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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Does it crash when you select "New" from the main menu? Or do you not even get to the main menu?
  2. Or, windows is just being windows, and reporting that Vortex is running, when it simply doesn't exist. :) But yeah, that's generally a result of an improper uninstall. @OP: Does Vortex still show in installed apps? Might try typing appwiz.cpl in the taskbar search box, look for Vortex there, and have it try and uninstall.
  3. CCleaner *should* have found orphaned entries..... RegEdit is indeed dangerous, so, back it up before making any changes. Search for Vortex, and nuke anything you find. Once done, restart your system, and try and install Vortex.
  4. I get that message when I look at a mod page, even though I know I have, in fact, downloaded it. If I go to my download history, and find it, and follow that link, it gives the correct date for when I downloaded. (and it now remembers that I did....)
  5. Can you build pools in the workshop its been a while, or you just saying in general having a clean one , I think these are mainly assets for the open world unless I add some to the build menu but not sure how to do that. I have a mod that allows me to build pools. I *think* they are vanilla assets, but, couldn't swear to that... Is it this mod by chance? He just has water markers for that one https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/13316/ Yep, that would be the one. :D
  6. Can you build pools in the workshop its been a while, or you just saying in general having a clean one , I think these are mainly assets for the open world unless I add some to the build menu but not sure how to do that. I have a mod that allows me to build pools. I *think* they are vanilla assets, but, couldn't swear to that...
  7. Without scratches would be good too. There are a fair few mods out that add 'clean' or 'new looking' objects to the build menues. After all, we don't want the commonwealth all living in shacks put together by the Larry, Curly, and Moe construction company. :D
  8. Can we get a clean one as well? :D
  9. Restart your computer, and try again.
  10. I have no problem doing melee in First Person. I much prefer that perspective to 'looking over my shoulder'. I don't see it as 'outdated', its just personal preference.
  11. The whole idea behind collections was for someone ELSE to do the work of making sure mods play nice together. They are specifically targeted at folks that don't know how to mod, and/or don't have the time to learn. Are there some less than stellar collections out there? Yep. But, there are some less than stellar mods out there too. It's the whole 'caveat emptor' thing again. Read the comments of ANY mod/collection you are considering. Are there any glaring issues? You can bet they will be brought up in the comments. Comments closed? Don't use that mod/collection.
  12. Vortex should see them, but, will mark them as 'not managed'. Shouldn't cause any issues if you wanna install additional mods via Vortex.
  13. Try starting the game directly from the f4se_loader executable. (just double click on it. make sure steam is already running in the background though.) If that works, just make a shortcut to that file on your desktop.
  14. If it is your work, and not just an updated version of someone else's mod, you can upload anytime ya want. Or, if it IS someone elses work, you need their permission to re-upload the updated version.
  15. HeyYou

    why ?

    ... ... If you think Liberal Media can be trusted, you are deluding yourself. NONE of the major media outlets have much credibility any more. They ALL have their own bias, and report the 'news' accordingly. If you are only getting your news from one source, and not back-checking them, they you are just as uninformed as the seriously alt-right folks. your answer shows me that you concentrate on what you like to hear from me. i do not answer because you must prove your assumptions before i discuss them with you. what you claim simply sounds weird. i will not go into detail... i back check all my sources and i hope you do. read lisnpuppys posts and we may discuss them afterwords if you like. please do not confront me while failing to substantiate your wild claims. too often i went into this trap. not this time or any time in future. by the way you can't trust any source without back checking. if you think i'm not at least aware of that - any discussion between you and me makes no sense at all. so think first and post afterwords or just avoid me in any debate in future if you are not willing to substantiate your claims before getting an answer. my sources are in german language and the reason while i prefer to share some information or links in english is that it would not help anyone if i post my the content in german language. keep cool and get the content and do not fail to substantiate your claims founded on empty or weird assumptions so far. See, and that response right there tells me NOTHING I say will sway your opinion. You will still take liberal media as gospel. Back checking liberal media via other liberal media sources is pretty much pointless. If you don't believe that ALL media outlets tell their stories to suit there own bias, then you can continue to live your life with blinders on, and swallow the lies they wish to feed you. Good Luck with that.
  16. Have a look at the mods you added for this play through, and see if anything interesting happens at level 35. Problem being, it might be a script, leveled list, or anything else that uses player level to make a decision.
  17. HeyYou

    why ?

    ... ... We need to stop and call them for the lies they are telling. As I said Putin has been carrying this message for over 20 years now to Europe and the US. He has played the long game and now, even if he is showing his true colors some won't see it. They believe it is lies made up by the "liberal media" or whatever. Hands have been tied. Maybe they won't stay tied forever but will it be too late? I don't disagree with how it should be. That is not the reality of the situation. Sadly, republics and democracies do not last. They never have and likely never will. 300 years seems to be about the limit. Now, they come back but everything runs its course. If we want it to continue and to grow we have to fight for it. That doesn't always mean an army. (Sorry for my double post!!) it is somehow unbelievable for me but conspiracy has gotten incredibly worse and effective since 2016 in such a bad way in the u.s. and also in europe that "liberal media" as the only source that still can be trusted is treated like not reliable at all in the meantime thanks to trumps permanent lies and his way to communicate his "alternative" facts as the truth. in germany we have now "reichsbürger" which existed even before 2016 in smaller numbers. this sounds like a joke but it is not. it is a clear indication that conspiracy is a serious problem in the meantime. alternative facts are forced and supported by individuals like trump and the far right media to push and gain more power and they use their own misleading propaganda and social network for that - while the world is watching and government seems not prepared for such attacks (like it was not in in 1933). it is about the same way hitler prepared his ww2 plans and propaganda with the "Volksempfänger" and the world knows it worked for 12 years until billions of people were dead. this time this weird game of conspiracy and power will end apocalyptic if not stopped in an earlier stage by brave politicians i'm currently not aware of. treating the will of a whole independent nation (3x bigger than germany) like dirt and with ignorance cannot end peaceful - we all know that and putin knows that and he knows he has the key for peace in his hands - he and his regime and no one else! his conspiracy and propaganda plans work only in russia and will additionally impress only some weird east germans and "reichsbürger". the question is if he will act like hitler and will he play his criminal and deadly game in a foreign country to the bitter end ? europe and the u.s. could use the knowledge history offers us. but i'm not sure we will react in time in the shape we are. If you think Liberal Media can be trusted, you are deluding yourself. NONE of the major media outlets have much credibility any more. They ALL have their own bias, and report the 'news' accordingly. If you are only getting your news from one source, and not back-checking them, they you are just as uninformed as the seriously alt-right folks.
  18. Will the game start and run with just the base game and DLC's? Which mod are you installing that is causing you trouble? (link to mod please) How are you installing mods?
  19. Do you have outcasts and remnants v 1.2 (or higher) installed? By "won't start", what is the exact problem you are having?
  20. Is this going to be one of those "Great Mysteries" of life, that is never solved? :D Trouble is, there are just way too many possible causes.... main game ini file, ini files for various other mods, or even F4SE plugins, etc. Or maybe windows just being windows. :D
  21. And now they are trying to ban the bible from schools, because of all the sex in it. :D US society is absolutely hilarious.
  22. I know nothing about the game, or what format the assets use, so, no, I am no help at all.
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