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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Use a mod manager. :D Vortex is actually pretty good for those that are relatively new to modding.
  2. Adding items to existing categories doesn't always work. Especially if you have more than one mod adding stuff. Mods like Homemaker, Snap-n-build, and Snappy Housekit add their own categories, and have a HUGE amount of additional options for settlement building. They don't have any additional requirements either. :D
  3. I don't see prices coming down for several months yet. Chip shortages, supply chain issues, port backups, etc, are all conspiring to make a lot of products hard to come by. Vid cards have been in short supply for more than a year now. I don't see that ending soon. Currently, where I work, NONE of our vendors have any vid cards at all.
  4. some variety of rich merchants mod.
  5. Clone the drive. :) Macrium Reflect offers a 'free' version that will do what you need. You can even clone a "live" windows install, including everything on the drive. :D Or, if you have another machine to use, install macrium on that, and clone the drive there. I do this a LOT at work. :D
  6. See if you can find a 2060 then. Should go pretty well with the rest of your hardware. Upgrading to a solid state drive wouldn't hurt you either. :D They've gotten pretty cheap of late.
  7. When I see "FCOM", I instantly think "Oblivion"..... Link to the mod?
  8. Not a good time to be looking at vid cards, they are hard to find, and expensive when you do.... That said, a GTX 2060 with as much ram as you can get would be a nice upgrade. The 30 series cards are even better, however, they make hens teeth look downright common, and are hideously expensive when you CAN find them. :D What's the rest of your hardware look like?
  9. According to theory, when you upload from the construction kit, it should ask you which platform??? Since your mod is esp only, it should work just fine for PS4.
  10. Downloaded it from where? Is the game actually installed? (via steam, the only legit way to get it....)
  11. I think three years is really optimistic. It was about two years between the 20 series, and 30 series Nvidia cards... and the performance jump was tremendous. (and going from a 10 series, to a 30 series? HOLY SMOKE! :D ) However, "Old" does not necessarily imply "useless", The previous incarnation of my gaming machine lasted me 8 years. I just upgraded the video card a couple times. (twice, I think, once was because they gave me a better card on my RMA.) So far, I haven't seem many games that can actually take advantage of more than two cores either..... So the older processors, with higher clock speeds, can actually perform BETTER in games than some of the newer ones. Yeah, Imagine my surprise. :D All that said though, given that game development is at minimum, three years, and usually longer, the hardware that the game started on, is already way out of date, as compared to the current market. So, if your hardware isn't truly old, it should run most games fairly well. I think it's more video technology that keeps upping the game though...... And the vid card market is TIGHT. Prices on cards are getting stupid again, and thats if you can even FIND one...... We have some 3080Ti's in stock at the moment, that we will sell for almost 2 grand a whack, and those will be gone by the end of the week.
  12. Is that one a separate ESP file? If it is, probably need to make something like a "bashed patch", so they all play nice together.
  13. Microsoft makes a lot of claims that are simply untrue. And yes, they love to use the general public as beta testers. Terribly sorry, but, I am not going to volunteer of that. :) My machine supposedly doesn't meet the requirements for 11, no TPM 2.0, which I could fix with a firmware update, but, I am not going to. If that prevents MS from *sneaking* windows 11 on to my machine, like they did to a LOT of folks running windows 7, forcing them to 10, so much the better.
  14. No clue. May be a feature that we simply don't have turned on there.
  15. You keep focusing on one aspect of Officer Involved Deaths. For every person shot by police, another half dozen or more are strangled, shocked until unconscious, smothered, bludgeoned, pressed, dragged behind police vehicles, and left handcuffed in stress positions until they lie dead on the ground. And even though it only takes one cop to deliberately kill someone in custody, it takes the rest to deny the killing, lie about the killing, help cover up the killing, change the death certificate of the victim of the killing, hide the evidence of the killing, stonewall an investigation into the killing, destroy evidence of the killing and finally blame the victim of the killing for their death. And before you claim that Law Enforcement is under attack and is forced to defend itself. ,,, According the the FBI, in 2020, 46 (forty six) officers were killed in the line of duty. For that same period, the FBI statistics claim that 5,000 to 8,000 people died at the hands of the police (that number is imprecise because killings by officers are poorly tracked and reported in the FBI Uniform Crime Reporting system while officers killed are precisely tracked), only 1,021 were fatal shootings. And those numbers are seriously suspect. You ignore the apple/barrel analogy and excuse the killings as inconsequential. From where I sit, one deliberate death at the hands of an officer is too many. What we have is thousands a year, and that is unforgivable. And that many deliberate deaths makes the cops the criminals. I would love to see where you got that "5-8000" number from. I suspect that is pure bull excrement. Yeah, cops killing folks, when it ISN'T self defense, is indeed bad. No argument there. Taking away their guns isn't going to fix that. Taking away the criminals guns isn't going to fix that. Training isn't going to fix that. Changing laws isn't going to fix that. In reality, you are NEVER going to completely solve that issue. Unless, of course, you simply got rid of ALL the humans. Then it wouldn't be a problem. Your last line makes zero sense to me. Please point out where I excused anything.
  16. Things that moderators have said in the past leave me to believe that once you hit the Post button the first time whatever you have posted is viewable by the site staff even if you afterwards go back and edit your post (so they can see the original post and the edited post). Hhhhmmm..... I am admin on another site that uses the same software, and I don't think we have that capability........
  17. You CAN edit your posts though, and delete all the text. Of course, you can't do anything about your quoted posts in someone else's post.
  18. Are you starting the game with SKSE_Loader?
  19. Yep, it should. :) Do you have any mods that change/alter physics? Any Ragdoll mods, etc?
  20. There are right about 700,000 police officers in the US. Police shoot around 1000 people per year. So, because .001 % of cops shoot people, (and that is ALL officer involved shootings, not just the ones that make the news) you would disarm the cops? I fail to see any logic in that response at all. If the cops are disarmed, and the criminals are not, what do you think is going to happen to the crime rate? How about the number of officers killed every year? Do you think anyone would actually WANT to become a police officer under those conditions? What do you think the long-term affects on the crime rate would be from that?? Bear in mind, disarming the criminals simply isn't going to happen. Just not practical.
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