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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Yeah, but, it was my understanding that the 'standard' installation, only plays with it in settlement areas? The two places I have found it were in downtown boston.... couple raider hideouts. Can't remember the names off-hand.
  2. I am not Todd. :D Nor do I play him on TV. I haven't looked at Leveled Lists in FO4.... no real reason to. I have browsed thru them quickly, just to see that there are a bunch of 'em..... I would expect that you could set "Chance None" in the list to some tiny number, and dramatically reduce the number of weapons in the world, but, I don't think there are separate lists for guns, ammo, armor, etc...... So you would basically have to re-write how loot was distributed. Less Loot and Ammo obviously has a good start on that, but, would have to look at it, to see how they went about it. Trouble is, I just don't know enough to make any sense out of it. :D
  3. I use brighter settlement lights, and scrap everything, but, none of the others..... So far as I know, I don't have anything that affects previs/precombines, aside from Scrap Everything. I think if I wander into one of those places again, I am check and see if I can determine where its coming from..... So far, I have only found them in two places......
  4. I have the opposite problem.... terrain showing up inside buildings. :D I have no clue where that is coming from. :)
  5. Lends a whole new aspect to the thought of "Deforestation"..... :D I would LOVE to see a video of that. :D
  6. Good points and bad points I suppose. A continuous beam would eat up power relatively quickly, and given that in the FO universe, the 'bolts' are actually visible...... It gives EVERYONE a precise location of where you are. So all those guys with slug-throwers, are gonna have a field day. :D On the other hand, the continuous beam would burn thru armor much more effectively, not to mention potentially setting you on fire. :D
  7. Gonna have to modify leveled lists...... and there are a LOT of them...... I haven't seen any mods that make firearms rarer..... but, there are a boatload that add new weapons....... A fairly extensive search found..... nothing at all. You CAN'T be the only person that wants this.......
  8. Ooooo, I can't wait. :D Maybe do a separate mod for the military stuff?
  9. Good reason to keep a shotgun handy. :D
  10. How about the roll-up doors at almost every red rocket? Is it possible that the dlc simply added the door as a buildable item?
  11. Yeah, one of these would make a great player 'mobile' home. :D
  12. Ooooo, and that brings up another point. Explosive rounds would make SHORT work of the typical tree.
  13. Interesting theory. And most certainly within the capabilities of the Institute..... (and makes me feel better about shooting the little buggers when I see them as well, its fun to watch them blow up in a spray of blood.) I never noticed them around the vault entrance.... Now I am going to have to start looking for them when I come out.....
  14. Then you get into the whole thing about ammo. Considering that manufacture on any scale would be difficult, at best... in a post-apocalyptic environment, ammo itself should be incredibly rare, if it would even exist at all. Sure, you could reload ammo, but, doing that for 200 plus years???? Not gonna happen. :)
  15. Have a watch here, and see if it sheds any light on the topic. I had this problem with skyrim, and there was some pre-cache killer mod that fixed it. Can't seem to find anything similar for FO4.
  16. Yep, that looks better. :) Just out of idle curiosity, any idea why half the load bed is unusable? It looks like there is a dividing curtain at the mid point.
  17. According to theory, .esl files don't count toward the 255 limit...... now, there IS a limit to the number of .esl files you can run, but, that isn't a hard-coded number..... I am not sure if the game will warn you when you exceed the limit, or if some stuff simply won't load, of if the game will simply crash at startup.....
  18. We need destructible trees. :) I have fond memories of walking thru the woods, cutting down trees with my M60........ Seems to me, energy weapons should be REALLY good at that kind of thing. Its not just the impact of the bolt itself, it would also be the explosive result when the moisture in the tree is instantly flash-boiled. :D
  19. Star Wars 'lasers' aren't really lasers though, they are 'blasters'....... directed energy to be sure, but, I think different principle than lasers.
  20. Well, yours is getting a bit long in the tooth. :D At this point, I would do the vid card first, and then worry about the processor later, as that will be significantly more of an investment. (as you likely need a new motherboard, and ram as well. the new vid card will transfer over without issue.)
  21. Is it just me, or do the textures on the tires/wheels look a little 'soft'????? The rest of it looks great. :) Are you going to have a pre-war version?
  22. How old is your vid card? I generally only see things like that when video ram is failing......
  23. The 1660ti is no slouch, but, if you can afford a meaner card, go for it. It's more along the lines of 'future proofing'. Win 10 is perfectly happy with 4 gb RAM, 8 might give you a bit of a performance boost, I personally run 16, and it seems to work out rather well. I haven't had any crashes related to a lack of RAM. I run FO4, with the high res texture pack, without issue, and I only have a GTX 1060 with 6gb of VRAM. 32 may be overkill, but, I don't think there is really any such thing as "too much ram".... :D
  24. New video card. :) Yep. Nvidia 1070 or better please. (or equivalent.) When it comes to VRAM, some is good, more is better, and too much might be enough. :) Processor is getting a bit long in the tooth as well, and more video card than that will leave the processor as the bottleneck. Good news is, you can spend as much as you want on the vid card, and when you upgrade the rest of the machine, the vid card can be brought along. I just retired my AMD 965 Black system back in October. No choice in the matter, it died..... Running an i7 9700KF now, and holy smokes, what a performance difference...... (of course, it was a 1000 dollar upgrade....... ouch.)
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