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From Day Dreams of a Spaced Out old Man comes


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Hair raising is an ancient and reliable indicator of the divine I would say. To say that God or the supernatural is that which science cannot explain is a twisted vortex into nothingness, as science continually explains deeper into the phenomena once taken for Godhood. Does this mean that we are approaching a time where God or the Panteon itself becomes a real concept available for study and usage? I think this conversation is very interesting in this context.

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Good focus! Antigavitas.


I too wonder about the type of energy they may have produced. I would like to see a reversed aged planet. Take the timeline backward so I could view mapping out all the pyramids when the continents were almost all one big continent.


And to see the inside of them all and determine their similarities would be my first next adventure.

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Hair raising is an ancient and reliable indicator of the divine I would say. To say that God or the supernatural is that which science cannot explain is a twisted vortex into nothingness, as science continually explains deeper into the phenomena once taken for Godhood. Does this mean that we are approaching a time where God or the Panteon itself becomes a real concept available for study and usage? I think this conversation is very interesting in this context.


This topic may have reached its time. And it may well be being studied, because those who hold the keys of authority are not the same people that told Galileo that he was not to sell his little newspapers defusing the peoples ignorances of the World.


This website may still put a lock on a discussion if it goes toward religious belief's.


Discussing what makes up a molecule, an atom, a device of power, or various modding themes which can be determined by Socrates method; which is just about the same as reverse engineering' may lead to some interesting discoveries on the topic.


To go into any religious orders written stuff and begin tearing down their belief wordings could still end up getting a person a wine mixer with Hemlock. :tongue:


Or at least cause the forum page where the discussion is being studied becomes blocked and locked. :teehee:


If that the latter be the case, there are other websites with forum chat or page spaces which will allow, to take it, :yes: and carry on.

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Religion here is a forbidden subject, so i like to keep it neutral, this is just a friendly warning,

I look at the world in a scientist perspective, but i am far from one. My IQ is showing :laugh: :geek:



debris and grit between various blocks, possible in specific configuration, may possible carry a large static current deep into the pyramid structures in Egypt. To what end is unclear to me as I have no information on the discreet inner structure of these monuments, or installations as it may be. What area inside these pyramids, to your knowledge, may have contained or may be designed specifically for the storage of a static charge?


noow back to the jargon talk, remember that earlier post article you found, Atlantis found in the Bermuda triangle??



Edited by Thor.
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I dreamed.


I know I was asleep when I dreamed.


I know it wasn't possible that my body was in another place. So it might be that I was inside my mind in a place that puts on a play for my body when it is descending into sleep or raises me slowly from sleep?


A play, a vaudeville show, a short clip from a television series, or maybe a trailer for a movie?


What ever it was, "I dreamed of scenes about life."


It may have been in an entirely made up person with a personality not my own? Maybe it was a soap opera of my daily questions from various sets, act's, and like dinner courses to test my tastes, instead dreaming of thoughts of adventure that only the person in my dream sleep would desire, only, within my memories?



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I'm good to rest for awhile. The streams of dreams are telling me what other people expect, because I have money yet.

I must go spend it all or their fondling of my dream cells will call,

Little phones calling attention to the numbers of tasks they need me to perform,

While I have all the money to adorn myself with, I only can adorn myself with what others make for that address.

If a king can go naked I suppose I can as well.

I have no throne outside of the little lot with a house I reside in.

Compared to those who demand I make homage to their worth, I haven't got much more than a...


*** We interrupt this program to report the latest news! ***

Patterns of brain fatigue are continuing to be displayed. Tiredness developing from doing research in too many areas definitely is causing extreme mental fatigue.
While it may seem that I have much energy for doing things requiring stamina and strength; my mental functions are in need of some food that is important to resolving the conditions occurring which cause the brain to tire.
My soul mate wants me to fix the soul mates toy, but the soul mate doesn't want to feed me what I need to restore my brain so it is fully functional.
I feel like my soul mate thinks that because there is money in the cookie jar I should be able to do what my soul mate says. When there are some specific areas of my brain that are in need my soul mate is demanding they work just because the money is there.
The brains functions needed to make an assessment, research the findings, get a schematic of the parts, study the schematic, purchase proper parts, and repair the problem do not appear to be getting the fluid, food, oxygen, and stimulation necessary. Apparently there isn't enough money in the cookie jar to solve both the brain requirements and to repair the toy.
I can not work on a part of the problem my soul mate is having with my soul mates toy until all the parts of my brain are fed, stimulated, and fully functional. The brain requirements are what is needed first, OR, my soul mate is going to have to do the task. I know this; when my soul mate decides to do repairs my soul mate breaks more things than my soul mate repairs.
Please advise your soul mates of the requirements of your own brains so your brains nutrition balances are met. Money may buy the stuff you need, but unless you get the proper balance of physical exercise to make sure the food is getting into your brain in those areas that are needed to perform the tasks your soul mate wants, "Do Not Open the Can of Worms part way, until you have a fishing pole, a fishing reel, fishing hooks, fishing sinkers, fishing line, and arrive at the stream, river, lake, ocean, or pond where there are some fish. Or the worms will all die while you are off getting those other things you need."

*** We now return you to your program. Have a comfortable Day! ***


cemetery birth. That while in I am not grim, what will I do if those who have a farm as big as one of New York Cities empty lots wants my money tpo?

