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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. I don't watch fox news. The republicans borrow and spend, the democrats tax and spend. Neither has any clue what a 'balance budget' looks like. Obama drove us further into debt than EVERY president before him, combined. I am aware that the only thing that actually 'trickles down', is NOT money. :) Yep, obstructionism is the policy of the day in washington. That started a couple decades back, and REALLY took off when Obama was elected. Not that trump is in office, that policy has continued, it's just changed sides. It seems it is more important to make sure the 'other guys' can't do anything good, than it is to make sure this country can continue. It isn't JUST a republican thing, it is BOTH parties. As for the progressives, I am referring to their social agenda. Please note it is their policies that have made our public schools the laughingstock of the world. The whole "everyone wins, everyone gets a trophy", and "no one is responsible for their own actions" thing, have made sure that the inmates are in charge of the asylum. NEITHER party is doing what's best for America. Both parties are doing what is best for THEM. I.E. what puts the most money in their pocket, RIGHT NOW. They ALL need to be chased out of D.C., and replaced. But, that isn't going to happen. So, we all get to sit back and watch as our government drives our country into the ground. Republicans aren't the only ones that see themselves as 'above the law' either. But, I am going to bet money that whomever I bring up here, you will give me some song and dance about how 'others have done it too', and 'the fbi said she didn't commit a crime', etc. So, I simply won't bother. Keep in mind, I am NOT a republican. I voted for Obama, twice. It's just since 2016 and beyond, the dems are running on platforms with positions I simply cannot support, so, I vote for the folks whom I disagree with the least. Does that mean I support EVERYTHING they do? Most certainly not. They are simply the lesser of two evils.
  2. I enjoy holding hands. :) I'll revisit this when I get back from work.
  3. But that doesn't explain how Necropolis would die if you took their water purification chip in FO1. Necropolis follows the correct, general logic of the ghouls. The kid in the fridge follows Todd's fever-induced dream logic. It just WORKS! :D
  4. Can you track down exactly which response causes it, and then check and see what is supposed to happen when you choose that response? I suspect there are some circular conditions, or some such, that result from choosing that option.
  5. I've never experienced it..... Do you use any 'full dialog' mods? Could open your mods in xedit, and see what all mods touch those particular lines. I wonder, could you open the console, type in: enableplayercontrols And see if that helps?
  6. Ah, but, this is fallout, and operates under the rules of SCIENCE!...... So, the actually mechanics of the whole process, we know nothing about. We, in the real world, don't have this technology yet. We are not even close.... so, trying to base assumptions on 'reality', when the reality doesn't exist, really doesn't work for me. :) I agree though, that most anyone else coming from the vault, wouldn't last five minutes..... The player though, goes first to Sanctuary, and is kinda/sorta/almost warned by Codsworth that the folks in Concord aren't exactly 'nice' people..... and the gunfire you hear as you approach should be a dead giveaway as well. :D And yep, if you can see the bomb go off, and you WATCH it go off, you are pretty much dead. Your eyes will be melted right out of your head, and the radiation exposure has a pretty high likelihood of killing you, shortly before the overpressure from the blast wave does. And then the fireball following shorty behind...... Essentially, the platform should have brought down a bunch of smoking corpses..... if that much.
  7. What about the railroad then? In their effort to 'save' synths, the essentially kill one, create another, and save that one.
  8. I remember Defender. :) I held the all time high score at our local arcade. :) Of course, being good friends with the guy that ran the show there, and gave me free tokens sure didn't hurt. :D
  9. There's a YouTube video about it, and a link to the authors discord, but, I don't know if it's the actual author of the mod, or just the videos author.... Can't find anything under that name here on nexus... Video was uploaded January of 19..... so, no idea what happened to them.
  10. If there aren't any fusion cores available, will settlers still use power armor? (I HAVE seen some folks in PA without a FC....... but, they weren't settlers....) I leave a suit of T-45 at sanctuary.... Basically, I park it there after using it to rescue preston and company. Fix it, and leave it. I keep the FC though. I don't think anyone has ever ran off with it. (but, I use a mod that pretty much assures I don't get ANY settlement attacks......) Still and all, there are various critters even around sanctuary that the settlers occasionally go after. I generally build my own base to operate out of, and the first floor is dedicated to crafting stations, workbenches, and power armor. :) I think the most I have collected is around 30 suits.... not all complete. Lately though, I have been holding out until level 28 or so, when X-01 starts becoming the predominate find. :D
  11. I don't recall seeing any aging affects on the synths.... Dima is centuries old, as apparently, is Valentine..... Shaun is the ONLY non-adult synth I have ever seen. Not that there would be any benefit in making 'child' synths...... What purpose would there be for a perpetual child?
