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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Yeah, I saw that. I have the funny little icon down by my clock even as I type, telling me I need to reboot to install some updates. :D
  2. I think it is just one setting in your fallout4.ini...... I know I changed it, whatever it was, for the texture flicker, but, the fix was far worse than the problem... so I changed it back. I wish I could remember what it was.....
  3. I loved the Pancor Jackhammer. The 'room broom'....... :D Essentially, a lead hose. That was my favorite weapon in earlier games. The the 88mm man portable tank gun........ Never mind that the recoil from that would blow you backwards through a couple walls, even in power armor. :D And the recoil spoils all the fun, you don't get to see your target blown into atoms. :D
  4. It's energy, which is a type of mass, but it has no weight. so it cannot push, but it can be pushed. It's a 'wavicle'...... :) It most certainly can push. That has been demonstrated quite some time ago. It's also the whole idea behind solar sails, or using a laser to push something thru space.
  5. When we objectively understand how evil is not a real thing we become exempt from instigation... this is why some people felt the need to kill Jesus.  Evil appears to be pretty real to me......Insanity is real, but no one chooses to be crazy. Perhaps the insane people choose to be evil? :D
  6. Ive seen that too. I tried a fix for the flickering textures, something having to do with pre-vis, or some such...... and it caused exactly that problem. I would get the loading feller at EVERY cell border...... Changed that back right quick, and loaded a save from before I changed it. Can't recall exactly what is was that I changed though......
  7. Do photons have mass? If light has no mass, why does a solar sail work?
  8. When I was playing last night, I was over by West Everett estates, where there are a LARGE number of Super Mutants. I cleared the area, and was wandering around, picking up all the good stuff, when another patrol appeared. (thanks PANPC...) I was using a Magpul Masada, in 6.8spc..... a highly effective weapon.... (and full auto, of course.) I saw the first couple SM's coming around a corner, so took a bead, and shot the first one right in the face. Imagine my surprise when he went flying thru the air, flipping end over end, for probably around 100 yards...... (yep, he was difficult to find, and loot) As the firefight progressed, yet another patrol showed up...... (so, roughly 8 or 9 SMs total.) Fired a burst into the chest of one that had gotten rather close, and watched him FLY back, at HIGH velocity, and slam into a concrete retaining wall. Which killed him.... That was just weird. :) Think I need to find the realistic ragdoll force mod for FO4. :D
  9. HeyYou


    Ya and while your at it , you might as well point out that water is wet ... hehe . But am curious what would constitute a society that did not build anything ? Is it a culture that does not exploit or at least very little ? Because the inverse is what I would constitute as not building anything . Which is where I think American society is at , always in Exploit mode. I've changed my mind on America splitting into 2 federal entities being a good thing. At least while I would have to live through the change ... since it would take 10-20ish years of turmoil before we would get a working government for the people out of it. (being the whole reason to do it) So meh ... let the non voting generation deal with it when they decide just looking at their iphones isn't working anymore. And technology is more what I was talking about ... since there are so many life skills that are getting phased out by it . Plus introducing so many new ways of exploit. (not in a good way) At a guess, I would say that the native americans were not exploitative, and most of them didn't really build anything permanent... (there are exceptions....) That would likely to apply to pretty much any nomadic people as well. And their lifestyle didn't change for thousands of years, and even then, it was because of an outside influence. (spanish introducing horses, europeans taking over the land.....) I'm not a great fan of technological advances as much as I am social progression. Just look at what we do with the tech we have now. We have the internet and look at how many who each day segregate ourselves into our own respective little forums to talk with people who agree with us about those we collectively hate. How much actual thought is needed to regurgitate old prejudices? Are we actually progressing or are we regressing, seeing how many times in the past few years that physical violence has erupted.? How many times have we heard the statement that someone had pissed someone else off when in reality those making these statements let themselves become pissed off. The fact is that no one can make any of us angrey. We let ourselves become angry because of our own assumptions. Admiral Rickover used to interview each candidate for submarine school. One of his tests was "You have 3 seconds to piss me off." This brought about a wide variety of behaviors.... the most effective of which was the guy that immediately grabbed the model submarine on the admirals desk, and promptly smashed it. Needless to say, the admiral was pissed. :D (and the guy got into submarine school.......) So yeah, it is most certainly possible for others actions/words to piss someone off. To deny that, is to deny reality. Humans are emotional animals. There is no getting around that.
  10. HeyYou