I may need some tasks requiring physical exercise.
Push ups?
Sit ups?
Trampoline pumping and jumping?
Ooo! Anyone got any more fun ideas to do that are fun ways to get physical exercises?

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I'll come up with more things to make you think beyond the looking glass, i need a brake from it for awhile. I will give you a list of things to look up soon, today later on.

part one of the trip down the weirdness of youtube. You start digging in this path you will start wanting answers, then question those answers.


Skulls and dna of unknown origin???, the mystery thickens.



and Pyramids int he Ukraine, i could go on.



is there more to it???, makes you wonder why Russia has so much interest in Ukraine???


Down, down, down, the rabbit hole we go.


Edited by Thor.
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Because of the Freedom of Information Act you can ask all the questions you want until you are blue in the face just wording the same question different ways until one of your lines of words gets what you hope to find.


I lived in the clouds when my mind was connected to the world with a 300 Baud external box hooked to the telephones line.


Before there was an ISP,

I wanted to see what was and is, "A. S. A. P."


Now I have a library of numbered links, They look like numbers with periods, e.g., is a standard number for almost all new out of the box Modems.


When I typed the numbers I was given that were addressed properly and could connect to another phone hooked up to the phone line, I could get to a webpage on someone else's computer somewhere completely on another continent. Some times, not always.


There just weren't enough people with little home computers during the years beginning with 1970.


All the fun was discovering what information I might find typing, 00 to see what the slow 300 baud link to the outside world would report back. Then I typed 01. Ooo!


By the time I got to 001 I had a couple of good addresses. 01 02 03 04 05 etc until I got to 001.


What fun. One day I had a line of numbers like 3 sets of 3 numbers and I found a picture, or, something like a picture.


I found an FTP page listing a bunch of addresses I could download pictures from and with a bit of software I could get a couple of tiny computer chips with 2 mb of RAM to realign all the numbers so I could see the "jpeg".


Eventually I found mods.


All this is leading to what made me think.

I'm hungry me thinks,

the caramel spread on Party Crackers,

made me think I want.just.one.more.com

or justonemore.com

Or just1more.com


For fun I did type just like that. Random words I thunk up I typed into magnetic drive until the code was complete and played the magnetic tape on two reel wheels, hence, the older model was called, "a Reel to Reel player". I play the tape backward so my upgraded and new 1200 baud external device connecting to my telephones line would send it forward.


Once the little magnetic tapes code played the phone line listened for any tones to respond.


ET Call Home!


It was amazing to find anything other than static noise which made it look like gray snow on a little CRT 19 inch screen television set.


Ooo! Now I remember using a "VIC 20" for playing a video game. It was INCREDIBLE.


Look, look, learn, learn, we all can find a bit of this or that and build a collage of what we found until it looks like we opened the doors to the Warehouse where they took Indiana Jones find, "The Lost Ark" and locked it away.


Ooo! We could uncover whaat grannies favorite secret cookie recipe is. Or with a little luck find out what the secret ingredient to some chicken recipe is.


OR! We could expose what the real story about is, about all the stuff that is about alien's, outer space travel, UFO's, and other zany stuff.


The government is not hiding it. No! They are just using the same typing machines we do to write words.


If you can write the correct words down when you ask for information on any subject. If the C.Intelligent.A. person finds the folder with envelopes full of papes inside with those exact words "the secret is out", because of the Freedom of Information Act.


Because of the Freedom of Information Act you can ask all the questions you want until you are blue in the face just wording the question different ways until one of your lines of words gets what you hope to find.

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I could go much, much further then that if you want, i compiled a list of the unknown, it'll boggle your mind. I have much more where that came from. Youtube the unrestricted net, same with some for the stuff i see on daily news, as you mentioned.


Some times it hits me off guard. In a sense even when i am not looking for it.


This is Huffpost Canada side of the net, see what i mean.



You will not see a ufo section on the us side of the net.


Even the weathernetwork does this to, sometimes :blink:


It gets much stranger as we go down the route of the unknown or known for that matter, it will start to make you think of the what if origins of the human race, that's when things go wacky and paradoxes become a thing. That's when i stop, because history stops there. :huh:

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I could go much, much further then that if you want, i compiled a list of the unknown, it'll boggle your mind. I have much more where that came from. Youtube the unrestricted net, same with some for the stuff i see on daily news, as you mentioned.


Some times it hits me off guard. In a sense even when i am not looking for it.


This is Huffpost Canada side of the net, see what i mean.



You will not see a ufo section on the us side of the net.


Even the weathernetwork does this to, sometimes :blink:


It gets much stranger as we go down the route of the unknown or known for that matter, it will start to make you think of the what if origins of the human race, that's when things go wacky and paradoxes become a thing. That's when i stop, because history stops there. :huh:


Once in a while I discover interesting items too. My focus is best at it when I am not straining my mind repeating the question which seems so important I should just write it down. So I forgot about that question after working and my brain would not let go of it. I worked oh so hard to shut out the repeating mental excitement keeping that darn question repeating in my mental functions. Then, What do I know???


I find the interesting information or item and it seems like a Miracle.


I love finding off the wall and occasionally stuff just out of the normal crowds view. YEAH! It's what separates us from the others who are crammed into a sardine can calling their can an SUV or RV while they drive around until it breaks down and they can't find a civilized mechanic like you or me to fix it. Until they get over the fact they are stuck in some god forsaken spot called Nature they whine and cry. Then when their children are born there they call it, you probably guessed already, "HOME!"

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