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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. I have been using build high for years, and it has not caused me any difficulties. Also, if it does anything at all with precombines/previs, it is ONLY in the expanded settlement areas, so folks that also use 'scrap everything' (yet another mod that some folks consider 'dangerous'....) can REALLY clean up their settlements. Do some folks have issues with it? You bet. Do the majority? Nope.
  2. Putin is pretty much in control here. He is the one that dictates the direction this goes. I know Biden is extremely reluctant to come into direct conflict with Russian troops..... Which is likely a healthy attitude..... However, Putin seems to be slowly escalating... and now that his offensive has stalled, and doesn't look like it is going to achieve his major goals.... Will he resort to the use of tactical nuclear weapons??? THAT would be a MAJOR escalation, and I fear would lead directly to WWIII.... which no one will 'win'...... and could very well lead to the end of the human race....
  3. Iteresting post count " 0 " are you going to keep it there ? Posts in a few forums don't increment your post count. :D Also, I see I need to change my vote here.... I seem to have moved up a category. (well, ok, down really.....) Thanks Hey ... now I'm wondering about what the order shown in the list means. Does closer to the bottom hold any implications? Should I be worried when I need to take that one more step down to a lower rung? Hhmmm.... Closer to the bottom? Means we are getting old. :) I hear that's hereditary. We can blame it on our parents. :D
  4. Concrete with Glass. Custom concrete walls with glass.
  5. Have you written a script to track that for you? :D
  6. Iteresting post count " 0 " are you going to keep it there ? Posts in a few forums don't increment your post count. :D Also, I see I need to change my vote here.... I seem to have moved up a category. (well, ok, down really.....)
  7. Apparently, if you get to stage two, it becomes incurable. Some have also reported that even removing all their rads at stage one, still doesn't cure it.....
  8. Seems to me, that there is a fair bit of fighting around major cities as well... and the russians are shelling them indiscriminately. A corrupt government is also NOT justification for an invasion. If that were the case, The US would be invading everyone and their cousin. Not to mention the folks that would be invading US for the very same reason. Russia started the hostilities here. Ukraine did not send troops into Russia. And then we have the whole "Using Iraq as an example." thing..... Even most americans agree that invading Iraq was a bad idea. That was a war based on lies, and manufactured intelligence, pretty much exactly what Putin is doing here. Not to mention, The Russian government isn't exactly 'corruption free'......
  9. Running any mods that alter aspect ratio?
  10. As the game is more than 30gig, you aren't going to get it on one DVD, more like four, or five...... Where did you purchase the game that didn't have a steam requirement? Back in the day, when these were actually on store shelves, the DVD came with a code, that you fed to steam, and steam downloaded/installed the required files. So far as I know, that is still the only way to get the game. (aside from buying directly from Steam/Valve....)
  11. That looks like what some of my HUD elements do, but, I am playing on 21:9 aspect ratio. So, some things get offset. However, I don't have any problem assigning favorites..... Are you running any kind of ENB?
  12. Don't know if it helps, but, there was a mod that would make any door powered, just place the 'connector' near the door, and it would convert the door to a powered door. Here it is.
  13. How many mods are you running? there is a hard cap of 255 ESP/ESM files, go beyond that, and things get weird. :D Are you using a mod manager?
  14. A fair few of those guns would be destroyed during the war. A significant percentage are owned by collectors, who tend to live near large cities. I.E. Nuclear targets.... That would reduce the availability considerably. Ammunition would be my major concern though. The manufacture thereof en-masse is NOT a trivial undertaking. Sure, brass/copper/steel for casings would likely be mostly salvaged, but, the chemicals for the propellant wouldn't be so easily obtained. I suppose reverting back to black powder would be pretty much a requirement....
  15. You would think that after 200 plus years, some manufacturing would have started back up.... but, seeing as how settlers can't even be bothered to throw together their own rickety shack out of scrap wood..... Maybe not. :D
  16. Interesting idea. :) However, I am one of those that does not use companions. I avoid them whenever possible. Even Dogmeat. :D Originally, Dogmeat wasn't supposed to 'count' as a companion, so, you could have Dogmeat, AND a companion. There is a mod that fixes that. I could see real possibilities here for the folks that write companion mods though. :D Could have some additional dialog in the event the SS had another companion, that this one didn't like. :D I could see arguments, veiled insults, Not-so-veiled insults, etc. Could be really entertaining. :D
  17. If you drop one does it show up? Take a look at the mods you installed since the last time you played, and they weren't there.... Gotta be one of them. Maybe Wasteland Imports?
  18. I locked the comments on Advanced Magecraft (for oblivion) because I haven't even looked at the code in around 10 years...... :D That, and 99.9% of the bugs already got squashed.
  19. Yeah, Fallout 4 modders are fine, upstanding members of NASA. (national acronym society of america. though, not necessarily american. :) ) There are a LOT of abbreviations/acronyms associated with the game..... Might be better to post in the FO4 General forum, with specific questions. There is almost always someone around that will answer any questions you have.
  20. Wonder why that didn't show up in FO4Edit??? That's strange..... But, at least its fixed. :)
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