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[FIX] To anyone who experiences low framerates, FPS drops in Skyrim: SE


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Thanks, thehurtbear, but I already tried all that. I actually had the problem long before I installed ENBoost. so that's not the issue. There must be something going on in the background in the game that I'm not aware of. Or is there something that could be draining CPU that doesn't show up in the Task Manager?

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What fixed that for me is setting iVsyncPresentInterval to 0 in skyrimprefs.ini, and iPresentInterval=0 in skyrim.ini (maybe one of those is irrelevant but anyways)


Made a profile for SkyrimSE.exe in the nvidia control panel

Installed nvidia inspector, in it click on the downward arrow next to the house icon, find your SkyrimSE profile.


Set Frame Limiter to what you want (I put in 70, somehow it gives me 60 in-game but fine)

Set Vsync to FORCE ON.


Click Apply.


With that I have super constant 60 fps (okay sometimes it dips to 58) at any time in the game. Even when I had a vampire attack in Riften, the whole town was fighting and still 60 fps. In 1920x1080 Ultra détails, TAA, Reshade plus many 2K mods. Even in the densest forests with Verdant and all, props to the new Skyrim engine seriously.

Edited by dayglo98
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Hey dayglo98! :)


Thanks for the tips, but I'm afraid I've already done all that, with no effect. It's strange that the fps would drop like that for a few minutes, then pick up again (but also for only a few minutes). Rinse and repeat ad libitum. I haven't tested it extensively, but the time it stays at the lower and/or higher frame rates seems more or less consistent. Really weird! :(

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Oh hey, if you used to have vsync enabled thru ENB, did you disable that (if you use my method) ?


There's also another setting in nividia inspector, something about power management. I set it to Adaptive if I recall.

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  • 2 weeks later...

hello there


im still have the low fps problem. in game just 19fps. in menu the frame rate limit i have add. 60fps or 70 fps or 100fps (dosent matter)




zotac 1080 amp extreme

32gb rig

win 10 64bit



-i changed in the skyrimperf.ini iVSyncPresentInterval to 0

-i changed in the skyrim.ini iPresentInterval to0

-nvidia inspector 2.13: Framer ate Limiter for example 59.7fps

Prefered Refreshrate = Highest available

Vertical Sync On or Off (it dosent make any different, still 19fps)

Vertical Sync Smooth AFR behavior = OFF

Vertical Sync Tear Control = Standard


-borderless window dosent help.

-setting low or ultra is all the same, still 19fps

-i re-istalled the game and run it without any mods!


i tried fps mods like the enb 3.10v

i tried the first 12 solution videos on youtube and google, they tell me all the same but nothing works...


now im just pissed and i dont know what i could do....


someone with the same problem?

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I feel for anyone who is dealing with SE FPS issues. I spent the last 3 or 4 days obsessively trying to get my game into playable order.


Everything was going really well, until I bought a second card to SLI and foolishly thought it would just work out with SE, since it had a working profile for the orig. Anyway, to make it worse, I had simultaneously DL'd some higher resolution textures AND the Re-Engaged ReShade/ENB setup. It looked great, but my FPS had dropped massively and would plummet constantly to unplayable levels. Plus my game would CTD for the first time in SE. Sucked because there were too many changes to make troubleshooting easy.


Fast forward, I believe I ended up trying everything under the sun as far as the previous mentioned fixes. In the end, the following tweaks had the largest impact on returning my FPS back to ~60 (with the Framelimiter set to 60):


(1) I had to ditch the ENB (this stopped the dips in FPS and the CTD). The average frame rate did not change that much.

(2) Override Skyrims anisotropic filtering (at least I believe it is overriding it) by setting it to "user defined/off" and changing it to x8 in profile inspector. I could hardly tell the difference quality-wise, and I am not a performance > visuals type of guy. This made the largest impact on my FPS.

(3) Turn off Skyrims Vsync in the prefs.ini file, and set the Vsync to FORCE ON in the NVIDIA Profile inspector. I tried fast-sync and the lower variants, didn't make a huge difference in FPS and did not take care of all of the screen tearing.


  • I have all of the fade sliders set to max
  • most all of the settings are at their highest
  • I didn't have to remove any of my HQ textures
  • I am playing at 1080p mind you.
  • i5 3.5Ghz
  • Win 10
  • 32 gig RAM
  • x2 GTX 970's


Also, if anyone is interested, to get SLI working I didn't have to enter anything into the compatibility section, just left it as is. The only thing I did was change the SLI setting to AFR2. I don't think it is really improving anything, though it isn't hurting my FPS as some seem to be experiencing. Instead of one GPU working at 100% I have both working at around 70 or 80% max, with an even lower average %. Hope they come out with official SLI support soon.

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VSync is broken in Skyrim


I thought these performance issues would be a thing of the past, with special-edition being 64-bit. Is special-edition not able to utilize all of my systems RAM, and GPU?


Not sure what's causing everyone's issues but what I can say is VSync's broken in Skyrim SE. If you run constantly at 60fps+ you won't notice it but once framerates dip below 60 it'll instantly drop to 30 - then it'll recover for a bit then back down to 30. Rinse, repeat.


To fix that you need to disable Skyrim's VSync then force triple-buffered VSync either through your drivers or (if you're using AMD) through Radeon Pro.

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I think all these rollercoaster fps problems are very strange. I did as many of you guys. Turned off the Vsync in the ini and tried to cap the framerate to 60, 59 and 58, both in the AMD driver profile I made for SSE and in Radeon Pro. + enabled Vsync. But these settings just made the framrate stutter remain or getting worse. I had even in the loading screen jumpy fps between 45 to 60. And it dropped to about 25 - 30 in the actual game. In the exteriours that is. Interiours though gave me a steady fps at what I have capped it to. I also tried the tripple buffer but the problem remained


In an act of desperation, I turned off every eye candy except for the 64 bit target rendering, and then I did set the God rays to low + the rest of the settings to high except for the shadows = medium. And the windowed, borderless mode on. Then I cranked up the fps slider in the driver profile to 90.


Now, I got around 52 - 58 fps in the exteriours and 90 inside. And this despite not having any Vsync or triple buffer on. And I have just a minor tearing now and then.


I also read today that the later AMD drivers due to some flaky power saving thing now and then throttle down the power under load when it should'nt. I have not tried to crank up the power in MSI Afterburner yet. But this could also be the cause to some of the uneven fps for us who own a modern Radeon card. This goes for the 300 and the RX series cards so I have read. Also, check your drivers global profile, ( Under the gaming tab ) so that the energy option there are turned off. In some drivers it can be set to on by default.

Edited by goranpaa
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