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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Very True. But you must also understand I am of the belief there are too many people on the planet. So with that in mind, my Darwin-esque approach to healthcare makes perfect sense. I wholeheartedly concur. Way too many folks on this little planet. Some would argue that the entire population could be packed into the state of texas. Of course, I think we would have to take turns breathing..... But, that isn't really the point. We still have large populations living in areas that really don't lend themselves to habitation. But, those places seem popular, and the population continues to increase, even though the area is already short on resources to support those that are there already. Or countries that are overpopulated, yet still encourage their citizens to breed like rabbits. (or at least, they don't DIScourage folks from breeding.....) All in all, as I see it, humans are pretty much idiots. We consider it our God-Given RIGHT!!! to do stuff that is inherently bad for everyone...... Some variety of population control really would be in everyones best interests... but, in most countries, (especially here in the US) it would never fly. We are our own worst enemy, and humans will cause their own destruction.
  2. Possibly. Did windows do any updates overnight?
  3. I suspect there are legal issues that prevent this from happening.... That, and there just aren't that many modelers/animators out there to tackle this.
  4. There is a Perk that allows you to shoot through objects. Some objects will fall apart when shot as well. (some of the wood fences....) What REALLY annoys me though, is GLASS can stop bullets too..... Suppose that is one of the side affects of NOT having a destructible environment..... Maybe for the next game. :D
  5. True. Some 'truths' that were once widely accepted, were later proven false by forward thinking individuals, or new discoveries in science. But, we still have the flat-earthers..... Guess some conspiracies are more resilient than others. :D
  6. I would suggest downloading Vortex, and using that to install your mods. :) Steam tends to bury things pretty deep. So, the 'path' you are looking for is: (assuming default install location for both steam, and the game....) C:\Program Files[x86]\Steam\steamapps\common\fallout 4\data You can manually install F4SE, but, it goes in the Fallout 4 folder, not the data folder.
  7. I think Homemaker has 'em, SSEX certainly does. Though I wouldn't consider either of those mods 'small'..... :)
  8. Do a clean install. Uninstall EVERYTHING, the game, all the mods. You can likely leave your mod manager installed. Reinstall JUST the game. Will it start/run now?
  9. People do all sorts of things that are inherently bad for them. Smoking, over eating, drinking soda, doing various drugs. My guess is, if you dug deep enough, you could come up with a reason to deny pretty much anyone of medical care. How about folks that were speeding when they wrecked their car? Or weren't wearing their seatbelts? :) Maybe someone ate too much bacon, clogged up their arteries, and had a heart attack. Everyone does stuff they shouldn't. It would be pretty much impossible to draw the line of wear to discontinue care. Though, I think folks that OD on drugs regularly, should have a limit..... Like the guy that had EMS out to his house 3 times in ONE DAY. That's excessive. If you are going to be that stupid, then you deserve the consequences.
  10. Hmmm, I dunno, I think that's a little bit to broad of a net your casting. Do we consider all Catholics to be "conspiracy theorists" because they believe some guy in Rome can actually speak to, and on behalf of, an imaginary deity figure? I don't think the personal choice to ignore undeniable facts automatically makes one a "conspiracy theorist". just perhaps at best a fool. But then again, does the label require a certain number of people to believe the theory before it's no longer considered a "conspiracy theory" and instead becomes "consensus"? I suppose that depends on just how you define 'conspiracy theory'...... Its possible that religion could fall into that category, but, that is quite likely a discussion we can't have here. :)
  11. In real life, you can look over your shoulder and shoot too..... :)
  12. Thank you for your reply. I'm pretty sure the last mod in the load order wins. I'm just wondering whether ' winning' in this case means that the .ba2 archive Mod B completely overrides the .ba2 archive of Mod A being used, or just the single overlapping texture? anyone? :smile: I would expect that any overlap between the two archives, the one loaded last would win.
