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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Rank 2 of the explosives perk is supposed to give you a throwing arc for grenades... but, I have found it rather hit or miss whether it shows up or not. Interior cells seem the worst, and it rarely shows. Of course, it only shows where your grenade is going to land, not where it is going to bounce around to. (maybe less of an issue for molotovs.....) I find that perk quite handy for tossing grenades thru windows/doorways and such. :D
  2. Is he set to essential, or is he just not taking any damage at all? Even essential characters will have their health reduced, and when low enough, will go into a 'wait state', until they recover some health. I have encountered Super Mutants though, that regardless of what I hit them with, they simply don't take any damage whatsoever. For those guys, I open the console, click on 'em, and type in KILL. THAT takes care of 'em. :D
  3. My question becomes, does the Prydwen even have a 'physical' presence in the world when you are standing below it??
  4. Given the propensity for old cars to explode..... One would think that a few well-placed rockets would have the Prydwen going up in a lovely mushroom cloud. :D
  5. archives are loaded by their associated esp file. So it doesn't really matter where the bsa is, just so long as it is in the data folder. Your esp would need to be name MyEsp.esp in order for it to load that particular archive. Is that the case?
  6. I had a pretty fat Oblivion install, including FCOM, and a host of others, and the game actually ran pretty good. It would go for hours without a crash. :D Don't know if I still have the data folder from that install around yet. :D
  7. For most of the nation, violent crime was in downward trend for the last couple decades in any event. So far, I haven't seen ANY definitive study that shows gun laws have any affect on violent crime whatsoever. Chicago used to have some of the strictest gun laws in the nation, but, they were still the murder capitol of the US..... (following washington DC for a while, until the heller decision.....) Its a real mixed bag on gun laws vs crime. Of course, if there weren't any guns, there would be a LOT less GUN crime, however, crime rates would still not decline any faster than what they were. The pandemic has had a real negative affect though, and it seems violent crime is climbing in most of the country. (or, at least, in high population centers....... which shouldn't come as a surprise.) What does all that blah blah have to do with the discussion of the impact of West Virginia's changes in law and it's impact on crime in West Virginia, or the article I posted? Because just like everywhere else, the gun laws didn't make a measurable difference, either way.
  8. Ya only need a couple more mods to make FCOM play nice, and it is a DRAMATICALLY different experience from Vanilla. :D There were some really good guides out there for installing FCOM, I *think* there is a relatively recent one over on TESA. (link in my sig....) But, I haven't checked how up to date it is, or even if it's still there, as I haven't played Oblivion in years. :D
  9. For most of the nation, violent crime was in downward trend for the last couple decades in any event. So far, I haven't seen ANY definitive study that shows gun laws have any affect on violent crime whatsoever. Chicago used to have some of the strictest gun laws in the nation, but, they were still the murder capitol of the US..... (following washington DC for a while, until the heller decision.....) Its a real mixed bag on gun laws vs crime. Of course, if there weren't any guns, there would be a LOT less GUN crime, however, crime rates would still not decline any faster than what they were. The pandemic has had a real negative affect though, and it seems violent crime is climbing in most of the country. (or, at least, in high population centers....... which shouldn't come as a surprise.)
  10. I get a bunch of results with google. Didn't go digging to deep into them though. Have a look, see what ya think.
  11. Tried the first link, and it downloaded just fine. I'm in the US, slow downloads, using firefox. Might try using a different browser, and see if you get a different result.
  12. Actually, it varies quite a bit around here. (US) Some folks do on 24th, others the 25th, and still others don't celebrate christmas at all. :D
  13. Yea, the card doesnt have a 6pin connection tho, I was baffled by that when I unboxed it because the AMD I had before did have the 6pin and I had it hooked up but this one did not have it This is the one I bought: https://www.newegg.com/msi-geforce-gtx-1650-gtx-1650-d6-ventus-xs-oc/p/N82E16814137529?Item=9SIAVT8E3X4300 Looking at it, no, it doesn't require any additional power connectors..... That is indeed kinda surprising for a 1650...... but, it also only requires a 300 watt power supply.... So, I guess it's no needed. Wild. :D Is the game aware you have a different vid card? Not sure how much of an issue it is, but, when I change cards, I tend to delete all my ini files, and run the Fallout 4 Launcher once, just for it to re-check things, and figger it out. (but, I don't launch the game from there, as I use F4SE....)
  14. If your card wants a six pin connector, and doesn't have it, yes, that IS going to be an issue. You could smoke that card trying to run it like that.
  15. Would something like this do what you want?
  16. What did you have in mind? Something like a regular wall switch? I have a mod that adds switches, and vertical conduit, and such.... The 'switches' are round though.
  17. If you disable the mod in question, can you get into the Museum?
  18. If I had to hazard a guess, it would be "no". It's a list. Wabbjack, or Automatron may have something though. No idea where to find it.... or if it exists.
  19. Yeah, reinstall Directx, (you can download it from Microsoft), and then reinstall your ENB.
  20. Sometimes, just reseating your ram will solve those issues. :)
  21. Is d3d11.dll in your fallout 4 install folder? If it is, might try replacing it..... I don't know how your manager handles ENB's, so, wonder if it left out a file it shouldn't have, or included an extra?
  22. Check out Nexus Mod Manager. It was originally written for beth games. I do believe it is open source as well.
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