  12. And what's even worse is, there are folks out there that are trying to tell us that some of those absurd things should be accepted as 'normal', and embraced. Obesity being right there at the top of the list..... Yep, society is being dragged down a step at a time, at an ever increasing pace.
  13. Take a look at the number of requests in this forum, then check and see how many of them have been fulfilled...... It's a very tiny percentage...... For the most part, if you REALLY want something, learning how to do it yourself is the only SURE way to get it..... One of the things that prompted me to get into modding back in the Morrowind days...... (back when it was still fun, and Beth wasn't releasing updates every month that broke everything I did.)
  14. Something goofed there. :) Wonder if they had some multipliers with the decimal point in the wrong spot. :D
  15. Well, considering synth-shaun is a synth...... and there is a "real" shaun, that has already grown up, grown old, and is soon to die. (or, has already) There is zero point in preserving synth-shaun. As you point out, he isn't EVER going to grow up. I wonder if that includes his mind never maturing....... (which would also be another point AGAINST synths being 'people'......) If that's the case, having the 'forever boy' around would become problematic in relatively short order. And yes, I would expect him to go insane within a couple decades.
  16. Power Armor doesn't override your special stats, but, it seems to assume you are naked while in it. So, any buffs you have from whatever you are wearing, goes away. Including things that you normally WOULD be wearing in your power armor. (like, your clothes......) ( I am not sure if it overrides perks that increase your carry weight, I haven't experimented that far.) I was able to sneak in power armor...... Sneak perked out, (except the last one) and a high agility, and you can actually sneak in broad daylight... A feat I find HIGHLY unlikely. Given its size, bulk, and the noise you make even when you are just walking..... Seems to me you should be able to sneak up on a blind and deaf man...... As for Fusion cores..... In buildings, they are plugged into fusion generators..... so, is the core running the building, or is it being charged from the generator. Even Preston refers to them as a 'battery', implying that they don't last forever. But, when you pull them out, lights flicker, but, stay on...... So, is it a mini-fusion generator? Or is it simply a complicated battery? I don't generally use power armor either. I do for the encounter at the Museum of freedom, as that's about the only way you can beat a deathclaw at that low level....... but, aside from that, I would rather wear my armor and clothes. I can actually carry MORE when NOT in power armor. (which seems counter-intuitive as well......)
  17. The actors described in this thread (Gunners in the Plaza) are hand placed actors, not scripted spawns which behave differently. Hand placed non unique actors are actually triggers that automatically populate a new actor ObjectReference in the running world from an ActorBase form when that cell activates within the active uGridsToLoad around the player. In the creation kit world preview they are large letter "M"s. That created ObjectReference is persistent until it dies, and any quest aliases/scripts release it, and iHoursToClearCorpses (or associated) timer(s) elapse. Then the game engine will disable and delete the corpse. If there is no ObjectReference (live or dead) associated with a hand placed actor trigger it will populate a new ObjectReference in the running world from an ActorBase form if the local cell/encounter zone is not flagged "No Respawn" and iHoursToRespawnCell/Cleared time passes and the cell is activated by player proximity. There is ZERO way for the attributes of an actor ObjectReference to infect a static ActorBase form to affect the new generated actor. For scripted spawns like Random Encounters all bets are off as respawning on state/time is totally flexible and the script can copy attributes from a dead actor to apply on a new spawn. Although there are a total of ZERO base game scripts that do this. So why do we end up with paralyzed respawns, etc.?
  18. Wonder if Revo Uninstaller would pick up on all the leftover files.......
  19. Need permission from Eli to do that.
  20. I was thinking that will come with next economic crises...whatever form that takes. Highly likely. It's all a house of cards, and all it takes is one stiff breeze, and it will all come tumbling down.
  21. Just out of idle curiosity.... (I seem to have a lot of that....) Did that update also trash the cc content with the (now) wrong version? Did beth just cut their own throats?
  22. Probably a corrupted save..... It happens.....
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