  13. 19 13 Better Locational Damage - DLC_WWorkshop.esp 27 1b Better Locational Damage - DLC_Far_Harbor.esp 28 1c Better Locational Damage - DLC_Automatron.esp 29 1d Better Locational Damage - DLC_Nuka_World.esp 30 1e BLD - AI Tweaks.esp And then we have..... 31 1f Better Locational Damage.esp Which all of the previous mods are likely dependent on. Loot seems to be confused.
  14. Then we have the Flat Earth Society. Or maybe the folks that deny the moon landing.... Among others. Just because you can back your argument with facts, does not necessarily imply those that really want to believe, will change their mind...... Even today, we have folks building rockets to launch themselves, to prove the earth is flat.... Well, one less since last year......
  15. Vortex will simply install both archive. The game will use textures from both, and when there is a conflict, I *think* the one loaded latest wins. Or, it might be the one with the newest date wins.....
  16. Need to adjust your load order. You have files loading before their dependencies.
  17. Check in your C:\users\whateveryourusernameis\app data\Skyrim folder as well. Any leftovers in there can bite you too. May not hurt to grab Revo Uninstaller Portable, and use that for your reinstall. It will also scan for any leftover files/registry entries that the standard uninstaller doesn't seem to get.
  18. Obi Wan had an interesting take on just what "truth" was. :D
  19. I highly doubt that is true. Finance Services is a highly regulated industry and there are stringent requirements around customer data including passwords. However if it is true then I'd move to a bank that treats your data with respect and secures it. I think you'd be surprised how many banking sites only let you use up to 8 chars in the password. Without even the possibility of using a longer one. It's kind of hard to find a workable banking option that also has proper levels of security, so very often we just take what we can get. Then go to a better bank that protects you and your assets I highly doubt that is true. Finance Services is a highly regulated industry and there are stringent requirements around customer data including passwords. However if it is true then I'd move to a bank that treats your data with respect and secures it. I think you'd be surprised how many banking sites only let you use up to 8 chars in the password. Without even the possibility of using a longer one. It's kind of hard to find a workable banking option that also has proper levels of security, so very often we just take what we can get. Eight character passwords are a holdover from legacy systems, like IBM mainframes. IBM mainframe had a MAX limit of eight character passwords for decades, and in as much as many banking systems are backed on IBM Mainframes, they use the IBM Mainframe password processors. Quite a few IBM mainframe customers have not converted to the PassPhrase technology which supports passwords/phrases up to 100 characters. This is incorrect. When you logon to your bank, you are not logging on to a mainframe. Go and read up on the latest (i.e. in the last decade at least) security requirements for mainframe systems. You're trying to conflate something from 20-odd years ago into the current day and age for some reason and it's embarassing to read, to be honest. Please enlighten me on how a longer password is any more secure. (Hint: Its not.)
  20. You should post in the forum appropriate to the game you are modding.....
  21. Usually, that kind of crash is a 'missing master crash'. I.E. one of the mods in your load order is missing a mod it is dependent on. Since you know exactly which mod causes the crash, do you have all the requirements for that mod installed?
  22. Not that I have noticed. I can jump the same obstacles, regardless of how much I am carrying, even when over-encumbered, and I still die if I fall from any height, regardless of carry weight.
  23. I highly doubt that is true. Finance Services is a highly regulated industry and there are stringent requirements around customer data including passwords. However if it is true then I'd move to a bank that treats your data with respect and secures it. Doubt what you want. My bank password requires only eight characters. There is an option for two-factor authentication, but, it is an OPTION. (same as it is here.) Longer passwords only make it more difficult to brute-force crack them. It does not make your account any more 'secure'.
  24. You wanna post in the vortex support forums.
  25. Yeah, I love my explosive shotgun. Using it at close range though, yeah, that's suicide. :) I learned that one the hard way. (wondered why I was dying so quickly.....) Only thing better I found, with mods... was my never ending, explosive, 10mm auto pistol. Wave it around, and everything down range dies. :D Does eat ammo though. :D
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