    Ya and while your at it , you might as well point out that water is wet ... hehe . But am curious what would constitute a society that did not build anything ? Is it a culture that does not exploit or at least very little ? Because the inverse is what I would constitute as not building anything . Which is where I think American society is at , always in Exploit mode. I've changed my mind on America splitting into 2 federal entities being a good thing. At least while I would have to live through the change ... since it would take 10-20ish years of turmoil before we would get a working government for the people out of it. (being the whole reason to do it) So meh ... let the non voting generation deal with it when they decide just looking at their iphones isn't working anymore. And technology is more what I was talking about ... since there are so many life skills that are getting phased out by it . Plus introducing so many new ways of exploit. (not in a good way) At a guess, I would say that the native americans were not exploitative, and most of them didn't really build anything permanent... (there are exceptions....) That would likely to apply to pretty much any nomadic people as well. And their lifestyle didn't change for thousands of years, and even then, it was because of an outside influence. (spanish introducing horses, europeans taking over the land.....)
  11. When we objectively understand how evil is not a real thing we become exempt from instigation... this is why some people felt the need to kill Jesus. Evil appears to be pretty real to me......
  12. Using quicksaves/autosaves. (beth has been notorious for these getting easily corrupted since morrowind. One of the reasons they came up with the "rotating autosaves" system you find in FO4.) Overwriting existing saves is another no-no. Technically, it should work fine, in reality, it also leads to save corruption. I only make NEW saves. I don't use quicksaves at all, and I try and avoid having to use autosaves. (like, when I die and haven't made a hard save for a while.....) I will occasionally clean out my saves folder as well, and leave the last three or so saves, (and the fose companion files) as the game doesn't like large numbers of files there either...... I can't remember the last time I had a problem with a save file getting corrupted.
  13. I think you would absolutely LOVE Pack Attack, NPC edition. :D Better combat ai, and more enemies. (and it is VERY easy to go WAY overboard on the enemies.)
  14. HeyYou


    I would point out that EVERY society is living off of what their ancestors built. Assuming that their ancestors built anything at all......
  15. That would be cool. But, I haven't seen anyone do anything even remotely resembling that. Lots of reskins, but, nothing really changing the mesh itself at all.
  16. Did windows do an update? Check Task Scheduler, and see if there is something scheduled to run every 30 minutes. Could also roll back your vid drivers a version or two. Latest and greatest isn't always bestest.
  17. I didn't think it was possible to edit save files?
  18. The Tri Barrel look neat but it makes the minigun much weaker. Both Minigun and Gatling Laser have a default rate of fire of 272, but the minigun can be upgraded to 313 at the cost of range and accuracy. The thing that the Gatling Laser has over the minigun is base damage, range and accuracy. If you really want to hit something hard and fast then the GL is the way to go. But if you have the explosive mod, then the minigun can make better use of it. Don't think I've ever found a GL with explosive upgrade though, so I'm not sure laser weapons can get that upgrade unless you cheat it in through a mod. GL with Furious beats minigun with Furious or Explosive, but it's not an effect you will find on that weapon. You'll have to add it yourself through a mod here on the site. So in the end the minigun is more powerful when you do get an explosive upgrade, especially with the default barrel (damage at 114 per shot and 3128 dps) or the accelerated barrel (117 damage per shot and 3692 dps). That's through all perks that give a damage boost. Plasma infused Gatling Laser sits at 102 damage per shot and 2799 dps. But the numbers lie because of the damage types. explosive damage type is not blocked by armor and most of the miniguns damage is from the explosive as that one is doubled twice and then gets boosts from other sources as well. This is why it shreds everything in seconds. Fully perked out heavy weapons, and explosives, and the explosive minigun is pretty much a broom. Sweep it once, and everything on the receiving end is dead. :D I use legendary modification, so I can put legendary effects on my personal weapons. I am a big fan of Deadeye on my sniper rifle. Makes sighting in on moving targets easy. (and is awesome with a semi-auto sniper rifle.)
  19. The clean version shouldn't cause bugs, it should relieve them..... If nothing else, I think if you 'verify game cache', I suspect steam will replace your 'cleaned' files......
  20. Wow. I haven't experienced that yet, but, that most certainly sounds like a 'feature' that should have been left out of the game........
  21. Yeah, do NOT defrag your solid state drives. You will destroy them. (and it won't work anyway......) FOSE does not crash your game, or cause any other trouble. I have used the script extenders since morrowind. (and I used TWO in morrowind) and have not had issues with corrupted saves, crash happy games, or the like. Poorly written mods, or bad save habits, however, CAN and WILL cause you trouble.
  22. Yeah, I don't do much with the heavy weapons in FO. Well, except for my targeting missile launcher in the never ending campaign against BoS vertibirds....... :devil: Sure, the gatling gun doesn't deal a whole lot of damage per shot, but, what it lacks in quality, it makes up for in quantity. :D Add the exploding legendary to it, and that is one serious weapon...... Perk out your Heavy weapons, and it's downright scary. You don't even have to HIT your target, just be reasonably close, and splash damage will get 'em. Trouble is, it is NOT a weapon for those enemies that mange to get up close and personal....... You will kill yourself before you off your enemy. Splash damage doesn't play favorites. :D
  23. That's a missing master crash. One of the mods you are trying to run needs some other mod, in order to work. The 'other' mod isn't installed, so, the game chokes and dies. :) Did you use a mod manager to install your mods? Or did you install them manually?
  24. MS isn't going to take down the existing updates for 7, those will remain for the foreseeable future, you just aren't going to get any new ones. I can still get updates for windows XP via windows update........ (you have to let it automatically check for updates, as I don't think the web-based interface works very well any more.) Yes, I still have customers that are running windows XP...... Been a while since I have seen a Win 98 box...... at least, one that wasn't going to be scrapped..... Think it was early last year. :D And I thought I was resistant to change.......
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