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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Unless the AI was running on a local machine, not sure how well game integration would work. thousands, if not tens of thousands of folks playing the game at the same time, would introduce a pretty significant load on whatever was running the AI. Trying to run it on a local machine? That's gonna need some pretty significant horsepower.... and then the game as well? I don't see that happening soon..... The economy. Yep. Dynamic Economy would be very cool. Bring in huge amounts of some resource or other to a single location, and watch the local price tank. :D Space construction. I could see requiring a dedicated ship for this purpose... the first one, you would have to buy..... then build your own orbital shipyard, to build more... (NOT inexpensive.....) Could have as many as you could afford though. :)
  2. I would expect that would require you game to be always online for it to work......
  3. There IS a limit on the number of 'light' mods you can run.... and it varies dramatically, depending on just which mods you are running. The light fellers use leftover ID's from Fallout4.esm, and you can run out. Try disabling 10 or 20 at a time, see if you can get out of the Inn.
  4. How many mods are you running? For premium members, it's one click, yep. For standard members, you get the popups like Stardew Valley.
  5. Might be getting changed via script.... in which case, finding it is gonna be fun....
  6. In Fallout 4 I can scrap a nuclear reactor And walk around with the stuff from it in your pocket. :)
  7. Running any body mods? Seems it didn't get installed completely.
  8. I know Nexus and Vortex has issues and Vortex needs to be restarted at times, but with every collection I have used I have had to restart Vortex to fix the issue only to have the install break the download or the download break the install. Design flaw of doing both at once, starting to wonder if paying premium is even worth it outside of uncapped downloads which is still capped by the way. As single downloading the files for a collection then after their all downloaded the collections do just fine. I wonder why, if it's my internet or my pc setup. A setting on Vortex/Nexus would help resolve this issue for those paying premium allowing us to change it from doing both to doing downloads then once the downloads are done. Then we should install, makes it a lot more stable and convenient. This actually seems like a reasonable idea.....
  9. Yeah, vanilla bug. It can be solved by adjusting the LOD settings in your ini file. But, I can't find where I found the fix for it any more.....
  10. Hopefully the vanilla bodies will not need it. Yeah, yeah, I know, I'm dreaming :laugh: It will happen and be even more rewarding than in Skyrim/FO4 :tongue: Schlongs in space?
  11. Technically, but a bribe is only a bribe if you say its a bribe. Lobbyists from oil companies for example, just call it a 'donation', and they promise to keep giving 'donations' as long as the politician in question keeps voting against any environmental activity that's detrimental to oil companies. Yes, American politicians all know climate change is real, they just don't give a s#*! because none of them will live long enough to see the ramifications of it, and they're getting paid a pretty penny to stop anyone doing anything about it. Many of them openly admit this too, though solely to stop people calling them idiots for not acknowledging climate change. So yes, corruption is legal in America, again as long as you don't say the word 'bribe'. Yeah, fun times. There's more than that too, though they don't always result in direct money. Let's just say slavery never actually ended in the US, it transformed and is still alive and well today. And I'm not talking about workers or legitimate employees here. I would be more specific, but doing so may seriously make me a target. Lobbyists are simply legalized influence peddling. They should be illegal. Of course, the Citizens United decision basically threw the american public under the bus. Corporations being able to donate however much money they wanted, because it was considered 'free speech' spelled the end of government working 'for the people'. Today, we have the best government money can buy, and that isn't going to change. The fact that legislators go into office being maybe upper middle class, but, very shortly thereafter graduate to 'wealthy', ensures that the system will never change. The only people that CAN change it, are the very same people that benefit most from NOT changing it. So, short of a second revolution, this is the way things are going to be. So, in the end, the politicians will continue to play the same games, and the country will slide further and further down that slope, until the house of cards finally collapses. Welcome to the hand basket, we hope you enjoy the ride.
  12. Erm, correct me if I am wrong, but, isn't corruption ALREADY illegal??? And yeah, the field of potential candidates is going to end up being the choice of the lesser of several evils. Unfortunately, they are ALL evil in one fashion or another. I am all for having a "none of the above" on the ballot, and if NotA wins, we dump the current crop of candidates, and start over with a new crop. Of course, that will never happen. So, basically, we are left with a choice of which way we want to see our country destroyed.... And the politicians wonder why voter turnout is so abysmal.
