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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. He is suffering from an acute, and I fear, incurable case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. it is absolutely funny how you try to copy trumps ability to spread his fantasy as the one only truth :smile: - but trump is much more entertaining instead of being plain flat like you. i know it is not easy to be a trumpist in these hard times but you will get over it and hopefully you have friends who will show you a way back to reality. :wink: narcisstists like trump - and you need not to be a doctor to identify this very obvious limittaion - are the ones who need permanent confirmation. so you as a trump lover or supporter seem to like people with this limitation but you seem not to be aware of that. that is interesting like this whole debate. and please don't forget to tell me your opinion about the people in his administration who where fired by him in the last four years. will his (former?) friend barr be the next as one else in a long row of many former friends and supporter not giving trump his badly needed fairy tail confirmation ? and very interesting how mrs mcenany changed her mind in 2016 about trump. maybe she had the same vision in this year as all his fanboys. i'm sure at least for her it was more than a vision or an enlightment and she gives trump what he permanently needs as narcissist: confirmation :wink:. so go on and support her! trump needs you to make himself great again! Ya know, I don't think I have ever seen anyone as deluded as you seem to be. Are you that mentally limited that you can only argue one single point? Even though the basis of your argument has had the rug pulled out from under numerous times already in this thread? Are you such a rabid liberal/progressive that logic and reason are no longer within the realm of your reality? Or are you just a bot that has reached the limit of its programming? I would like to think that no real human being could possibly be as short-sighted, and closed minded, as you present yourself......... But then, I always knew the human race would be their own undoing. You are a perfect example of why that is inevitable.
  2. Roll back your drivers, or, barring that, Nvidia does leave legacy drivers available for download. Uninstall the new drivers, reboot, install older version, see how the game plays.
  3. Maybe, the military DOES get some REALLY cool toys to play with. :) And 6800 miles per hour is more than a mile per second.... so, "Fast" doesn't even begin to describe it. :D
  4. Stay away from script heavy mods, and high res graphics, and you should be able to get a playable game. As a general rule of thumb, there is no such thing as Too Much Ram. In fact, more is better. Same goes for Video Ram. (memory on your vid card.) More is better, too much is almost enough. :) Running the game from some variety of solid state drive is VASTLY superior to any mechanical drive, even the hybrid fellers. NVME are currently the fastest, and storage has gotten dirt cheap. Again. :D
  5. Seems that a fair few folks solved it simply by restarting their computer. Some other folks had to add an exception to their anti-malware software for the folder in question. Is this Mod Organizer 2 by any chance?
  6. Wow.... again.... You seem to want to ascribe behaviors to me, so that I meet your criterion as a 'trumpist'. If you haven't figured it out yet, then, there is no hope for you whatsoever. I can't count the number of times I have tried to set you straight on just why I vote for Trump, apparently, you have some issue with comprehension.... I don't know if its a language barrier, or maybe you just can't grasp the fact that some folks are indeed free-thinkers, and don't fit nicely into your black and white world view.... Why you think that anyone that votes for Trump supports him wholeheartedly, is beyond me. I believe I have stated unequivocally, several times...... that that is simply NOT the case. But, you don't want to accept that. Or, you can't.... Or maybe you are just being a prick, and baiting me....... (given your persistence here though, I don't think that is actually the case.) You STILL are basing your decision on who to vote for on the character of the candidate. How many times have I flatly stated that that is NOT what I am voting for? Can you not read? I am voting for the political platform they are running on. Biden is essentially the OPPOSITE of the policies I would prefer the administration to operate on? Why in hell would I vote for THAT????
  7. It should fire when you release whatever button you have assigned to 'attack'. Is it not doing that??
  8. The Hitler comparisons are getting pretty old too. yes, you are right but they are still true and valid! your ignorance does not change truth and it does not change history. trump seems to be the same kind of megalomaniac inside the same bubble bunker of defeat and disbelief. and you are one of his hidden fanboys. difficult to understand but it is obvious. you tell me that i am not precise with my arguments while you play down permant lies and cheats of a leader who lives in a bubble bunker ? you really dare to compare trump with presidents like obama or bush ? this seems to me a plain offence if you really try to tell that they are all the same. probably for you hitler too ? but this time his mix of spreading lies, false information and discrediting democratic institutions does not work as it worked so often before. even trustworthy reps do not support this soap opera. there is no more legal opportunity or backdoor with lies and cheats to steal biden the victory. and whoever believes the twaddle of this current white house propaganda machine (calling itself white house press) has my full condolence. the sad thing that this will leave a severe damage (even just founded on lies) on your democracy. apart from that to all people, including trump fanboys and trump relativizers and excusers, have a nice day and be thankful for your working and still intact democracy! Your opinion. That's it. And a very biased one at that. Propaganda is the lifeblood of politicians. In case you haven't been paying attention, Trump isn't doing anything that numerous presidents before him have done. Remember Bush 1, and "WMD's In Iraq"??? Bush flat out LIED to the country for YEARS, and he got something to to tune of 5000 american soldiers killed in a war that didn't need to happen. He got re-elected...... Trump hasn't gotten us into ANY wars. In fact, he is attempting to get us OUT of a couple of 'em, even though the military/industrial complex wants us to stay, as it makes them HUGE piles of money. Instead, we seem to be in line to get a 'progressive' in office. A man that plans to trash our economy with his 'green new deal', wants to take money from one group of people, and give it to another group, for something that happened more than 100 years ago. No one living today participated in those events, on either side of the issue. Yet Biden wants US to PAY for it. Biden wants to open our borders to countries that are hostile to us as well. How is that in any way a "Good Idea"????? But, do I hear you saying ANYTHING about those issues? Or the fact that he is 78 years old, and his mind is going? Nope. Not a peep.
