report the message, not the user or their profile.

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Quick question, how do I message users now? There's no one-step way to do it now that the direct message button is gone.


Also when I tried to press the mail button on top right it said I needed to log in to message, which I already was?? 😕

Also how do I search a word in the posts of a mod? The forum view button is gone and so the search feature is tooimage.thumb.png.6b6fb3ed583f2534cb2c318db2b97da6.png

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