  13. ... Honestly, if Trump does get elected again (which lets be real could happen given Biden's incompetence, and honestly the republicans would probably try to put him in power anyway even if he did lose, I mean they did try to last time), I'm going to disconnect from the internet and never go online again, FOR MY OWN SAFETY. wow, what a statement! it seems to me the topic was more your personal statement and not a question at all. vote for trump and ignore whatever - for your own safety and all u.s. citizens! it is ok to discuss biden. it is dangerous to even allow trump as a candidate. If the republicans run Trump, they will be handing the election to the democratic candidate, regardless of who he/she is. Hilary could win against Trump the second time around..... I am hoping the republicans figure this out, and run ANYONE else..... not that I am very hopeful..... The republican party is developing a rather bad habit of doing truly stupid stuff....
  14. You need to chat with the original author about that kind of thing. No one can take his work, shuffle it around, and then release it. That's a violation of copyright, hence, site rules, and can get you banned. So, either the original author needs to make the changes, or, give his permission to someone else to do so. Either way, the original author is where you need to start. No permissions, no mod.
  15. I do agree there will be a lot of mods. Although, Skyrim (SE/AE) has a ton of mods made during its 12 yr history. Not just on Nexus; I have to use multiple sites for my mod load. All those empty planets will attract modders like bees to honey. I'll probably be pretty selective because it is space and I want it similar to space; difficult to inhabit. The game comes with 10% of the 1,000 planets inhabited, which is dense compared to what the Hubble and James Webb telescopes have seen. Most of the telescope discovered exoplanets are hellscapes. It's a miracle we're even here on this livable planet; nothing within 1,000 light years has been discovered (yet). "How the Universe Works" is a favorite show of mine which I highly recommend to get in the mood to play Starfield. Given that the majority of those planets are procedurally generated though, I wonder how the nuts and bolts of a mod altered planet is going to work...... Will it be as simple as clicking a check box, making the planet persistent? Or will we simply be unable to re-landscape a random planet, and have the changes stick....
  16. I would love an 'add to favorites' menu to the build menu.... being able to put pieces I am using regularly into a separate menu, and maybe even with sub-menus... would be way cool. However, I am not entirely sure that is even possible..... :D
  17. My first guess would be you have exceeded the hard limit of 255 esm/esp files. That tends to produce exactly the behavior you are seeing.
  18. Previs and precombines are all over the Commonwealth, including settlements. Thankfully, it's not possible to break them in Workshop Mode. true ...as long as no mod or ini setting gets in conflict with this workshop protection... my advice: never allow any mod to turn off the previs protection by turning it off with an ini setting. mods advising this are "dirty mods" avoiding to deliver regenerated previs data. a second point: mods with generated previs may conflict with each other. so be aware of that if they alter the same area! sounds complicated ? it is! do not cripple your game with too many mods altering the same area! i did it once in the beginning years ago. but the crippled performance and stability issues playing the game gets annoying in long term. trust me! unintentionally altering any precombine is not worth the hassle inside a settlement or outside. you can add stuff without risk but if you move, alter or scrap any static object think always twice and check if this static object is not a part of a precombine and your precombine protection still works. @heyyou - seems this info is news for you regarding settlements as long as you crippled not all precombines in your settlements at once in your game :wink: Previs/Precombines are removed in SETTLEMENT areas ONLY, not via the ini edit that nukes them universally. I have zero performance or stability issues, and I can indeed scrap pretty much everything in the build zones. I have hundreds of hours on this particular setup, and the ONLY crash I have had was in Concorde.... after killing all the raiders there, and heading back to sanctuary with Preston and company.... I left the museum BEFORE they did..... so it seems they decided NEVER to leave.... and I would get a crash if I got too far from the Museum.... That was bizarre.
  19. Previs and precombines are all over the Commonwealth, including settlements. Thankfully, it's not possible to break them in Workshop Mode. Unless you have a mod that removes them. :)
  20. I think it would take a LOT longer than 2-3 years if only exploring on foot.... I would expect that most of the 'mapping' will be done from orbit..... at least, the major POI's.... A lot depends on just how much of the planet is 'mapped' as you approach the first time. I would expect it's going to be a background process, that happens as you fly your approach.... The level of detail though, that is open to question.
  21. Are you running another mod that makes them mortal? Stock, they should be 'unkillable'.
  22. You wanna post in the SkyrimSE technical help forum then. This forum is for Vortex support.
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