  9. See, there you go again. Making blanket statements, that simply aren't accurate. Yes, Trump has difficulty operating within the confines of the truth, which makes him no different than any other politician. He is just more obvious about it. He HAS, however, proven to be a capable leader. The fact that you simply do not agree with some of his decisions, in no way makes them "Bad". It is impossible to please everyone, and quite frankly, I don't think ANY decision Trump made would meet with your approval. Would I have preferred a less controversial candidate? You bet. However, that choice wasn't left up to me, so, I made my choice given the options available. The Hitler comparisons are getting pretty old too.
  10. in what world are you living ? it is just sad to see that! how can so many american (a minority but a big one) people trample their democracy all over blindly following a narcissist. seems to me there are many hidden supremists/trumpists trying to revive the era of civil war... . trump is not just a fairy tail twaddler he is challenging the oldest democracy in a dangerous manner! how can anyone take him still serious ? no court, even no rep dominated court or state takes the trump vote abuse tails serious. no evidence at all. just lies over four years and especially the last month, spreaded by a trumpist media apparatus. wake up! this is not the truth, it is a fairy tail of supremists and trumpists! even many reps all over america can not believe what tails trump and his administration are spreading! is this 4 years old bubble of true lies and trumpist media full of lies really your only serious source of information ? is it so easy to brainwash so many american people with some stupid trumist/supremist media ? this election was already influenced by trump far beyond a limit any president tried to reach ever before - in a unique and negative noteworthy manner but not enough! what currently happens is that a president declares that his own nation, leaded by him with full responsibility - including many rep states - is a banana republic! this is all beyond any logic because who would be to blame for that if not trump himself ? so you will tell me you still believe all that trump election fraud fairy tail bulls**t ? and you can confirm that you are really not somehow brainwashed or smoking drugs? i hope that you and trump do not forget that a clear majority of americans voted for biden and harris! and they did it for an obvious reason - to cut off all these obvious four years lasting lies and this lack of responsibilty and empathy! You still going on about this? You DO recall that Hilary also won the popular vote, yet still lost the election. Electoral college doesn't meet until December 14, so, until they actually come out with a decision, everything is still up in the air. Folks still vote for trump because they DON'T want the Dem policies implemented. Why is that so hard for you to accept? Trumps 'moral character' doesn't even enter in to the equation. Most of us simply do NOT want open borders, the green new deal, reparations for slavery, compromising our 1st and 2nd amendment rights, etc. In order to prevent that from happening, gotta vote republican.
  11. May wanna ask this in the Vortex support forums....... Are you using the same version of Scrap Everything that you used to create the patch?
  12. What concept? All I see are installation instructions.... and that you require some CC content, and FOSE..... Says very little about what it actually would have done. That said, are you familiar with tools like wabbajack? Or automatron? They can use a set of pre-written instructions to install a list of mods...... For premium members here, it will even automagically download them. Non-premium members would have to download them manually. Of course, creation club doesn't support that functionality, as ya gotta pay for those...... so, those would have to be acquired in the usual fashion. (thru the in-game mods menu? or whatever?? I don't think there is any other legal way to get them.....)
  13. Thanks. And there is no issue that I need to know the wattage of the graphics card, I just simply wanted to know, which I do now. Your right though on battery playing games it wouldn't last 2 hours but on standard usage it actually lasts just over 4 hours. Yeah, runnin' games tends to be a 'high power demand' exercise. Two hours is actually pretty good. :D
  14. Need to run the launcher once for the game to detect hardware, and create the inis and such. (though, I *think* it should do that anyway, if the game exe doesn't find the files it's looking for.....) Might try uninstalling the game using Revo Uninstaller portable. It will also make sure registry settings, and leftover files get nuked.
  15. Yeah, I think you would run into legal issues with the file formats, not to mention Havoc...... Beth doesn't own Havoc, they buy a license to make use of it. That said, there is an ongoing project to re-write the Morrowind engine...... that's been going on for a while now.
  16. I *think* SKSE has some memory fixes built in, but, they may have to be enabled? Something to look into.... ENB also does some stuff with memory, and there is an ini setting you need to change to enable it. Don't think running both fixes would be a good idea though..... :D
  17. Not seeing anything obvious.... There is a "Reset UI" under tools though. Might give that a shot.
  18. From what I am reading, the fix is to remove the unofficial patches....... Even though it fixes a couple other bugs with her....... I find it odd that the "fix" is to remove some other fix...... Worth a shot I suppose. Maybe leave the UOP off till you get the quest, then re-enable it? No idea if that will work or not.
  19. Extract the "Data" folder to your Fallout 4 folder, if it mumbles something about "folder already exists", just tell it to overwrite. What's the issue that you need to know the wattage of your vid card? Not like you can do much about it.... it's a laptop. The a/c adapter that came with it should be adequate to the task..... Though, I bet running on battery, it doesn't last long. :D
  20. Clean everything out, again..... install JUST the game, and DLCs, see if the game will launch.
  21. I remember the mod, but, not the author, or the name..... Have you checked over at Morrowind Modding History??
  22. Which thread are you trying to reply to?
  23. Your last post containing the link can be set as the best answer. I think a moderator has to do it. Ah, well, that leaves me out. :)
  24. I spend a lot of time just exploring. Most locations that are quest related, that will be screwed up if you visit them before you actually have the quest, will prevent you from going into it at all, or, the 'important' area will be blocked off. I have yet to find a location that got screwed up before I had the quest to be there. If I clear an area that I am later sent back to via quest, more often than not, the area is repopulated, even if I was just there a couple days ago..... So, Explore to your hearts content, and ENJOY it. :) Keep in mind, it is really possible to walk into an area that will whack you dead in short order, if you are low level. :D
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