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Rating system overhaul


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What if the ratio was based on # endorsements to file age instead of # of downloads?


That's maybe a great system, no abuse either. But something's not right about this, but I seemed don't know what it is. The endorsements system is great, so if there's a stat based on # endorsements to file age. I agreed.


So maybe the new stats of each file is :

- Downloads

- Views

- Thumbs Up

- Thumbs Down

- Score based on # endorsements to file age.

- Score based on # endorsements for each unique user downloads.


"The unpopular hard worked creations must be treated honorably !"


Does anyone know how I can report a stupid non-endorsement to the admins? It's just wrong that people say: there are files missing just because they are too stupid to install a mod properly.




Maybe they are newbies to the Nexus ? Maybe just pm the admins ?

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I don't like the new system because it's so black and white. It's AWESOME vs. This sucks. I liked the numeral rating system because rating of 9 meant that this is good but has some bugs, while 7 meant don't use this mod unless you really want to. People were giving 10s easily but this doesn't solve it.

Just mah opinion.

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Jury is still out. But leaning toward liking this system slightly more than before.


I just want to prod again that we could use a couple of more fitting categories for things:


"Cities & Villages" and "Landscaping"


Because putting a village under "Dungeons and Locations" seems wrong especially if it's not meant to compete against dungeon mods, and a mod that alters existing landscape doesn't fit the definition of "New Lands". I think of "New Lands" as something that adds actual new worldspaces and/or province overhauls to the game.



I am doing a little research on this one, the boss is a little busy with the rating system. I will be looking into this and see if it warrants splitting some of the categories in general. BUt paying some particular attention to this one.


I have not been ignoring you, just otherwise occupied with trivial matters of no great import.


Can you give me a little specific data of what you mean by landscaping, please.


While this functionality is availble to me on falout3nexus, it is not for tes and it will have to be added by Dark0ne, but I am still doing some statistical research into adding/splitting categories where warranted.



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I think we all agree, that the numerical rating system did say more about the mindset of the person rating and the effort the creator put into promoting his MOD than about the quality of a MOD.


I think that the non endorsement should be removed! (under the condition that the prerequisite for rating is downloading and playing).


I like it - I endorse it

I read the description and don't like what I read - I look elsewhere

I try it and it does not give me what I want or what the description promised - I do nothing


A system that tells me xxxx downloads versus xxxx endorsements tells me all I need to know about a MOD, again under the download and Play restriction.

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Thank you for this change! The old system really drove me crazy with people rating obviously buggy mods 10 and rating good mods 1 because they didn't like it.

Now if there was an easier way for people to find mods that work similar to their own, but may have vastly different names. I'm starting to see people remake mods that others have already done better months ago. Maybe a tagword system? Of course it could just be human laziness to not check enough.

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I am doing a little research on this one, the boss is a little busy with the rating system. I will be looking into this and see if it warrants splitting some of the categories in general. BUt paying some particular attention to this one.


I have not been ignoring you, just otherwise occupied with trivial matters of no great import.


Can you give me a little specific data of what you mean by landscaping, please.


While this functionality is availble to me on falout3nexus, it is not for tes and it will have to be added by Dark0ne, but I am still doing some statistical research into adding/splitting categories where warranted.




Just wanted to make sure my reply from the Bethsoft forum was reselected here for completeness:


Heh. Sorry for being repetitive and pesky but I wasn't even sure anyone was seeing it :)


"Landscaping" would fit the bill of something like what the ULs do, where they take existing worldspace material and decorate it, or overhaul it in some other large way. More or less a way to distinguish between a revamped part of the main game and actual new worldspaces.


"New Lands" seems like a more appropriate category for things like Mesogea, Gates to Aesgaard, Sheogorad Isles, Silgrad Tower, and various projects by the Tamriel Rebuilt team. Things where actual new world content is being built in places that previously didn't exist.


There may be a bit of an overlap fort things like Elsweyr Anequina which are definitely adding new content but to a previously undeveloped chunk of stock land that's outside the normal game borders.


Hopefully "Cities & Villages" is straightforward enough. :)

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Ok, first off, regardless of this new system's success I applaud the bold attempt at change because no matter what anyone says the old system did not do what it was intended to do. No rating system that is used by the public does.


When I'm researching a product to buy I don't go by user ratings I go by actual comments.


Let the ratings system not be a way to determine which files to download but instead which files to research by reading user feedback to determine which files to download.


Like it or not any rating system will eventually turn into a popularity contest and to embrace that for what it will become is really the only way avoid any grief.


Having said that, i agree with others in that the non-endorsement needs to go. It's not specific enough to provide useful feedback to either the downloader or the author.


The three hour time limit is fine in my opinion because I would not particularly value the endorsement of those not willing to return(after trying it) and vote. I do agree however that a reminder needs to be sent. I think most of us decide when we download something whether or not we are going to rate it and if i decide i want to rate something all I need is a pm with the file link.


No offense to anyone out there but honestly I couldn't careless what mod users, who do not actively participate in community discussion, think about a mod. Unless you are a lurker who reads practically everything posted or are a vocal participating member of these and/or the official forums then it is very unlikely that you truly understand and appreciate the art form and as such your endorsement is not needed. In short those that can and will take the time to vote are the only votes that will be cast and quite frankly the only ones that matter.


I know very well how that last paragraph has come across to some of you I apologize if you are offended by my very curt vocalization of what I believe to be the truth.


My opinion is my own though and I trust that Robin will make as many changes as necessary to this new system until it runs like a well oiled machine. So please, could all you mod makers withhold final judgment at this point and not go removing your mods until Dark says "this is the finished product".

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